Hello Steemit! I'm WolfandKitty, 23, and I turn coffee into books!

This is me. Yes, I know I look exhausted. It's a look called: "permanently relies on coffee".

meeee (2).jpg

I have always loved to write books. I remember the first story I ever wrote, I was seven-years-old and I told a tale about my dad, uncle Leo and I drowning on the Titanic. I recall the look of awe that crossed my dad's face on parents night when my teacher had him read it. He had been so proud of me, and I knew then that I wanted to keep making him proud. I wanted to make myself proud.

When a sexal assault changed my life 2 weeks prior to my 21st birthday, I focused my emotions into writing a book about a dorky girl falling in love with a grumpy werewolf. I fuelled all of my hurt, betrayal and anger into a story that would bring readers joy, love, and happiness. I titled this book Alpha's Bane and published it in autumn 2016. Since then, I have managed to publish another five books. I NEVER would have thought myself capable of self-publishing. It is honestly much harder than publishing traditionally (with a publishing house), because you do everything on your own. From hiring an editor, a cover designer, proof-readers, publishing the book on Amazon, formatting the paperbacks, and distributing the book to as many retailers as possible. . . Yeah, with a full-time job and suffering from PTSD and depression, I really struggled.

But I did it! Yay!

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These are all the books I published under Katze Snow. From romance to psychological thriller to horror, Katze has it all! These are also published in the gay #LGBT category in Amazon, because love is love.

I also have two under Nora Winters. These are mainstream cozy mystery. Think of Agatha Christie! I LOVED writing these books. They're so funny, light-hearted and the characters always make me smile. Plus, I'm also co-writing this series with a close friend of mine who is an amazing writer. It's like a fangirl's dream come true! These books are child friendly and are compatible with ALL ages. A slight change to my Katze Snow books!

On my social media accounts, I'm honest and open about my battle with mental health. I was. . . Well, let's just say I felt "normal" before the assault. I had just started an amazing job working in the Scottish Parliament, I shared a beautiful flat with a close friend, and I was in a good place mentally and spiritually.

Sometimes life has a funny way of reminding you of your path.

After the attack, I focused on my writing as a way to stay sane. I never imagined I'd actually publish, but lo and behold, little old me actually managed it! Meanwhile, I had moved jobs, moved homes a total of 12 times, and I WON in court. My rapist was sentenced to six years in jail. It was the hardest, scariest thing I ever had to do, but it truly did make me a stronger person. I still struggle with the aftermath of everything, the attack, court case, and losing my job and home, but I am steadily building myself back up!

I have two gorgeous furkids, the wolf and kitty, and surviving every day is a battle I strive to win. My pets keep me sane. Next, I'll post an article about the wolf, Kiba.

This was taken a week after the court case. I had pulled my gladrags on, my warrior paint, and I was ready to fight another day!

and my baby kiba x.jpg

~Wolf and Kitty


Welcome to steemit - I hope your tough days are over and you can focus on writing now! Maybe there will be even a steemit-exclusive? Who knows ;)
Resteemed you via @welcoming, my place for showcasing promising newcomers!
Greets, @theaustrianguy

Thank you so much! A steemit-exclusive... Hmm, I'll keep that in mind! Hopefully I get more followers and I can write exclusive excerpts for you!

Welcome to Steemit. I hope you succeed greatly here on the forum. Cheers.

Thank you so much.

First im sorry of wat did happened to you :( !!! there is people that need to be locked up . always keep strong
I like Wolf , which dog breed is it ?

Thank you! He's of a wolf-hybrid, though mostly Alaskan Malamute and White German Shepherd!

WOW !!! I have two german shepherds and one lazy golden retriever.

They sound wonderful already. What's their names? I also have a lazy kitty, Juno!

The lazy one cory the two other zapi y zapo ( z with spanish accent ).

I am very sorry for what happened to you! Nevertheless it is amazing to see how open you are able to speak about it! I admire your courage and strength. The photo of you and Wolf is really beautiful! I would love to take care of an own dog some day! Have a nice evening!

Thank you so much! Dogs are... I just think life isn't quite complete unless you have the love of a fluffy companion and feel that love in return.

Hey Kitty, welcome on Steemit. I think that your strength and your courage are the best answers to what happened to you. I hope that you will find a beautiful family here on Steemit where you will be able to share your stories, tales and thoughts. I will follow you

Thank you so much for the kind words and welcome! I already feel relieved having dragged all of those feelings out of me and posted on Steemit. Thank you! Followed back.

Welcome to steemit . It is lovely to meet you. Writing is a phenomoinal potential outlet for emotion of every kind and can be a tremendous healer. I can see you have worked hard, you are amazing, obviously a fighter and a winner. Your wolf is just GORGEOUS but you know that ☺️
Following your blog.

It really is! I honestly think that, if not for my ability to write and my furbabies, I wouldn't be here. They encourage me to write harder and better and push myself deeper, as do the wonderful people I encounter along the way, online and in real life. Thank you for commenting and following!

My grandmother had over 40'books published back in the 1930-1940's she was a fiction writer and a fascinating character all round. I have written myself for fun only but love that feeling you get when lost in a reality created by yourself , I am on the verge on getting back into some creative writing... I can feel it coming on again 😂 Thanks for being an instant inspiration! 😉

That's so amazing, especially since it was so much harder back then to publish not to mention for women! I hope you continue writing. Wattpad is a good place to get your work out there before venturing into publishing. :)

I don't think you look exhausted! Sounds like you've got a lot to share with us. Welcome to the platform, and all the best! xx, Kay

Thank you! All the best too, Kay xx

Kudos for your bravery, determination, and honesty. Writing is therapy for me, as well. The struggle is real, but you're not alone.

Self-publishing is HARD (I've SP'ed two books), and I have huge respect for people who keep at it. Also, Kiba is adorable! Write on. I look forward to reading more of your words!

Writing is the best kind of therapy! I'm interesting in knowing what you write. I'd be happy to support you any way I can.

Likewise. :) I tend to write love stories in many genres (fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary), plus I've published non-fiction. On here, I've been sharing poetry and flash fiction, so far. Glad to find you here! :)

Never let go, said Jack of Titanic. Love the story. Was 12 years old in 1997 when Titanic hit the big screens. Love your dog. You look great. Romance is great. Nora is good. Welcome.

I do have a huge soft spot for that movie! It feels welcoming to be a part of the Steemit community.

Thank you!

We all can struggle with mental health. Humans share in a lot of struggles. But we are not always aware of it due to the labels, stereotypes, and more. Being open, transparent, helps so much.

This is precisely why I am open and speak up about my assault and struggles with mental health. Society has made us feel ashamed of talking about it, in my experience even my loved ones, and I truly hope to change that. So many of us do. I think it's a war we are progressively conquering.

I was homeschooled. Doctors said I would never pass 6th grade but I went on to 4 colleges. I'm 32 now. Genetically, I have Treacher Collins Syndrome which affects the mouth but I was able to get through that with help and stuff. Things are always getting better. The glass is maybe half full, maybe half empty, but it is also filling up at the same time.

That is so amazing! Thank you for sharing your story.

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