Kinoblog # 5. I want to share my impressions of the film that I watched today. "Lawless". Insinuations from @vetal
Illegal production and sale of alcohol brings a relatively stable income to the three brothers. Everything was quiet, while the local authorities closed their eyes to it. Suddenly a high-ranking person comes from Chicago, called to put things in order. In fact, the orders do not lead, but they establish, now if you want to trade bootlegging further, you should pay. And with a failure to wait for trouble, not only shut down your business, but also you "pine lid."
"Lawless" is a crime drama, very reminiscent of the popular series "Underground Empire", only the concentration of emotions is higher because of the full meter.
The cast is incredible: Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Jason Clarke, Mia Wasikowska and absolutely amazing Guy Pearce. They are the undisputed advantage of the film, thanks to this number of stars of the first magnitude even the spectator who clearly does not sympathize with this genre will look. You can talk a lot about the actor's work, they are all at the highest level and deserve only praise, but there is one role that deserves a separate and close attention - the role of Pierce. Guy did not just play a villain, his "werewolf in epaulets" fascinates ...
Once again, this is not an easy film - it's a film adaptation of the book, and it's also written, based on the author's original story of the grandfather's fate. Do not really forget that this story with a clear artistic fiction is not absolutely biographical.
The story of the valor of violators of the law, basically upholding their point of view, that corruption is more of a crime than the illegal sale of alcohol.