in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Hello folks,


My name is TJ Kirk and I have over a million subscribers on YouTube, but after years of shabby treatment, I am looking for the door. I have decided to embrace steemit and, as I have looked these websites over and decided that these platforms are the future.

I am tired of censorship. I am tired of inequitable pay. I am tired of bowing to the arbitrary whims of my corporate masters at Google. I am tired of the ever-changing landmine field of what is and isn’t appropriate to say according to these aforementioned corporate masters.

I am tired of dancing to their tune.

This blog and my related account at

represent my first step in taking back creative control of my intellectual property, and being compensated for viewers and readers within the context of a fair system that is applied the same way to everyone.

Here I will be talking about anything and everything that I wish, without restraint and without the fear of censorship. I hope that you will join me on this journey.

And if you have no idea who I am and what I’m about, here are some relevant links:

Youtube –
Twitter –
Wikipedia –


Welcome to Steemit!!!!! Well said! Many Youtubers are being censored because their content doesn't fit Youtubes narrative. Here you will find freedom and a great platform to get your voice out there, and most importantly you will be appreciated. ☺️

Agreed. It's funny how their efforts to enforce "inclusivity" means they have to exclude more and more people.

i agree with you, i think its the time to think out of youtube...

hi umair how r u i up you please do same

@tjkirk you are the best i always waiting your new video on youtube but i am very happy to see here welcome man.

yep! youtubers can now get justice with google

Steemit Founder and CEO Ned Scott.jpg

In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
-George Orwell.
I have run FFRnews on Youtube for a number of months now and the demonetization and straight censorship is out of control. If you want to know the truth about a society, study who you can say negative things about and who you cannot say negative things about. That will tell you where power is truly held. The narrative we hear from the establishment is that right learning white males hold institutional power. Yet it is far left progressives who control all information. They control social media, the mainstream media, Hollywood, and academia.

I love his work,always honest and always direct.
Steemit is the FUTURE#

I am followed you

I follow you @ ayutingtingg

You mean *I followed you

Hi, i also have youtube channel and i think its diffucuilt introducing there. I like Steemit and hoping to find here muself.

This guy absolutely cracks me up. He is real and doesn't sugar coat it! If any of you want 56 seconds of laughter come check out my video. If you are into Crypto you will understand.

Absolutely Correct!!!

Been a fan for a long time, your content is always amazing. Glad you made the switch from youtube.

YouTube sucks checking vid's for content not up to their standards kiss my ass YouTube, Greedy scum sucking pigs.

I totally agree with you!

:D hi, I'm new to this platform, if you like you can take a look at my blog;) and I follow you. And thank you

Welcome @tjkirk This is great place to feel appreciation in the power of the people. I hope you use that power wisely and help US keep this place the way it is and not like YT. RESPECT

Each and every person coming here tells Youtube that they need to step up their game, and not mess with their creators without warning. Cheers to what both steemit and d-tube can be.

I hope this will take off, so that we can leave Youtube behind!! me up

Self promotion could make your reputation a whale snack!

Your Reputation Could be a Tasty Snack with the Wrong Comment!

Thank You! ⚜

The new look of dtube is looking good. It is going to help many more people coming aboard


Hello friends, greetings @sephiroth @dedane, I'm new to this platform, check my blog, I like to make friends!

the feeling is mutual

Welcome TJ. You've got my follow, as I've enjoyed your videos for some years now. It's a big help that Steemit's revenue doesn't come from ads, because a big part of what has increasingly shaped Youtube content into optimized inoffensive, flavorless beige paste over the years are the demands of advertisers who somehow expect compelling content that offends absolutely nobody, anywhere.

That is of course an absurdity and an impossibility. Besides which the video only format of Youtube unnecessarily constrains the type of expression. With any luck that will equal substantially greater growth potential, less in the way of samey clickbait 10.1 minute videos and more writing, music, photography and other media types which require an attention span in excess of what the average ten year old possesses. In a very real sense, Steemit includes the best of Imgur, Soundcloud, Inkitt and Youtube with few of the drawbacks.

I've enjoyed a great deal of success already simply posting my short stories here. I won't pretend quality content is all it takes, as ever there's a huge luck factor involved, but you have the benefit of a pre-existing fanbase most of which will likely follow you over to Steemit. I have no doubt you'll find this site a better fit. I know I did.

