Our roots create our Fruits

in #introspection7 years ago

The roots of a tree create its fruits. 🎋
The inner workings of any system create it's results.
The Foundation for a communication, work, mission in life, business, relationship will inevitably determine the results it produces. Establishing a foundation for anything, is called Context based living. ⚡️
Content- is the words, actions, details, specifics, i.e the fruits that are a result of the Context established.
In anything in life, if Context is ignored, and all the focus goes into Content, then it's like demanding a fruit tree to produce fruits without tending to it's roots. 🤔
The outside manifestation of our life is a result of the Context we have established within ourselves, and has nothing to do with how well we 'do' the Content...
Context = mission statement; holding oneself to account on ones promises, words, and commitments to another; establishing ground rules for operating a system, a business, a relationship. 💪🏾
Social media can be a platform to establish Context based posts, vs content based (which mostly are targeted to raise an emotional reaction, and focus on results, vs addressing and acting on the Context of a situation). 🌞
Context = the hard drive of life. Content = the keys, mouse, screen. - Which governs the rest? You know it, don't you... and you can chose, can u not? 👊🏽




Well said. The root of a tree is relative to the human mind,brain and content composition. You are what's in you. You can't show red when you are white in the inside. You can't show to be good when you are bad in the inside. You can only deceive people for a short time you can't deceive them forever.

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