Introduction to Myself
Hello everyone! My name is Bryan, and this is my very first Steemit post!
I have been around on the internet in various places, but wherever I go I use the same persona.. That of the Red Dragon Valareos Draconrouge. I love Dragons, and have an appreciation of good dragon art.
I am 37 years old, and currently at the University of Queensland working towards a teaching degree. I am wanting to teach Senior High School mathematics (Calculus level), and I hope to be graduated either this year or next year. I was born in San Diego, but now live in Australia, and am a dual citizen.
I have been known to do artwork, but I have not done so in a while, due to time, but I will upload the work here for everyone to enjoy. The one I call Morning Flight is one of my best work, keep an eye out for it!
I do enjoy Roleplay, and I have a vore fetish, but i prefer it to be as part of an interactive RP and part of a story. No grab and gulps for me!
I own Red Dragon Networks, registered as a business in Australia, which in turn owns an online service called BTFG.
BTFG originally stood for Bitcoin Traders Faucet Game, a mod on Blacknova traders that turned it into a Bitcoin Faucet, however I had to put that on backburner due to FaucetBox closing down. Now, BTFG has a listing on, were shares can be purchased (online shares only not to the RDN company!) and dividends paid, as well as plans for an asset within the Burstcoin cryptocurrency. I also run my own Burstcoin Pool at
My Blog posts will come into 3 major categories: Artwork, stories, and BTFG related items. I may also time to time create opinion pieces on anything that catches my attention.
Thank you all for your time to read this, and I look forward to more interaction!
Ps. If you are a dragon artist, please comment so I can look at your stuff!
Welcome to steemit, nice to meet you!:)
Welcome to Steemit Bryan. I have only been here a short while myself and it's intriguing, especially the monetary part. You might be interested in a Short-Story Block Chain Experiment I hope to start - take a look at my post :)
If you think this is for you, please follow. Thanks and happy blogging.
BTFG is the best burst pool I've used! Thanks for enabling the community!