In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
-George Orwell.
I have run FFRnews on Youtube for a number of months now and the demonetization and straight censorship is out of control. If you want to know the truth about a society, study who you can say negative things about and who you cannot say negative things about. That will tell you where power is truly held. The narrative we hear from the establishment is that right learning white males hold institutional power. Yet it is far left progressives who control all information. They control social media, the mainstream media, Hollywood, and academia.


Glad to see bigger Youtubers realise how much they can make with steem, and with still only a fraction of their YT audience. I can only imagine what would happen if PewDiePie, H3H3, Philip DeFranco and Howtobasic find their way here and start talking about it. Imagine also how glorious it will be for all those constantly shilling and begging for donations and Patreon support, with steem they won't need to as their audience/supporters can literally send them money in the form of their upvote where they lose nothing and from which they can even profit themselves.

I see you currently have zero steem. I suggest buy some Steem with your SBD payouts so you can work on becoming less TJ and more Whale J.

Just imagine having a powerful mighty upvote. (I also upvoted a few of your comments to show you how easy it was to send you a little bit of money.) Even as little as 4,000 steem can make your voting power feel powerful, you even get a slider as you approach this much so you can choose how much of your voting power to use per upvote. Some people have enough Steem in Steem Power for each upvote to pay several dollars, double digits, or even hundreds of dollars worth. Although to be fair 4000 steem has become about 5 times more expensive than it was even in November where it was still around $1 which it had been at for several months, around 8 times more expensive if you count the fact that the price got to over $8 before it corrected back to $3.85 and is right now back up to $5).

Basically right now try to hold off cashing out your steem earnings into $$$ if you can afford to, it's worth more here to accumulate some prime real estate and which becomes progressively more valuable as the price increases. Steem's still got a long long way to go even at it's current price. Especially when Bitcoin finishes it's bearish correction and goes back up $20k+. Reaching about mid-July's Bitcoin prices last summer Steem will be around +$12 and still not be back to it's all time high. I expect at some point the price to really start increasing (mooning as we say in crypto) when we inevitably hit an inflection point/critical mass and then just like many coins you can see recently have done see a strong next wave upwards very fast as it starts it's new super cycle. At the very least try and save your payout rewards. Steem is still very undervalued in Bitcoin value. It fell a long, long way down since the summer. It's higher in USD only because Bitcoin has gone way up since then.

I'm not sure if Steem Dollars is currently so high because there's some kind of a bug or because it's a feature as I was always told it was meant to be pegged to be around $1USD so that makes me a little nervous about what it's doing now especially as this is similar to last year. At any rate personally I'd strategically sell a little more than normal for Steem until someone that knows what they're talking about can confirm that the +$10 SBD won't be artificially nerfed somehow for some reason. (I hope not, I think it makes the platform more valuable)

YouTube's new slogan should be "Broadcast Yourself...providing we agree with you".

Even as little? as 4,000 steem :-)

Yea i know i know but not so long ago that wasn't nearly so much! :D

Even just going by the average exchange price on Coin Market Cap you could have got 1 steem for about 85 cents in November so buying 4000 steem would have cost $3400. Of course 4000 steem is now worth about $20,000 at $5 and after just hitting $8 was worth $32,000. Right now it looks like it's working on forming the handle to it's cup on the bitcoin charts which means once it goes back to $8 which you know won't take much if you're familiar with crypto 4000 steem becomes nearly twice as valuable, nearly twice as expensive.

So if a content creater especially, like TJ, has the resources it would be well worth him considering a more substantial investment.

But hey, you don't need to spend anything to make money as anyone can see from his post getting over $500 in upvotes (is that SBD dollars???) so maybe if you're making that sort of money you might see less of an incentive at this point

Of course buying that much steem can look like a good investment for the big influencers but do you think that it's worth it for people who are just getting started with steemit?

Of course buying that much steem can look like a good investment for the big influencers but do you think that it's worth it for people who are just getting started with steemit?

It depends how you're using Steemit and what you want out of it.

Mainly the reason to buy is...

  1. For investment purposes. No matter who you are
  2. With more steem power it allows someone to get more out of the site. I definitely know that the way the site felt when my vote had no value, before I had any steem power in my account, was quite different. The more steem power I've experienced the more this changes.

