Insert introduceyourself No. 31444891 here, beep-boop.

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

Hi! My name is Joe. I have a wife and 3 kids and I work in a button factory, one day my boss came to me and said "Joe, are you busy?" and I said yes, then he said "Press this button with your right hand" I tell him as soon as I have that hand available, he then goes "No, Press it NOW, NOW STOP TALKING BACK AT ME AND DO WHAT YOU'RE FUCKING TOLD AND GET BACK TO WORK" and then I said.

Yeah no, not doing that, that ain't me, GO FIND ANOTHER SLOT FOR THE MACHINE YOU DUMB JERBLET.

(How I got here)

I've found myself here after reading about it on reddit and I've been intrigued, most people here seem vaguely aware of at least some of the corruption inherent in the system, compared to the hunky-dory hive-minds of FB/Twit/IG/Reddit/etc

Oh, and I guess there's this thing where you can turn fake internet money into real bank account balance!

Which, if you haven't figured it out by my intro, would be a good way to stick it to Mr./Mrs. Youllneveramounttoanythingotherthanaslotinamachine, at least in theory...

Reading around here, it seems that there is quite a bit of circle-jerking-for-e-cash, that and I guess you need to spend even more of it via whales (Or minnows if you're a chump) in order to get more visibility.

Just a couple things I learned reading from some of the more sensible people on here anyhow.

(How I got this username)

I've almost always been something of an Armchair General, moving my forces around in virtual battlefields and building up your nation/army/faction to supremacy... or die/ragequit trying.

Not the only genre of games I play(ed), but by far the one that has consumed most of my free game time, maybe that's why I've generally been socially awkward and generally looked down upon by the rest of the conformy normies?

Or maybe because my mom kept a tighter tug on my figurative leash around the same time I started middle school, that plus Assburger's will do wonders for one's teenage social life.

Thanks to that I have a cynical world view, and with Murican's (And most people the world over) believing that everything can only go up and then up some more and that I'm being pessimistic/dark/crazy/looney/retarded only takes that view to 12/10.

And so the reasoning for my username is two-fold, wargame strategy nut who would take great amusement in the eventual collapse of America as the dominant power even if I happened to be one of the first casualties, the Zero Hour draws near...

Or I guess Geopolitics are to me what the Superbowl/NASCAR/Manchester United/Formula 1 is to everyone else, yeah,

(About the real me)

Covered that enough already I think, but if you insist... 26, lived in Toledo, Ohio my whole life and thanks to lack of foresight I've ended up stuck here due to a lack of $$ to move/Accredited Credentials from Prestigious & Pretentious University X for a line of work that pays even half-decent and isn't marginalizing or otherwise dehumanizing at the same time.

(What to expect if anything)

Talking about games that I play/have interest in, aside from the likes of Civ, TW, whatever Paradox comes up with aside from EU IV, but also play around on my PS4, mostly action-adventure and some shooters (cliche I'm sure) with a occasional dash of Crash, maybe even do some LP/Streaming if Dtube/Dlive stop dialing like it's 1999.

The crazy world we live in, the sequence(s) of events that shaped it in the past, whats driving it down the gutter now and why I can't help but believe the future already belongs to the mad; Being a history nut, can confirm its doomed to repeat, not because I said it mind you... That said, if you're so sure that there's hope, please enlighten me.

Maybe some Anime nostalgia sprinkled in between, hardly anything new worth checking out that isn't rehashed from last year, and those in turn being almost the exact same as the previous year before...

I guess anything else that piques my interest in one way or another.

That was fun editing, but I'm sure I'm still making a bigger first impression than "Insert rando 60-100 word intro here, hurr durr."


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I'll be sure to check it out.

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Hey, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and you are great.

Thanks Joey, some friendly advice, wouldn't put anymore of my faith in the Cheetofuhrer if I was in your shoes. I once thought as you did, but quite frankly the only half-decent Presidential candidates like Ron Paul always get swept to the sidelines by the vested interests of the powers that be :/

Only reason he was allowed to win was cause they decided Hitlerly was too much of a liability.

Does it matter why or how Trump became the 45th USA President? I prefer to focus on what is happening. Big things. Very big things happened in 2017. Look at the numbers. Taxes went down. Regulations went down. Unemployment went down. So many things went down. Bad things are going down and down. Clinton was not a liability. They take your freedoms. They kill investigations. They take away free speech. Jobs are going up. Many good things are going up. We are still in a big deep global war on so many levels right now in so many countries in so many ways on many different levels and the left continues to do their best to cover up details and people and things and more. For the first time ever in history, we have technology to counter the globalists and much more. You can join in global revolutions if you are not already involved or you can regret it later hehe and I am Oatmeal and that means Daily Bread and Manna and Clay and a Foundation for life for people everywhere forever.

Ugly Mouse 02.png

I merely got the impression that you were still largely pro-Trump, which leads me to this next point.

We are still in a big deep global war on so many levels right now in so many countries in so many ways on many different levels and the left continues to do their best to cover up details and people and things and more.

And the right is somehow magically above that? Pretty sure it was Republican's that were dominant in gubamint when both Iraq Wars kicked off, not to mention 9/11.

As for Global Revolution? That's cute, I admit I used to be such an Idealist too, but they all either fizzle out into insignificance or become part of the machine they swore to oppose, unwittingly or otherwise.

Member Arab Spring? CIA project in case you forget.

Member Occupy Wall Street? Business as usual for the 1%

Member the Revolution's in France, Russia and Iran? Replacing one tyrannical system with another.

Proof to the contrary? Because last I checked, Revolution's only work in Fiction.

What do you think about Soros?

Hang the Lizard by it's entrails I say, even that wouldn't be enough to make him answer for his crimes suffice to say, but it'd be a reasonable start I think.

If we get Clinton, then that will lead us closer to getting Soros and others.

Best of luck, if I could help, believe me I would :)


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