I quit my job - so here I am Steemit. Ready to kick-ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

This is me - Marcus. hi.

I'm excited to get to know you guys. I pretty much learned about this place through my friend @susanne and being a big fan of Reddit I'm jumping on the wagon - Nice to meet you, and thank you @susanne for showing me this awesome community. So the TLDR about me: I'm a remote (ish) worker, I love kiting and I absolutely love travel. And especially a mix of all of the above.

So perhaps those subjects should be the focus of my steemit-logging, what do you think? Does that sound intriguing? Btw, is that what we're calling this? I mean, vlogging is a term right? Steem-logging? Stogging? Ok I'll stop now.

This is my home. Or close to it. Pulpit rock. It's pretty awesome.

So what about me? Well, I'm Norwegian but pretty much feel like a Global citizen. I've worked and lived in three continents - Europe, Australia and the U.S. I'm somewhat of a corporate dropout - I started my career in an oil&gas company but after joining a Startup Weekend in 2012 I realized there was this whole new magical world of entrepreneurs. It was literally like taking the red pill, falling down the rabbithole and re-discovering what work could be. Here was this whole (global) community of people who were optimistic, positive, innovative, smart. Wow. They were nothing like my coworkers who were all constantly complaining, dragging their feet, and making everyone else's day miserable. These startup guys - they were on fire! I was hooked.

A year and one MBA degree (in beautiful Sunshine Coast, Australia) later, I started my own company. I now work as a innovation consultant and I get to travel to some of the worlds most epic places.

Me @ Google with -> Blue shirt corporate clients :D

So that is what I do now - I've joined the rebellion (maybe not Star Wars fans here, huh?). Basically I help established companies understand the digital revolution through various products, workshops, keynotes and bootcamps. I'm also a co-founder of two tech companies, but I'll share more on that later. And kiting. And - travel.

Ok guys. I'm pumped. Talk soon!


Nice @travelmarcus, welcome anboard the Steem-train!

I'm ready to kick-gum and chew ass. And I'm all out of ass.

Extra points if you know where the quote originates from..Don't..don't Google it :D

Alright, alright, alright. D&C!

Their version is "I only came here to do two things man, kick some ass and drink some beer, looks like we're almost outta beer". Dazed and confused, 1993 movie :)

Close but no sigar! I'll give you a hint. It's from the 90s game with a the most anticipated sequel that never was 🤔😊

I thought it was from Duke Nukem but turns out that's not where it originated. TIL

I know the answer now but not gonna spoil it!

Ok so you outsmarted me 😊😊

Hei Marcus!
Det var en kul overaskelse å få opp i feeden min takket være @susanne 's Resteem :) velkommen til steemit! Håpe du får en knallgod mottakelse her! Tror du kan gjør det sykt bra med alle de kule tingene du drar på.

Skal du på Nordic Edge? Ses sikkert snart!


Kjekt å se at du følger med, @fredrikaa :) Synd at du ikke er i Stavanger, fordi i morgen arrangerer jeg krypto-kveld på kontoret! :)

Prøver å få med meg det meste ;) Det hadde vært sykt morro å bli med på! Er en del tøffe miljøer rundt krypto her i Paris og, men hadde vært spennende å se hvem i Stavanger som også har fått øynene opp ^^

Er i Stavanger ~26 September til 1 Oktober. Så kanskje vi ses da heller :)

God ide! Det prøver vi å få til!

Haha, kuult @fredrikaa - takk! Dette e ein kul platform og absolutt min type folk. Når det i tillegg hvile på ein sykt spennende platform så kryssa det av alle boksene. Alt vel i Paris? Noe spennende som skjer?

Absolutt, og du finner mange utrolig dyktige utvilkere, hackere ++ i ulike kanaler her. Men du må ofte ut og finne dem på steem.chat, ulike Discord kanaler osv. Men sykt tøft å være på en Blockchain hvor utviklere og innovatører også fra andre Blockchains henger.

Råkoser meg i Paris! Prøver å dele spennende ting som skjer her på Steemit, så da kan du jo få med deg litt ;) . Next up er et prosjekt om hvordan satellitter kan bidra til å styrke tjenester for sivilforsvaret og redningstjenester i Alpene. Så blir en del reising på meg og!

Ser frem til å se hva du vil legge ut her. Skal prøve å gi deg et ekstra dytt. Spør gjerne hvis du lurer på noe

Takk det skal eg gjøre. Høres kult ut med disse prosjektene, det blir spennende å følge :)

Nordic Edge? Ikkje sikker. Skal du?

Jepp. Me ska holde en parallellsesjon der om hva satellittdata kan gjøre for smarte og bærekraftige byer. Så eg skal der som co-organiser. Blir spennende å se om de klare å skalere det videre

Welcome to steemit! This platform, like some other experiences it sounds like you've had, is quite exciting. I hope you start to love it as much as I have! If you're interested in chatting about crypto and steem you should join the steemspeak discord channel :)

thanks @mrslauren - where will I find this? Sorry, I'm new here :D

Kommer over stadig flere nordmenn her. Bra greier!

Welcome! Hope you enjoy Steemit! I joined last June and I am really happy with our community! I am a Brazilian writer and journalist, living in London. Here I post about photography, travelling and stories. Have a look at my profile and if you like it, follow me. Cheers!

hi @marcelli thank you - I'm glad to join this community too. Thanks I will check it out :)

Welcome to Steem @travelmarcus I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Tipping is good, no? :)

Nice post! hope you will blog about your travels.
I lived and worked on 3 continents as well, blogging about it now and for now living in my city Amsterdam.
Will keep an eye out for your blogs

Thank you heyitshaas. I'm following you too ..What was your favorite destination?

Pfff travelled for four years and including working an a cruise ship for almost a year saw so much.
Nature wise i really love Vancouver Island, city wise Sydney and Chicago.
But my list is still super long, want to travel again in a few months, working and saving money in Amsterdam right now

Hey you sound awesomeeee! Got me pumped ✌️!!!

Thanks @tourboijosh looking forward to checking your posts too 👌

Take a look tell me what you think ! 🙌

Welcome to Steemit. Glad to have you here.

Thanks @seablue - nice to be here 😊

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