How does the online rental contract registration in Italy work?

The world is going online. From passports to contracts, everything can be done online these days. The pandemic has taught us how to use this medium for functioning even while sitting at our home. It has made us believe that we don’t need to step out and have physical contact for performing even the most important tasks of our day to day lives. Each and every country with resources has sifted to online courts, learning, functioning and so on.

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With this in mind, what is stopping you from having an online rental contract for your property? If you have a property in Italy, you should know that the mode on online rental contracts is heavily popular these days. Through the department of Italian Revenue Agency website, rental contracts can be registered at any point of time without unnecessary hassle. Till now, more than 25 million rental contracts have been registered on this website since 2001.

If you have villas for rent in Italy or apartments in Italy, you also need to sign these online rental contracts and register them. We are here to make you go through this process without any difficulties.

Ideally, all the contracts for lease and rental of properties in Italy whether they are apartments in Italy or villas for rent in Italy, that are eligible to pay VAT, are registered by the tenant or the landlord. The rent amount is agreed between them through negotiation, and registration is done online.

However if you are giving up your rental for vacation purposes, and the total amount of rental days do not exceed more than 30 days in a year, you do not need to register it. Otherwise, the rental contract must be registered within 30 days from the date of its stipulation or from the starting date of the rental, whichever is earlier.

How to register?

There are various ways through which rental contracts can be registered. We have listed out a few.

  1. You can use the telematic services of the Italian Revenue agency. This mode is mandatory for the real estate agents and owners who have more than or rural to 10 properties in Italy. For the owners, it is optional provided that they are qualified and eligible for the telematic services.
  2. You can also use the physical registration method. It is a conventional method and it is necessary to go to the Revenue agency and fill out the RLI Form prescribed by them. If you chose this form of registration, make sure you fill the form properly.
  3. Appoint someone to do your duties. You can appoint a professional or a qualified intermediary to deliver all the work to the revenue agency in the prescribed manner. If you chose this, make sure you are hiring a decent and honest professional who won't create trouble for you later on.

Online Registration

In order to opt for the online procedure of registering your rental contract for apartments in Italy or Villa for rent in Italy, you must be registered at Fisconline. Once you are registered, you can install the software on your PC or visit their website. Both the application for registration of the contract and for registration of stamp duties and payments related to it is RLI, and you can fill it online.

You have to attach the copy of the contract in PDF, TIF or TFF format at the Revenue website in order to initiate and complete a registration on the website. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. You don’t have to attach the copy of your contract if-

  1. The contract is a residential agreement
  2. The contract is between persons who do not act as a business entity, art professional or service for the purpose of the contract only.
  3. The total number of the landlords and the tenants do not exceed three.
  4. The number of housing units to be registered do not exceed three.
  5. All the buildings must be registered with an annuity allocation.
  6. The contract does not contain any agreement except the regulation of the rental relationship between the parties.

If your contract is not fulfilling any of these criteria, you need to get it registered and it must be attached to the form.

There are various advantages of using this an online method for registration of rental contracts.

  1. You can create and use the print of the contract by using the conventional and pre-established formulas that suit your needs and functions.
  2. You can calculate the taxes to be paid without any errors.
  3. You can pay these taxes without hesitation and worry about financial fraud. The process online is completely secure.
  4. You also have the option to pay the taxes for extensions, terminations, annuities of rent for the first time and of transfer of the existing contracts through this mode.
  5. There are three methods of payment in the online mode. First, it is debited by the taxpayer’s current account, second, it is debited by the intermediary from the taxpayer's current account, and third, it is debited by the intermediary's current account. Therefore, you can choose any on them according to your convenience.

If you have villas for rent in Italy or apartments in Italy that you want to rent, it is the best way to get your rental contract registered through the revenue agency. It is a secure, transparent and fast process, and will make your transactions and formalities smooth.


When I bought my property, I first studied the list buying property for sale in italy and fully trusted the agent. Don't be afraid of the administration, it's worth going through this process to enjoy your Italian dream.

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