Been kickin' with him since '94! Hello steemians, Dave reporting in! Sooo.. let's get started!?
Good evening Y'all!
I'm Dave. Your average *jack of all trades* type of guy. I am a busy body individual. You might like downtime at work, I get frustrated if there isn't enough work. I pinball, no shutoff button!
Huge, HUGE shoutout to @stevedezTV for taking the time to sit down with #TWTRFAM and share the exciting platform! Owe him soo much!
I'm a health junkie. I have bad genetics when it comes to dental. I don't know what a smile is but I keep, keepin' on! I have an eye for the sky, eye for reclaiming wood (pallets) breaking sweat on rugged terrain and don't mind playing in the dirt! I plan to spend more time here as I spent most of my time on twitter, socializing! Connect, connect, connect! Already lovin' the platform here but who wouldn't! Once they get the rundown of it! 😉
Let's cut to the chase shall we!?
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As you can tell. Images aren't of the greatest quality but I capture on the go. I'm always out for a good shot of the sky! Let us take a step into my woodworking!!
Built a suspended stand for our crazy lady of a bearded dragon! Sanded and sealed.
Trunk built for my wife. Turned out bigger than I expected. Keeping it unfinished.
Easel built. She enjoys painted and wanted a bigger easel. Why buy when you can make!
Halloween prop
Sign of life!
Cupcake stands we built for our wedding! Was a huge hit at our reception!
Let's get down and dirty!

That's about it, about me. I'm sure I missed something but lets hear about you! Looking forward to connecting with everyone!!
Hello Dave
Welcome to Steem it, hope you will have fun here
Follow the following helpful posts for beginners and do upvote
Do upvote my recent posts if you like them, i shall do the same
heloing others and getting help back is what we do in steemit
Good luck in Steem
Follow me and i will do the same, keep in contact
feel free to ask if any confusion
Absolutely! Anyone taking the time to help redirect the lost. Toward the known deserved a upvote!
Hi and welcome to steemit.
We have started a woodworking community here on steemit and would welcome you. We have a discord channel, link here: Woodworking on Steem Discord Channel And a weekly woodworking post competition ,
you can read the post here
Oh really! I'll definitely have to check it out! May not enter but heck, sure do some creativity projects!
Good Evening, Nice click
nd Welcome to the great community #Steemit
Evening buddy!
Great photos, Dave! Keep up the good work and welcome to Steem!
Thank you so much! I'm always thinking of things to do. Can't wait for this warm weather to come back. Time to expand the garden!
Welcome to the steemit follow me and i follow you
Cool work with the pallets! Welcome to steem and good luck!
Creativity with pallets is what I enjoy!
Thank you!
Welcome to join Steemit hope you enjoy it and can work in a world full of colorful, greetings from me @trizwansyah79 for you and success continue in the future.
@trizwansyah79 Your style of commenting is considered spam. Please refrain from copy and paste style of commenting. Spam diminishes the overall quality and authenticity of Steem platforms.
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Greetings! Same to you!
See you around!