The Beginning - (introduction)
I have always seen myself as a living storybook, different chapters, mind blowing plot twists, comedy, tragedy, bad to a few, amazing to a lot ( I hope). I am a complex recipe -a cup of this and a pinch of that-. That being said, I obviously cannot introduce myself properly, you will have to create your own picture of me through my stories.
I created this space to openly share my life stories, my thoughts, my contradictory opinions, etc. without the burden of my identity. I hope this space helps me connect to other storybooklives.
I know I'm not the only person bursting with stories to tell. I hope you see you're not alone (we definitely have some similar chapters), I hope you heal with me, I hope we get to become friends, I hope you also get brave enough to share your stories.
In the end…..we all become stories.