#About Saint Rampal ji<h1>

in #introduction7 years ago

A Brief Introduction of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

Saint Rampal Ji was born on 8 September 1951, in Village
Dhanana, District Sonipat, Haryana, in a farmer family. After finishing
his education, he remained employed on the post of a Junior
Engineer in the Irrigation Department in Haryana State for 18 years.
In the year 1988, he obtained initiation from Supreme Saint
Ramdevanand ji, and wholeheartedly did sadhana(Worship / Religious acts worthy of being done) through body and
mind according to the way of worship directed by Swami
Ramdevanand Ji, and saw and met God.
Saint Rampal Ji obtained initiation on 17 February 1988, in
the month of Falgun (Feb-March) on the night of Amaavasya(The last day of the dark fortnight of a lunar month). At
that time the age of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj was 37 years. In
Santmat (Saint-opinion), the day of initiation is considered as thespiritual birthday of the initiated devotee.
The above-mentioned description completely matches with
that prediction of Nostradamus
"The time when the spiritual birth of that Tatvdrshta Chyren will
take place, it will be dark Amavasya that day. At that time the
spiritual age of that world-leader will not be 16, 20 or 25 years, he
will not be young, rather he will be mature, and he will become famous
in the world at the age between 50 and 60 years. That will be
the year 2006."
In the year 1993, Swami Ramdevanand Ji Maharaj ordered
you to do satsang and in 1994, gave you order to give naam (mantra
/ spiritual instruction). Because of being engrossed in the path of
bhakti(Devotion / Worship) , you gave your resignation letter from the post of J.E. (Junior
Engineer), which is accepted by the Haryana Government in letter
no. 3492-3500, dated 16/5/2000. From the year 1994 to 1998,
Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj did satsang by going to every house, every
village and every city. Large number of people became his followers.
Simultaneously, the revolt from the unknowledgeable saints
also escalated. In the year 1999, established Satlok Ashram
Karontha in Village Karontha District Rohtak (Haryana), and by
organizing a seven-day long satsang(Spiritual discourse) from 1 June 1999 to 7 June
1999, on the occasion of the manifestation day of Supreme God Kabir
Ji, commenced the Ashram and started a three-day long satsang on
the full-moon day (Purnima) of every month. Devotees started coming
to hear the satsang from far-off places and after understanding
the Tatvgyan, started becoming disciples in large numbers. Within
a few days, the number of the followers of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj
reached lakhs.
The followers of the unknowledgeable saints and rishis(Sages), who
started coming to Saint Rampal Ji and started becoming disciples,
then started questioning those unknowledgeable aacharyas and
saints that you are telling all the knowledge opposite to our truescriptures. In Yajurved Adhyay 8 Mantra 13, it is written that Supreme
God destroys (forgives) all the offenses (sins) of His devotee.
Your book "Satyarth Prakash" which we have bought, in that it
is written that "God does not forgive (destroys) the sins of His devotee".
It is written in your book "Satyarth Prakash" in Samullas 7
that just like Earth, human beings and other living beings reside on
sun. Similarly, there are all the materials like Earth; parks, gardens,
rivers, waterfalls etc; is it possible. In Holy Yajurved Adhyay
5 Mantra 1, it is written that Parmatma has a body "Agne TanuH
Asi Vishnve Tva Somasya Tanur Asi || " It has been stated twice in
this Mantra that 'God has a body'. That Eternal Purush1 has a body
for nurturing everyone i.e. when God, comes as a guest in this world
for some time to explain Tatvgyan to His devotees, He comes by
wearing a body of lighter masses of lights over His actual effulgent
body. That is why, the evidence has been given twice in the aforesaid
Mantra. Being answerless to this kind of argument and with
the fear of exposure of their lack of knowledge, those unknowledgeable
saints, mahants and aacharyas to destroy Saint Rampal Ji
Maharaj's reputation started making bad propaganda in the
neighbouring villages of Satlok Ashram Karontha, and on 12-7-2006,
themselves attacked and made their followers attack Satlok Ashram
to kill Saint Rampal Ji and to destroy the Ashram. The police tried
to stop them because of which some trouble-makers became injured.
The government seized the Satlok Ashram and by making a false
case, put Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj and some of the followers into
jail. In this way, in the year 2006, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj became
famous. Even though, the ignorants by making false allegations
made the Saint famous, but the Saint is innocent. Dear readers, after
reading the prophecy of Nostradamus, will think that Saint
Rampal has been extensively vilified, how it will be possible that he
will disseminate knowledge in the world. It is again a request to
them that God can change the circumstances in a moment.
Supreme God Kabir Ji through Sant Rampal Ji, for the salvation
of His children, will soon make the society familiar with the
reality through Tatvgyan1 . Then the entire world will acknowledge
the calibre of the knowledge of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.
Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, since year 2003, spreading the
true knowledge through the medium of newspapers and T.V. channels
has been saying to all the saints that - your knowledge is opposite
to the scriptures. You are making the devotee society do worship
against the injunctions of the scriptures and are becoming culprits.
If I am telling wrong, then give an answer to this. To date, no
Saint has dared to give an answer.
In (year) 2001 A.D. on the first Thursday of the month of
October, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj suddenly got an inspiration that
"Study the true scriptures of all the religions in depth". On this basis,
he first of all studied the Holy Shrimad bhagwat Gita ji and composed
the book 'Gahri Nazar Gita Mein', and based on that only,
first of all, started satsang in the Jodhpur city of Rajasthan state in
March 2002. That is why, Nostradamus has said that the world-religious-
Hindu-Saint (Chyren) at the age of 50 years i.e. in 2001, becoming
(Gyey2 -Gyata3) knowledgeable will spread the knowledge.
Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj was born in the holy Hindu religion in
year 1951 (A.D.) on 8 September in Village Dhanana, District
Sonipat, state Haryana (India) in a farmer family. Thus, in the year
2001, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj's age turns out to be 50, which is
correct in accordance with the statement of Nostradamus. Therefore
that world-religious-leader is Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj only, in
whose chairmanship, India will rule over the whole world. Only one
knowledge (Path of Bhakti) will prevail in the whole world. There
will be only one legislation, nobody will remain distressed, and there
will be complete peace in the whole world. Those, who will revolt,
will also repent in the end and will be forced to accept the Tatvgyan,
and the entire human society will follow the religion of mankind and
after attaining complete salvation will go to Satlok.


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