Invention of Television, Utility and Ourself ।। Post By ~ GPA (Steemlog#12)

in #invention7 years ago (edited)

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Tele is a Prefix and vision is the base word. Tele means coming from very far and vision means scens. so the scene that comes from a great distance is called Television. The Credit of invention of Television goes to John Logic Baird (1888-1946). Television is a great miracle of modern science. We can see the happenings going on at far off places sitting in our homes.

With the Launching of insats a great revolution started. Now it become possible to cover a great part of the Country. In 1978-79 Colour Transmission started. During Asiad 1982 Television spread far and wide. Now-a-days about 90% of the population in World has been brought under the Range of TV relay Transmitters have been established throughout.

Television is a Homely means of entertainment and education. movies are shown on the TV Screen. we get Rich feast of Dances and Music too. the lovers of Sports can see the Test matches on their Television sets. people and Students can watch various Educational Programmes on it. farmers are given farm knowledge through it. TV serial have beccome very popular. Television also helps the traders. they advertise their goods through it.

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TV has given employment to many persons. Several TV shops have been opened. the mechanics and repairers also earn a lot. Several artists who did not get opportunity in the big Screen got the chance on the small Screen. In TV serials many Artists have got employment. The Technicians and many others also got employment opportunities.

Television has given us new ways of life. ladies sitting at home have come to know more about the world. Children get a wider experience of life through The Television. common people come to knowvarious Social, Economic and Political problems of the Country through it.

for western countries Television is not a new thing. they have been enjoying it for a long time. After the successful of satellites it become possible to send Television signals even across the occens. And now with the help of international satellites it is possible to show Television pictures in all the parts of the world together.

We read about the Properties of the above Television, there is some defect in TV too. Which I will tell in the Next Post. Follow me to learn more. here

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Enjoy Modern LCD, LED Televisoin

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