My First Introduction In Steemit Community

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Assalamualaikum, Wr, Wb.
Greetings to all steemit communities around the world, I am a beginner and want to explain myself.
I Fatwatul Ahsina is often called Ahsina and lives in a small village of Pante Baroe Kumbang village, Peusangan Siblah Krueng Subdistrict, Bireuen District, Aceh Indonesia. I first learned that the steemit community was notified by @ cannavarocanva46. Not only told, I was also taught how to use it. Alhamdulillah now I start to understand and start posting my introduction in this steemit. I live in the western end of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) namely the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD).
In addition I was also the fifth child of six siblings from Mr. Syafruddin (Alm) and Mrs. Asfiawati Anwar. I have three brothers, one brother, and one younger brother.
When it comes to education, my last education is Bachelor of Primary Teacher Education (PGSD), at the Faculty of Teacher Training Education (FKIP), at Almuslim University. This private high school is very popular in my area. I signed in 2011 and finished 2015 with Index 3.30.
Now I am a teacher in one of the private elementary schools in Bireuen District namely SDIT AZKIYA. I have almost three years of service and educate and mimbingbing student learning.

Assalamualaikum Wr, Wb.
Salam kenal semua komunitas steemit di seluruh penjuru dunia, saya pemula dan ingin memberikan penjelasan data diri saya.
Saya Fatwatul Ahsina sering dipanggil Ahsina dan tinggal di desa kecil yaitu desa Pante Baroe Kumbang, Kecamatan Peusangan Siblah Krueng, Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh Indonesia. Awal pertama saya mengetahui komunitas steemit ini diberitahukan oleh @cannavarocanva46. Tidak hanya diberitahukan, saya juga diajarkan bagaimana menggunakannya. Alhamdulillah sekarang saya mulai paham dan memulai memposting perkenalan diri saya di steemit ini. Saya tinggal di ujung barat Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) yaitu provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD).
Selain itu saya juga anak ke lima dari enam bersaudara dari Bapak Syafruddin (Alm) dan Ibu Asfiawati Anwar. Saya mempunyai tiga abang, satu kakak, dan satu adik laki-laki.
Kalau bicara soal pendidikan, pendidikan terakhir saya adalah Sarjana Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD), di Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP), di Universitas Almuslim. Sekolah tinggi swasta ini sangat terkenal di daerah saya. Saya masuk pada tahun 2011 dan selesai 2015 dengan Indeks 3.30.
Sekarang saya seorang guru di salah satu sekolah dasar swasta di Kabupaten bireuen yaitu SDIT AZKIYA. Saya sudah hampir tiga tahun mengabdi dan mendidik serta mimbingbing siswa/siswi belajar.


Pray for success and welcome in steemit

Thank you sir. Give upvote as well.

hey are you Indonesian?

Yes sir, why?

lots of Indonesian lady make a great career in steemit.Follow them and learn from them and i wish you will succeed one day like of luck

Thank you very much sir, please help too.

W.salam. Welcome to Steemit 🙂

Thank you, vote sir.

Welcome to steemit! And I wish you a lot of success in this platform and its always good you add pictures to your introductions so people will emerge with what they are reading.^^ Upvoted!

Thank you very much! 🙂🙂🙂

No problem! :)

Hi @ukhtyahsina99 ! Great post, i like it, i just upvoted it ! PS: you may like to follow me ... @legsnheels

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