HI GUYS!!! It's so great to meet you all. =)
Hi Everyone. Amazing Sam here! Well Sam isn’t my real name, it just sounds cool so I will stick with it.
Yeah, awesome place here. I look forward to speaking with people. Honestly, I’m not fond of Facebook. It feels like everyone is judging you on there, and I’ve always wanted to express myself but could not do so on that platform. But Steemit looks great, exactly what I have been looking for, a social media platform where all people support one another.
A little bit about me, I’m from California and am currently a community college student. I also loveeeeee foreign languages!!! I am studying ASL, Italian, and Japanese. Japanese is my favorite out of all of them. It brings me such joy to speak with people. But I have not had the chance to speak Japanese lately, so if I make posts in terrible foreign languages, then I apologize. -___- Yeah, I might occasionally type in French as well.
You know…. This is actually perfect. I have been wanting an excuse to continue blogging and practicing my language. Great! Well, that’s just a short bio about me. I like to write about pretty much anything; practice makes perfect right? So I guess I will see you all around this site.
P.S. I usually write a lot better, but since I am writing this at 1am in the morning…I think I can be excused this one time. =D
-Amazing Sam
Welcome to steemit Sam!
Welcome... I am sure you will enjoy the journey.
Welcome to SteemIt. People do love to read as well as support each other here.
You've reached the right place :D
Learning languages is always so tough for me. Though it's incredibly rewarding.

Thank you all. But i have a question for you solarguy.
Is there an article I can read on steemit talking about how to upload correct size images and how to upload images like yours. The image that you have flashing.
maybe these links can help
Cool, yes thank you