An Introduction... Hello I am Neil Radimaker

in #introduction8 years ago (edited)

Hello, My name is Neil Radimaker. 5 Years ago I left the centralized corporate world to take care of my beautiful wife who suffers from the following life robbing illnesses.

1. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Odds of having: 1/2000 - (125,000 people have it) out of 316,148,990 People in U.S Population as of 2013 -

2. Sjogren's Syndrome
Odds of having: 1/1000 - (350,000 people have it) -

3. Endometriosis
Odds of having: 10% of women - Close to 2% with Stage IV -

4. Factor V Leiden
Odds of having: 1/10,000 - (100,000 people have it) out of 1,058,648,990 People in U.S & European Population as of 2013, 1/5 cases of F.V.L are fatal. -

5. Spinal Stenosis

6. Spontaneous Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak

Why do I do what I do?

I do not get paid for a lot of these job positions/creations. I volunteer my time helping those without the funds to take their ideas to the next level. Due to the nature of my wife's illnesses, it does not allow us to be as flexible as most people like to depend on. In other words, our time is not so much ours, it is at the whim of illnesses we deal with. "The Spoon Theory" is a good ballpark explanation of one of her illnesses. Please know: If my wife needs to go to the ER and can not move or get out of bed that day or week or month, then my job and/or employers become "second priority" and my wife becomes my "first". The nature of my priorities is as follows.

  1. My Wife.

  2. My Work.

  3. My Friends and Family.

  4. Activism.

Further explanation of past work-related problems. Our (My wife and I) lifestyle does not allow me to work well for/under someone in many aspects. Although, I try to do what I can for people as much as I can. Some of my partnerships have also had a few fall-outs because of our circumstances. Being so limited, I really did not know what I could possibly end up doing next? Usually, questioning what I was going to do with my life? for a lack of better words... I decided to just "be the help I needed and wanted, for others". I decided to use my skills to help others of like mind. This also keeps me busy and working so my wife and I could have some chance of gaining an opportunity in the future. I figure, if I can not be 100% relied upon and get paid for what I know how to do, (due to our out of our control circumstances), that, if I did not find something to do and focus on, I would just go crazy and lose my mind, falling more into depressions and stresses we deal with. I like working, and I work over 20 hours a day. At this time, I can not work for anything more than hoping to bring change to a system that harmed and limited my wife and myself for way too many years now. I guess I am a full-time liberty activist. and I try my best to practice "Agorism" as a lifestyle.

Full Bio:

Part entrepreneur, part graphic designer, part journalist, natural filmmaker, and photographer: Neil brings an exclusive vision to his projects with an educated and engaging sense of humor. This unique approach and his polymathic nature is what makes his style so exclusive.

Neil's videography and editing skills are top-notch, he is a jack of all trades, drawing inspiration from a myriad of skills to exemplify his well-rounded expertise and insight in the production industry. Sprinkle all that with some professional OCD, a nearly psychotic attention to detail, and an unorthodox approach to creative thought and you never know what you are going to get out of Neil. We're not even sure if he always knows. What we do know, however, is that whatever it is that Neil touches, it's going to kick ass.

Neil has shot for networks such as MTV, TruTV, Animal Planet, Epix and KCAL9 of CBS networks; not to mention his involvement with the 2011 Latin Grammys. He made magic for the crew of Operation Repo, Superstar Guitar, and Dew Circuit Breakout too.

He has such a keen eye that he has even talent scouted for a VH1 Fashion Show. His experience doesn't end there; Neil has produced content for over a dozen well-known and reputable corporations including McAfee Security, US Airways, Volkswagen, Honda, GMC, Stanley Steamer, Rampart Casino, Konami Gaming, and Advantage Rent-A-Car.

He has worked alongside, and studied under, famed photographer, Shane O'Neal; Neil has also collaborated with photographers such as Mike Prado, Dominic Petruzzi, and Isaac Madera and industry-leading producers and directors such as Rod Roddenberry, Scott Colthorp, and Aaron Wilder. Many people know about Neil's name and abilities, maybe you should too.

Neil is an incognito musician as well, but he will deny it. However, members of Hollywood Undead and former members of the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus would disagree, after having worked with him through time. His video work can also be admired through his collaboration with the guitarist from Meatloaf, Sebastian Bach, Mr. Paul Crook, Sleepy Brown of the Dungeon Family, Saosin, Heaven Sent, Lorene Drive, and members from Fear for the March of Flames. His true passions are short film-making, music video production, and photography. He is truly a guy behind the guy, but his work pretty much speaks for itself.

What am I up to?

In 2011 I started and founded a Free Press collaborative news network called Uncorporate Media (UCM). -

As of 2013, I have partnered with Investigative Journalist Derrick Broze to create " The Conscious Resistance Network". -

I was honored to be a Campaign Consultant and Head Media Manager for Libertarian Candidate Barry Hess during his 2014 Campaign for Governor of Arizona. "We broke some libertarian records together!" Hess for Governor. -

Side Project with Author and Radio Host Don Pontious. The project is called Radio KAOS. -

Liberty Documentary Film (2016). Liberty is a documentary film exploring Minarchism, Voluntaryism, 3rd Party politics, and Statism in the United States. This film explores the notion of “liberty”, what it has meant for the development of the current political climate, and how the re-embracing of its ideals can positively affect all Americans, regardless of political affiliation. Through interviews and b-roll collected during a road-trip style production, the filmmakers will explore libertarianism in its varied forms, uncover the schisms that divide its current adherents, and positively influence the future of the movement by unifying its constituents through a common alliance under its core principles. -

My most recent endeavor is called "The SNLS Network" -

Other things I am planning for the near future, is the development and founding of a libertarian township called "H.E.L.L." (Humans, Enjoying, Living, Life) in Northern Arizona.

