Hello :)
Hi! My name's Sean.
I guess this is the beginning of a story.
I’m not interested in myself per se. I’m interested in myself as theme carrier, as host.
It’s all going to be carved on the cave walls of the block chain and hashed down into history anyway.
I love to start and tend to fires, walk around outside without a destination, take wrong turns while driving, enjoy a song so much I miss another turn, run without headphones and music, problem solve when others give up, look at the moon for a while,
read everything especially David Shields and Kurt Vonnegut, play full court basketball until I almost throw up, eat fresh vegetables that got so ripe they fell off their stem onto the ground before other animals get them,
write in ways that I think will make people rethink,
play devil's advocate, have fits of embracing an inner chef, leave the gym feeling like I might actually not be able to carry the hoodie and keys in my hands, leaving borrowed things cleaner than I got them and,
say what no one else is willing to say - to be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
I love to learn, but school was torturous for me. This is a problem - or is it?
I grew up to "there are no problems - only solutions" - Dad.
It is a lifestyle choice. As with spending habits, eating habits (which lead to spending), exercise habits etc. etc. etc.
I lived on a farm for a while - you do not know problem solving until you experience this.
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.
Digging into how money works led me to digital currencies and Blockchain technology.
If people know one thing related to this, they know “Bitcoin” - not how it works, what it’s really for, how it has value, or where it came from, but, that some people are filthy rich with it. But it’s also going to crash. And that it’s also for buying drugs.
What’s really funny, and sad, is you can replace Bitcoin right there with “money,” with “US dollars,” with “credit,” or with “debt.”
What is money?
This question was the first issue discussed at Bitcamp – a 3 day intensive boot camp created by BitBox – a company started by a guy who I first met while volunteering at an urban farm in the North End neighborhood of Detroit. His LinkedIn profile had the word disruptor in it...

You really can't make progress without disrupting your norm.
Remember those posters on elementary school walls that said,
“shoot for the moon, and even if you miss you’ll land amongst the stars?”
I took those to heart, while ignoring the main objective - teaching us how to stand in line, and wait.
And wait. An wait.
Anwait. N’wait.
N’wait. N’wyt.N’wyt.N’wyt.AND WAIT.
What was it we were waiting for?
I like that mister.. Where that?