Good to meet you!
Since when have you heard about crypto currency
A year or two ago.
Since when did you buy-in
I am not buying in. I will put a little into steem but I dont have much confidence in the prices staying up long term for other currencies. After awhile anyone can make a currency so the only thing that matters is confidence in the currency and special features.
To what extent do you "really" understand the implementation of blockchain in real life?
Only a general concept.
What is the coin that you have faith in the most, on the long run
I am not sure. Any cryptocurrency that also acts like an investment stock simliar to Steem.
What do you think about auto-trading software
Bad for everyone. We need a stable market with continued slow growth. Without stability, cryptocurrency just becomes less of a currency and more of a gambling tolken.
Thank you for being the first to reply.
I'm interested in your last answer, as soon my team will release a trading bot with very basic machine learning module.
I'll tag you when I post about it.