Yaakov the poor refugee boy (LIKE THIS IF YOU CRY EVERY TIME)
I am Yaakov Radomski; Facebook refugee, and perennial zealot. 
My man, Zuckerberg, didn't like the cut of my jib, so I've found myself a stranger in a strange land.
How far am I from Canaan?
Fortunately, Steemit is my land of milk and honey. Here, I see freedom, decentralisation, and, what immediately arrests my attention, incentive. Incentive not only to create new and exciting content, but also incentive to be kind and constructive toward the fellow members of our community. This is a feature that many will soon emulate, and Facebook can never attain.
Journey with me into the mind of a maniac
This is where I will show all you the things I done gone and thunk up. This may range from art and memes to politics and spirituality. It won't be pretty, it might not even be coherent, but I really do want your input (and your sweet, sweet likes and comments... hnng). I am not here to rustle jimmies, but old habits die hard.
Stuff n junk
Freedom is our common bond, as humans. We all want freedom for ourselves and the ones we love. Some would have you believe that we must limit our freedom to ensure our security.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin
The founding fathers of the United States knew that the greatest enemy of liberty was the centralisation of governmental power. As we enter a new Orwellian future, humanity has risen to the challenge again. In cryptocurrency, we have found a power that can wrestle away the federal monopoly on violence. Once more, we pull the sword from the stone and create a better world. Here we stand, together, at the pinnacle of all time.
7-11 was a part time job
Welcome to steemit Yaakov,
great suff ! Upvoted and Followed !
I am @digital-gypsy - nice to meet you!:)
Enjoy your time here & Good Luck
Welcome to steemit community. You will love it. Following links may help you to get started.
New Users Guide: https://steemit.com/welcome
Dos and don’ts on Steemit:https://steemit.com/steemit/@najoh/dos-and-don-ts-on-steemit
Top Earners List:https://steemwhales.com/
ChainBB Steem Forum: https://steemit.com/chainbb/@jesta/chainbbcom-a-blockchain-forum-platform-for-steem
If you find this post useful, Feel Free to up vote, follow me.
I've Upvoted for sure. happy to meet you in this big family.
looking forward to your next post.
You can follow my food blog to know more about me @fatkid
Welcome to steemit community.

I’m @jyoungking2 Start by following people and they will do the same.
Good Luck
You'll be regretting this post when Mark is President and Zucc's your happy ass into a digital internment camp and forces you to become a "like"-bot, forever clicking "like" for the $5 dollar ad campaigns people will have to buy to even get their daily status posts visible to their friends in order to maintain the 10 like per day minimum requirement as set forth by executive order to keep him from shutting off your state controlled rice dispenser. 10leiks=1handful of processed rice!
welcome yaakov to the community follow me @jzeek and i will do the same thanks.
Welcome to Steemit Platform. Upvoted and Following you.
A very warm welcome to Steemit! Enjoy your time here. Follow me @prabhavathi
Hi! Welcome and enjoy steemit :)
Welcome to steemit yaakov-radomski, looking forward to your post. :-) Follow me for some interesting posts @prathyusha