Introducing Myself

in #introduction7 years ago (edited)

Well I'm a 41 year old disorganised but happy dude with a penchant for writing.Well let's delve a little deeper.I was born in South Africa to two amazing people at a dark time in my countries history on the day of the Soweto uprising, one of the most violent days in our tarnished history.My parents didn't agree with what was going on and decided that the best thing for the family was for their children to grow up in a country that recognised different creeds and colours without distinction.At the year of my birth(1976) we didn't have the luxury of having Nelson Mandela leading our rainbow nation.Instead we had a white Afrikaner regime who's sole purpose was to crush any black rebellion and separate the people through their policy of apartheid.

41 years later I count my blessings that my parents emigration resulted in providing me and my sister a European passport which allowed us to travel and get a European perspective on things.Also if it wasn't for my passport I would never have met the love of my life "Smurf".More about her later.Yes she's a real woman and she's not blue but a much darker hue,ironic that in pre-apartheid South Africa we wouldn't have been allowed to marry.
I consider myself as generous with a dry sense of humour,passionate about what I believe in yet I inherited my procrastination gene from my father.I put everything off and am exceptionally bad at time keeping unless it's something I enjoy such as demolishing my wife's cooking.To all you vegans and vegetarians out there,I admire your discipline.The ultimate test for you is to see whether you could resist eating my wife's Roast leg of Pork.For those of you who are confused i'm not talking about her leg,delicious as that is but about the dish that she prepares succulent pork,covered in Venezuelan spices and seasoned to perfection.

I love people , and have met many special people who have helped shape who I am today.I have been lucky enough to have a great mentor in my life who shall remain nameless but without his help and this is no exaggeration here i'd probably be homeless and I never would have met my wonderful wife if it hadn't been for some strong direct advice from him. I am a risk taker and make impulsive decisions a residue left behind from my gambling days.

I want to help others and whilst i'm not in a financial position to help others I will be there for others that are less fortunate than me.I am constantly learning about myself and evolving as a person and believe that despite all this pressure on us as people to focus on the material things what's more important are our values ,how we help others, how we give and love unconditionally.Life is a struggle and when there are days periods in your life when you are down ,you have to remember there is always someone worse off than yourself.

I have made good decisions (meeting my wife) meeting my life mentor ,giving up gambling and bad decisions,one being gambling my last euro away on a virtual horse called "Step on Steve".I will continue to make good and bad choices as I progress on this life journey.

I am not a party person,never have been but I love Latin music thanks to the Smurf she's introduced Carlos Vives music into my life and I have to say it makes me want to boogie.At the moment I can't dance but I could develop into the poor mans Joaquin Cortés but it would take years of lessons.So for the moment I am comfortable practising with my broom in our tiny bedsit.She assures me that the broom is a perfect companion for me until I enter the Salsa World Championships.

I love tennis in fact i'm a little obsessed by it. I've finally accepted that at 41 years of age I won't make Wimbledon qualifying.It's been hard to accept but when you have a direct Latin wife who constantly says "honey you're like an old car" it reinforces the reality that your best playing days are behind you.I'm good at serving aces though and love playing at least 3 times a week.

I love travelling and going on adventures with my wife and also enjoy having quiet nights in watching movies or playing scrabble.We're pretty boring people I guess,but when your'e on a modest salary and as i'm currently unemployed saving is paramount and as a consequence of this we live like many people ,till the 25th of Each month (Pay Day).To pass the time before we both move to Spain later this year I thought i'd start writing as it beats getting job rejection letters!

We currently live in Dublin,Ireland and cannot afford to find decent accommodation. Like so many others facing this predicament our option is living in a tiny bedsit that we call home. We've decided that if we're going to start a family we need suitable accommodation so Spain is where we are going to move to as we have some great friends there.On that note, that reminds me I must start practising my Spanish.Once a procrastinator always a procrastinator.
I hope you enjoy my future posts.



Hey @murrayc, welcome to Steem. Before you move off to Spain, you're welcome to join us for a meetup in Dublin if you're interested, there are a few of us who regularly meet up here.

Thanks a lot @demotruk will organise something one day for sure

Hugs, my friend, my cuñado. Everyone has a fascinating life history and roots in the evolutionary process of the social, political, economic, cultural and religious dynamics of the territory in which they are born and raised.

In your words there are consciously or unconsciously deep reflections coming from the spiritual interior of humanity; by nature and essence, we are good creatures, only that many of us have forgotten it. Hence, I argue that the mind does not serve to understand life; nevertheless, if it is very useful to live life.

This happens because the mind is constantly talking and talking and talking nonstop. These thoughts (food that we give) lead human beings to consider themselves and even worse to impose diabolic belief systems and social, political and cultural paradigms. For these reasons emerges that nefarious apartheid from which segregated and stratified noble human beings.

It's time to wake up, tell us: Enough of so much sleep! That is, begin to remember our nature and human purpose to live life to the fullest. For this we must use our natural and inner power. Live life to the fullest.


Welcome to Steemit, Nice introduction but I think It would have gotten far more exposure if you had used the introduceyourself tag. Tagging is very important on Steemit if you want to have your post seen. Maybe try posting it again. From a fellow Islander

Thanks so much@ammonite,yes am a complete novice here so i have a lot to learn regards posting e.t.c.So any feedback is good.I have a lot of research to do and will check out on your blog more pointers on using Steemit and getting the best out of it.

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