
Welcome to the club of 100,000 people trying to figure ut how this works, haha. Here you cannot (to date) "upload" pictures or videos. You have to copy/paste the "image source" ( direct url ) of the picture you want from elsewhere on the internet, and it will appear. I added a space between the two slash marks here but if I didn't you'd either see a blue hyperlink or an actual image where i typed that. Real FAQ and official tutorials are coming, but most of us just searched Google and Youtube for tutorials to get started.
Follow tons of people, and make inteeligent comments on posts that resonate with you. This will increase both your reputation score, and your "power" - you may not have quite enough power to post at times btw, at first. You can follow, you can comment, but you may not alwas have enough clout (power) to vote or post while new. Things are always changing tho, usually for the better, as the Beta phase works out all the kinks.
Best, Guy
http:/ /

There is a new image service just for Steem!

Welcome aboard! (I'm pretty new, too)