I wholeheartedly support these following principles and schools of thought:




Personal Note/Statement from Neil:

When the person you love suffers from multiple chronic and auto-immune diseases/illnesses. Life can feel like a prison for both in so many ways. It feels like a 3rd party is stealing from you what others take for granted without a thought. A dance, a walk, a kiss, a smile, a trip somewhere nice, dreams, goals, plans, happiness. But, then you realize when you get that brief moment of joy or peace, it is more powerful than everyone else enjoys. It is like starving and getting a bite of your favorite meal when dirt would have done just fine. This fight has made us stronger than anyone could ever know. All we want is to be free from this rat race, to live the way we want to, to do what we want to do. That way being, one that can not and will never produce a victim. It is bad enough that we are limited in the ways that we are. But then the government comes in and makes what is possible, illegal. We have no choice but to fight even harder, inward and outward.

All we want to do is go off-grid, provide for ourselves on land we own. Adhere to the Gerson treatment and a 100% raw organic diet, build an earth home and aquaponics system, grow cannabis for (non-psychoactive) CBD oil treatments, and not go to jail for things like, collecting rainwater and/or bartering items like... Raw Milk, Eggs. We just want to be left alone. Mostly to enjoy our friends and other loved ones while we still have time here on earth. Time is the most valuable thing a person has. If we talk to you know the reason is enough to propel us to spend it on you. Every moment I am not in her arms kills me. I do not like computers and boxes within boxes upon boxes. I want to live in a circle, not a box. We are all trapped in this box you see right now, in the box of your browser, in the box of your monitor or smartphone, sitting at a box table, in the box room, in the box house, on the boxed property, on the boxed block you live on. Once you get passed that, things start getting interesting to me. I need nature for 50% of my time, My wife and I have not had a good dose of nature in over 5 years. I ride my bike to the store a blocked box away, and I travel for the film and I just help people never knowing how we are going to make it month to month, but somehow we do, thanks to some great people out there and the small jobs I can pull off between moments of our greater goals.

Traveling without my wife and seeing beautiful things without her is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. It makes the more beautiful of a site I see without her, actually hurt. That is my prison. Why do I do what I do? When I lost my career I was very very bored and lost myself, I decided to be the help I needed, for others. I started doing things without the thought or concept of gaining or prospering, just to help change things in the messed-up world, to help spread information and help build collaboration networks that focus more on direct-action that keep a just do it mentality. I have been working outside of the system, I have not had a bank account in 15 years, and it has been hard, My wife and I do not let people steal from us, US Government included. if we are giving you time it is a gift. Most people don't know that.

Words of Wisdom:

"Make a mental note of whatever offends you, and ask yourself who programmed you to respond that way " because it is in no way natural to become manic and emotional when presented with largely abstract concepts. Many people become very angry about certain issues, and take on an almost militant attitude about issues that have nothing at all to do with their own lives. This type of behavior, once limited to heavily dogmatized religious adherents and communists, has made way into the mainstream of culture, and if one is able to recognize and acknowledge it in oneself, this leads to a dynamic paradigm shift. Again, all revolution must come to you by way of fearless and brutally honest self-analysis. Learning to accept and admit fault is key; one also must never set boundaries on one's own perception. No single article, link, blog, book, or library, can provide a truly comprehensive understanding of what is going on here on this satellite called Earth, because understanding is something that can't be given, received or memorized, but must be autonomously produced within your own consciousness."


Neil, I can sincerely say this is one of the most honest, well thought out posts that I have had the honor of reading since I've been a member of steemit. I admire your hard work, ethics, consistency, and dedication to your wife and her well being. I hope you both find the peace you are seeking and are successful in all of your current and future endeavors. Have a beautiful day.

Thank you very much, such kind words! Still trying to get my head wrapped around Steemit. Looking forward to knowing more and more. Much love. As always, I remain at constant service for "Liberty and Freedom"

+1 nexusvortex616, wholeheartedly agree!

ohh by far I could only aspire to make as much of a dent as you have!... I look up to you and yours so so so much! Much love to you and all you love! Thank you Cat! Sorry I had to miss Jack Fest...

Welcome to Steem and Steemit.

Very good prioritering your wife over centralized centralized corporate world, nice move.

Lasse Ehlers

Thank you... I am really loving this new network! and thank you for the kind words also!

Wish great health to your wife, and good luck with your activism. I feel like the liberty movement is growing, but still not big enough, we need more people like you to push our struggle!

Every little bit helps. Together we can apply change to the world, and now that I found steemit, our chances of defeating our opressors is higher than ever. I seriously think steemit and uncensored free speech will be the end of the tyrants.

Thank you very much, I am very glad to be here!

Much love to you my friend!

Simply Great Information and Presentation

Simply Great Information and Presentation

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