Grimhilde the Hag Scaring Kagome to Death
This scared Kagome meme was inspired by menslady125. Furthermore, this Halloween weekend is dedicated to defecating all over my least favorite anime heroine of all time, Kagome "the whiny, bratty, stupid manipulator" Higurashi.
All hail, Queen Grimhilde, one of the cruelest queens to have ever graced both the Grimm Fairy Tales and the Disney universe, especially where Snow White and the Seven Dwarves took place in. You guessed it. In Germany. Once our malevolent highness enters her alchemy studies and takes a magic potion to turn her into the peddler hag, one can guess that her true psychopathic, murderous, and psychotic side shines with phenomenally fantastic glee. Besides, it is that inner beast that has defined this Evil Queen and her psychosis that she has been repressing for many years until it came to the flesh.
Looks like Grimhilde the Hag has a new victim up her sleeve. This time it is none other than the poor excuse of an anime heroine Kagome Higurashi. If you all know the original story of Snow White by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm, the evil queen tried to kill Snow White three times from having a bodice that cut nearly cut her circulation to a poisoned comb to the infamous poisoned apple. Grimhilde the Hag would not mind doing all three of these murderous deeds towards Kagome. In fact, she would find more glee than ever before. After all, there's no kill like overkill, especially what Kagome rightfully deserves!
All right, let the murdering of Kagome begin, boils and ghouls! Grimhilde the Hag would give Kagome all the goodies her stupid desires from a bodice to shape her "ungainly figure", a comb to straighten up that "disheveled" hair of hers, and an a shiny red apple to "make her feel nice inside". In Grimhilde the Hag's words, her breath will still, her heart congeal, then Grimhilde will be the fairest in the land! However, Grimhilde is not done yet. She would then take Kagome's body to her castle to have her chopped up and have her liver, lungs, and heart for supper.
What did I tell you, boils and ghouls? Kagome made a much better victim for Queen Grimhilde who enjoyed mutilating this poor excuse of a heroine, both psychologically and physically!
I hope you all enjoyed this. Keep in mind that if you were to end up as manipulative and shrewish like Kagome was, you might have an unexpected visit from the ever-homicidal Grimhilde the Hag.
Grimhilde the Hag from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves belongs to The Grimm Brothers and Walt Disney.
Kagome "the whiny, bratty, stupid manipulator" Higurashi from Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.