Introductory Post for #InfiniteSkys has been updated

in #introduction7 years ago (edited)

Most people call me "Sky" because my first name (Skycladlilith) can be difficult for them to pronounce and simply because it's shorter. The older I get, the more parts of myself I've come to recognize. In fact, there is a new version of me every minute. I change as I learn new things and remember old things. I change as new ideas come to me and I get rid of outmoded ones. I change as I respond to the ever-changing world around me. I change as I make new friends and lose old ones. That is why I've named this account #InfiniteSkys. I've only been bored a handful of times in my 60 years of inhabiting this fleshy vehicle for my soul. Those days of boredom came during a long and deep depression. I simply cannot understand WHY anyone who is not either deeply depressed or developmentally disabled would choose to be bored! If nothing else, there is always daydreaming.

There are a lot of different things which I would like to do with this SteemIt account. I have divided some of them into categories to make it easier for both me and my followers/readers to find items I've uploaded by date, category, and tags. Here are the categories which I've already created:

IS100000-yyyymmdd #InfiniteSkys Headers and Footers

IS200000-yyyymmdd #InfiniteSkys Photos and Memes

IS300000-yyyymmdd #InfiniteSkys Poetry and Prose

IS400000-yyyymmdd #InfiniteSkys Talks

IS500000-yyyymmdd #InfiniteSkys Project Ideas

IS600000-yyyymmdd #InfiniteSkys Interviews

IS700000-yyyymmdd #InfiniteSkys Educational Posts

IS800000-yyyymmdd #InfiniteSkys Entertainment

IS900000-yyyymmdd #InfiniteSkys Miscellaneous

I have only just begun to learn how SteemIt works and have found that it's a huge job for someone who has never learned coding and HTML editing (among other things I'm not sure I quite understand yet). So I'm hoping that you will be patient with me as I poke along here.

I've uploaded a couple of things to get started and I hope you enjoy them. I'm looking forward to meeting new people and being able to help ones I've known/known about for years.

The Cult of Secrecy is one of my pet peeves. Aside from small things such as surprise parties, anonymous gifts, personal safety, and certain legal matters, I see no reason for secrecy other than to hide those things of which we are ashamed. Otherwise, why keep it a secret?

My life is pretty much an open book, so feel free to ask questions. I'm a firm believer that there is no such thing as a stupid question--only people who are too stupid to ask questions. I'm a playful pagan crone among other things such as being a voluntaryist/anarchist and a poet.

I currently live in Buffalo, New York, U.S.A. I've moved around this country a lot in my life and probably will again. I don't mind the weather here in Buffalo because I'm one of those weird people who actually ENJOY the snow and the cold winters. I obviously didn't research my move here deeply enough though. One of my main reasons for moving here was to access the healing properties of cannabis. Since I've been here, I've learned that the medical marijuana program in this state is a joke and a shame. So I would really like to move to Colorado, Oregon, California, Washington, or Massachusetts. I'll just have see what happens next.

I'm a 60 year old mostly white female. I have two grown children and four living grandchildren who all live in Ohio. Although I love them dearly, they have refused to communicate with me for years now. I'm not happy with the situation; however, I've already done what I reasonably can and I'm learning to simply let them go. We are all adults now, so our relationships must be voluntary or else they are worthless. I refuse to hold them hostage emotionally simply because I'm their mother.

I've been legally married and divorced twice. I'm open to new committed relationships although I will warn you right now that I set the bar pretty high for applicants. I don't NEED anyone and I don't want to be with anyone who needs me. I am quite happy living alone and, thus, you have to bring something significant to the table for me to give up that freedom. Money, status, class, degrees, race, heritage, and so-called "good looks" bore me to tears. Excellent communication skills, creativity, intelligence, playfulness, open-mindedness, and a good sense of humor are essential qualities for my partners. If all you comment upon is how I look, don't even bother doing it because I'm not interested in being around people who are that shallow.

I have too many interests to list here. If you want a more detailed introduction to me, take a look at this Facebook Note which I created about myself ( That note is PUBLIC, so we don't have to be friends on Facebook for you to see it. You do have to have a Facebook account though. I think this should be enough for my Introductory Post.

Blessed Be... Sky

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