Introducing Myself

Hi, people. I’m Valentina.
Let me start sharing an opinion, if I may. When you introduce yourself you usually suppress the juicy stuff and go right to what society wants to hear. What’s your name? How old are you? From where are you from? I think this is boring and overrated.
When I was fifteen years old, an English teacher asked us to introduce ourselves and this is what I wrote:
“If I could define myself in one single world that would be intergalactic because I think my mind is beyond this planet, but that’s okay. I like to be different.
I love to tell (write) stories and I love to hear (read) them as well. Capturing moments is my passion. Saving little but significant details is what I live for. Dreaming is my favorite activity. Imagining is my hobby (I truly believe that if you don’t dream, you can’t live). Music is my crush. And books are my life partner.”
I was just a girl bit I actually think I did a pretty good job back then because I poured my soul into it. I showed what was inside of me, and that it is the most important thing. However, I didn’t mention one little thing.
I’m anorexic. And that is because you don’t go around saying Hey! I’m Valentina and I’m anorexic right? (Especially when you don’t even believe it yourself and you think your doctor is the crazy one).
It should be noted that my eating disorder it is not who I am but I cannot deny it is a big part of who I am; want it or not, it has a great influence on me and sometimes it is hard to separate myself from it. The truth is I’ve changed so much through the years because of it that I don’t even know who I am anymore.
The reason why I’m telling you all this though, is because not everything is dark. Due my eating disorder I started writing more than I ever had before.
When you live with a mental illness things can get overwhelming, there are just too many thoughts floating in your head, thoughts you don’t even know if they are yours or your illness’s, so writing is a good way to vent. It is an escape.
It is also (for me) the best way to connect with others. When you’re going through difficult times you tend to think you’re alone but writing taught me wrong. When I started writing about my eating disorder in different platforms I received a lot of support and feedback and bonded with so many people that were experiencing the same I was.
And this is the thing I always liked about writing and photography, that by telling a story either by words or by images you always connect with someone. And for me that is the main goal and that’s why I am looking to accomplish in here.
Thank you for your time and patience. And always remember that you’re not alone!_VI_3378.jpg



Hi there! Glad to welcome you here on steemit. If you want to boost your posts visual effects I strongly encourage you to read this:

Thanks! I'll definitely do it soon

Hello Welcome to STEEMIT! Beautiful photograph

Hey, thanks! It means a lot.

Welcome to steemit! good to see fellow newbies! :)

Thank you! Welcome to you too. I just followed you. I think your post will be very interesting!

Thank you Val. You seem like an open minded person that will benefit all of us :)

It's nice to meet you Valentina. Welcome to Steemit!
I'm also new in here, and I can't wait to see more of your posts, just started following you, would appreciate if you would follow me back :)

Hey, Kargath, it's nice to meet you too.
Thank you for being so nice. Of course I will intermediately follow you back and I expect to read more of you as well!

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