I am very happy to be part of this community and family steemit, My Name is María de los Ángeles I am 18 years old, a simple and humble person, I can not integrate myself into any environment because I am shy, but in doing so it inspired a lot of confidence, I like to acquire knowledge and then put it into practice.
My purpose is not to please everyone, but accept me as I am, I am and a very introverted girl I love art, history and experience good things, I believe in the law of attraction and that's why I tend to be positive by doing good acts in my life to attract wonderful things.
My parents separated when I was 3 years old, by continuous discussions, which I witnessed, and caused in my small traumas throughout my life.
My father was sick with schizophrenia and my father with continuous nerves.
As a result of this who had the maximum authority over me was my paternal grandmother, who kept me, educated me and gave me his love. Unfortunately today I no longer have it physically, but I stay with his teaching and with his unconditional love forever.
I currently live in what used to be my grandmother's house, with my father. And cousins and cousins that I have a lot to thank.
Instrumentalist Technical Study
This career is based on performing activities of preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance, analysis of medium complexity operational processes and critical safety equipment, instrumentation and control, aimed at ensuring the integrity and safety of processes.
I thank God, and my family for the financial support and their faith in me, since in my country it is not easy to study a university career.
¿How do I get to steemit?
Through a premium. I commented and I found it interesting because it is a different social network that helps you learn more and meet new people with common and different tastes. And that makes it interesting.
A few days later, I decided to create an account, and I was happy to know that my account was approved.
Now that I know this world, I want to know and have more knowledge about this platform, which for me is a great family.
I am Venezuelan, and I would not like to speak ill of my country because of the fact that we all go through failures in life and everything has a purpose.
Totally disappointed in my government, but I have the faith and sufficient conviction that my Venezuelan brothers as a whole can move forward and carry all the evidence of our country.
Welcome to Steemit! I had no idea that there could be family names like that in spanish! Dont be shy be happy!
thank you!
Welcome madlagc, I hope you enjoy things and have fun posting.
thank you
Good luck and best wishes :)
thank you very much friend, I'll follow you
Me gusta tu manera de pensar <3
Siempre he creído que las personas introvertidas son buenas para steemit ya que ellas se dedican a pensar bastante! que bien que que llegas, bienvenida <3
Thank you very much amigo. I follow you.