Well hi there Steemit community. I've been holding off on a proper introduction post. I figured I'd load a few songs that I could link to here.
I am a living soul sojourning in this place called earth. I find this place rather surreal. Anyway, I write, record and release music under the pseudonym, driftwood scavenger as well as the name my mother gave me, rob chiavelli.
The music spans a space between raw acoustic songwriter tunes and ambient guitar explorations. In between there are a lot of simple instrumentals and some thoughtful, poetic lyrics I'm really proud of.
I am also a craftsman-finish carpenter as well as a truth miner with some strong convictions about how I interact with the corrupt world system. This is a common thread throughout my music.
Earlier recordings reflected more of my Christian faith but as I have grown to see how the state church has been infiltrated and used as another arm of control and statist indoctrination, i've grown weary. I have rejected the religion of statism and the characiture that the church has become. I have not rejected my faith.
So there you go. TMI? It is what it is.
I am not completely confident in this blockchain stuff but I'll give it a go for now. I'll be sharing more from my back catalog and some new material soon. I'm sure there will be a rant and a ramble along the way too.
Grace and peace,
Welcome to Steemit! It's a great community. I hope you enjoy it. :)
Hello Welcome to steemit. Hope you will have a great time around.

Follow up for beautiful babes :-*
Would you please remove your gif image from this post? Come on, fish for views somewhere else.
Greetings and welcome to Steemit. I share some of your religion thoughts with regards to what I like to call the little "c" (church). I'm pretty tired of the institution it has become and now focus on the big "C" (Christ's Church). On this platform, I don't believe there can be "TMI" haha. Welcome. Hope you find this as a home.
Welcome to Steemit! Enjoy the ride as much as you can!