Hello Steemit. We are The Red Pill

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)


"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Remember. All I am offering is the truth, nothing more"

Morpheos, The Matrix, 1999

The Red Pill was founded in South Africa by @spartanza and @betterness, who, after taking 'the red pill themselves, through life experience, realisations, and better understanding of the world, wanted to encourage the spreading of truth throughout their immediate environments through friends and family, and ultimately to wider global audience.

As George Orwell wrote, 'In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act', @spartanza and @betterness started with a goal to begin an information revolution. We live in the information age after-all, do we not?

Founded in late 2014, The Red PIll is on its way to become a noteworthy Independent Media Organisation. People, since recorded history, have relied on the news to make better informed choices in their lives, their families lives, and even in their business and jobs. Over the last 100 years or so, the distribution of news has been swallowed up by a handful of entities, and the truth is being suppressed and bent to influence and manufacture the gains of the few at the expense of the many. Through money and power, and the purchasing and control of media and news outlets, the resulting symptom is millions of people are making choices and decisions that most of the time are unknowingly detrimental to their well-being.

The Inspirations

Over the last few years, The Red Pill has seen a rise in Independent Media, both locally in South Africa, as well as abroad. Networks like the We Are Change network, The Corbett Report, David Icke, High Impact Flix, Janssen Report, Media Monarchy, Info Wars, Press For Truth, Rebel Media, Ron Paul Liberty Report, SGT Report, The Next News Network, Dollar Vigilante, and Zero Hedge, have all inspired The Red Pill to follow in their footsteps, and forge a new path for others to join and follow.

Special mention must goto South African Independent Media, namely The Rational Standard, who are making waves in the critical thinking space of news information.


Our understanding of Independent Media is where the organisation does not receive funding from one individual or group of people. Example: If you have a radio show, and you rely on sponsors for funding, and one of your sponsors happens to be a pharmaceutical distribution company, you will find it difficult exposing the possible consequences of taking a specific drug manufactured by that particular company. How could you? They are contributing to your well-being, and your organisations well-being. This is a common story with many anecdotal cases.

The Red Pill has chosen a path where it is void of any dominant sponsoring, and is relying on funding through internal initiatives. Some initiatives include a clothing brand that sells 55% Hemp and 45% Organic shirts that is launching before the end of this year. Other sources of funding is through donations throughout network, and individual donations from @spartanza and @betterness from their own time and pockets.

Where are we now?

The Red Pill is finalising the last touches of their website, as well as preparing a group of writers and editors together to begin spreading more information to the public. As many of the readers will know, self-funding projects, without a steady flow of income, is highly unsustainable. Nevertheless, throughout all the ups and downs, we are still on track, and have confidence that we are in the right time and space to do so.

Our place on @steemit

We took the decision to open a Steemit account for several reasons. @spartanza and @betterness both feel that the blockchain revolution is well underway, and systems that allow individuals and organisations to be creative and free without the pressures of funding, censorship, as well as political pressures, and channel a crowdsource-like funding, like Steemit, is where we want to be. Let the people decide. We are after-all, for the people.

Of course, the revenue aspect of Steemit cannot be ignored. As an Independent, you are constantly on the look-out for funding platforms that are in-line with our values and ethics, and Steemit allows for people who are in-line with what we are doing , to give their stamp of approval and vote of confidence, encouraging us to journey further down the Rabbit Hole.

We are preparing to launch a series of articles on a wide range of topics including, Political News, Financial News, Health News and Information, as well as other topics and sub-topics on Steemit. We believe that these topics are important to the average person who is trying to navigate these unprecedented times we live in. So be sure to follow us.


If you feel that you would like to contribute to our network, do not hesitate to contact @spartanza on Steemit Chat. Whether it is a financial contribution, or you are a keen writer, or have some great sources for news that you want to share with us, please get in touch. We love meeting new people who share similar visions and dreams as we do in this space and we look forward to getting in touch! Of course, you could just hit the UpVote button.

Thank you's

We would also like to thank the following people who have been part of our journey along the way. @simplyshad, @aslammotalam, @freemindhealth, Free Mind Media, Wilma (Get on Steemit!), @georgelj2809, and many many more! Thank you all.


While you are not able to serve men, how can you serve spirits [of the dead]?...While you do not know life, how can you know about death?

What's it called when you lend money to a bison? -A BUFFA-LOAN!

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