I stayed at about 4/5/6,000 and at one point I had I think 8 or 9,0000 steem possibly more but I can't remember but at any rate at some point II withdrew down to the figure I now have. Im glad I said to myself I'm definitely leaving this much here. (Steem was a huge loss for most of the Summer after costly mistake of putting most of my capital into it in June/July)

Anyway the point is that I've experienced what it felt like with no voting power at all, and with at least double the voting strength I have now and I can definitely say it really does change things. I felt silly upvoting myself when I had no voting power and my vote was worth maybe 1 cent, and I really wished I could upvote people for more. I earned some coins here and there with curation rewards but it's far less fun even trying to get your upvote on something first at hat level. For me steemit at this time was a far more passive experience and less engaging.

When I deposited my first thousand something steem - WHOO!!!! this changed everything, my upvote started to feel substantial. It really did feel like it had some weight behind it. I could upvote I think about 10 cents or something (this was also when 10 cents was actually 10 cents) The more my vote became worth the more profitable the whole experienced felt, because I knew I could upvote myself, upvote other people, and have more of an influence on what people see. The fact that if I don't use my voting power I lose it means it incentivises me to keep using the site so I don't waste it. I do find it quite rewarding to be able to send someone money with my click and which doing so doesn't even cost me anything. It's quite a unique feeling and I can't think of anything similar.

If you're a content creator both reasons 1 and 2 apply to you as well but if you're serious about this stuff then it makes much more sense to invest in a next generation platform that's going to be such an important part of your life/career.

Steem also wouldn't be passive investment it's valuable far more to you by way of it having practical application where as someone who is a content creator can always utilise. So many coins have no utility and those holding them are doing so on pure hopes of what it could be in the future. Steemit is pretty much the only crypto that's actually being used every day for it's intended purpose and while it's always improving and has a long way to go it's already got a functioning platform that works and has been working for a long time. You know even though steem had severely lost value over the summer, unlike other coins the community was so positive largely because the coins didn't become useless and the fact that the actual platform still kept on going. The coin also felt far more valuble at this time even compared to other coins which were of the same price.

Anyway I wrote way more than I was meaning to...

Point is, there is a reason to get steem. If you're earning a lot through your posts being upvoted so much then this is almost less of a reason to care about i. But I would suggest to anyone which this applies his should be an indication maybe that you don't need to buy any Steem with your fiat savings, i do think content creators that get large payouts really should be accumulating steem. This isn't supposed to be any old investment for them it's what they're own life will be revolving around. Someone who is less of a creator and more of a consumer it's really more of an investment choice, harder to afford today because how much steem has gone up , but i will still say it does improve your experience of the platform.

@edb1984 I really like the kind of comment you drop. It's very engaging. It seems like you have more knowledge about how this platform works and so I did really like to have a personal chat with you and if you don't mind please add me up on whatsapp +2348161290771. Bless up!

Well someone with 2M subscribers of course will make 551 STU which transferred to normal currency, around 206 SBD times 8, USD 1648 liquid and a little less to be invested in Steem Power. So of course that is much faster than YT, where you get 1 USD per 4000 views.
Thing is for the rest of us minnows, you either invest some money into this to help you get noticed or you will spend months just waiting to be seen. Anyway is a much better platform that all I have seen around.

I was holding off on buying STEEMIT until I read this post. It helped me understand how whales mentality works a little better. Now i will buy around 4k work so I can have some influence My following is not near as large as @tjkirk or you @edb1984 but it will be once I get more knowledge of how the system works. Dtube will be my next step.

In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
-George Orwell.
I have run FFRnews on Youtube for a number of months now and the demonetization and straight censorship is out of control. If you want to know the truth about a society, study who you can say negative things about and who you cannot say negative things about. That will tell you where power is truly held. The narrative we hear from the establishment is that right learning white males hold institutional power. Yet it is far left progressives who control all information. They control social media, the mainstream media, Hollywood, and academia.

So there is scope for youtubers on steemit!

well said my man... this steemit thing (and all of crypto) really does feel like the future. feels like when the net was first getting started. feel it in my loins in a similar way

very ıntersting repply supper

I'm liking that idea very much @edb1984

Great to see more people sticking a fork in YouTube. It couldn't happen to a more tyrannical site!

Welcome to Steemit!


ınterestıng ı follow you my friend

Beautiful ! That’s one More for the good guys ! Welcome aboard !

That's gonna be good..

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