The New Paradigm (a resource-based economy versus crypto currencies and precious metals)

The human race is at a major turning point right now, the question is are we going to continue down the path of complacency, denial, and outdated ideas, or are we ready to open our minds, acknowledge the cause of our problems, and make the necessary changes? Bottom line is that we have some major problems to solve if we want our children to grow up in world very different from the one we and our ancestors grew up in. Good news is that it's not gonna be as difficult as we once believed. Due to the power of internet, we finally have everything we need to communicate the solutions to problems like poverty, crime, unemployment, diseases like cancer and heart disease, an ever-expanding prison system in America, the faker-than-fake 'War on Drugs' (war on people) , classism, and so on.

It used to be that one had to read countless books to learn the answers to society's problems, today things are different. Social media platforms such as you tube, steemit, the power of videos and blogging, etc., allow people to learn the answers to society's problems with far less effort than spending years reading many books. Sounds good to me. Makes sense since technology should be used to change the system rather than the way we've been using it to manipulate, oppress, imprison, and kill each other with the excuse of political and holy war (my God and government are better than yours). Our corrupt institutions have done so much damage to everyone throughout history that it's a wonder we made it through to where we are now. But hey, we made it through! And here we all are, on the brink of changing the world in a very brief time thanks to the internet and instant worldwide communication.

20 years ago, mentioning things like curing cancer or 'government conspiracies' made one a heretic and the target of the Inquisition (defenders of the status quo). Today there is a mass awakening on you tube and steemit unfolding on an unbelievable scale, and it only gains momentum each and every new day. But just as we've made enormous strides in curing cancer and heart disease with a comprehensive nutritional program, cannabis therapy, curcumin, red clover, detoxifying the body, balancing pH, eating more raw fruits and vegetables, etc., we still have a long way to go when it comes to understanding how to eliminate poverty, crime, and war. Not that it's a long way to go because we still don't understand the mechanisms, because we do in fact understand the causes and solutions to these issues, but because it's always a difficult task to expect those who are thriving in the monetary system to accept that the system itself is the cause of most of our problems. Usually it's the victims of a corrupt system who are more open to changing their ways, good luck expecting change from those who are rather comfortable in the covert dictatorship. I've been following people like Jeff Berwick, Bix Weir, Max Keiser, Alex Jones, David Icke, Michael Tsarion, Eric Dubay, Peter Joseph, Acharya S. (the list is long), etc., for 22 years, yet most of these guys and girls still haven't seemed to arrive at the conclusion that the money system is causing most of the problems that they believe crypto currencies, a return to a 'gold standard' economy, 'honest government' or anarchism/voluntarism will solve.

I'm not criticizing my heroes, just acknowledging that they're still not quite caught up with the most relevant solutions. I've been recommending crypto currencies since bitcoin's beginning and agree with the wisdom of owning precious metals and getting your wealth out of paper and the banking system. I also agree that anarchism/voluntarism have their merits and this new psychology will make an enormous contribution to changing the system. But I disagree that these ideas are the end all and be all or that government and central banking are the biggest problems facing everyone. I agree with Jeff Berwick that government and central banking are huge challenges, but saying that they are the cause of all our problems is an over-simplification when compared to the merits of a Resource-Based Economy versus any kind of 'money system', including the dollar, pound, swiss franc, yuan, bolivar, paper money, digital money, precious metals, bitcoin, ethereum, dash, veritaseum, etc., to no end of new inventions of the greatest enemy of mankind.. which is money itself.

Of course, philosophically, one could say that ignorance is the greatest enemy of mankind (or government and big banks), but it's more like a combination of these things, so arguing over the rank of these issues is an exercise in futility and semantics. To those who haven't yet come to the conclusion that money and ignorance are likely 'greater' problems than the agencies we put in place to regulate, control, and mitigate these human flaws, I highly recommend the films Zeitgeist 1, 2 (Addendum) and 3 (moving forward). I also recommend following all of Peter Joseph's, Jacque Fresco's, and Roxanne Meadows work, including their various websites (the Venus Project) and videos. Any kind of money system, including a 'Gold Standard' and decentralized (but cashless) crypto currency system will help temporarily during the transition out of the broken fiat system, but will ultimately lead to more of the same of what we have now.. more poverty, crime, oppression, a dumbed-down society being taken advantage of by the rich and powerful (which money is always responsible for no matter what form it takes), an ever-expanding prison system, political corruption, religious fanaticism, etc. Our current problems can only be partially mitigated by limiting power of government and banks, and only for so long before the beast inevitably becomes empowered and completely corrupt again. The real solution is abolishing the concept of money altogether, and that's what these amazing social platforms such as you tube and steemit were designed by the Universe for (from my limited, yet well-researched point of view). Again, I'm not harshly criticizing my mentors, their world-changing ideas, or crypto currencies and precious metals, but acknowledging that these are stepping-stones to a higher level of human awareness. And I'm not saying that a Resource-Based Economy is the end all and be all either, or is a perfect system. But it solves so many more problems than any ideas I've seen put forth by the best researchers out there, including crypto currencies.

We have a distorted view of the necessity of money, when in fact, if everyone would pay attention to the wisdom of a Resource-Based Economy, we would all wake up one day soon with all the wealth we need without the need for money or bills at all. It's the concept of money that robs us of the wealth, peace, and freedom we all need, though it falsely promises us the security it rarely gives. And even the security it gives is fraught with worry, anxiety, fear, government controls, regulations, fines, fees, confiscation, a police state, someone stealing what we worked so hard for, the need for prisons, etc. A Resource-Based Economy eliminates all these fears in one fell swoop as it totally removes the need for people to compete with each other for the right to live in a nice house, drive a nice car, wear nice clothes, and so on. We will all have big houses, nice cars, and designer clothes once we wake up to the fact that money will never be the answer we've been searching for, but rather the total elimination of money. Every person on the planet, right here and now, can be a 'millionaire' and have everything they need without ever having to pay another water bill, cable bill, electricity bill, car payment, mortgage, or work long hours at a job we hate. Money is simply an obstacle to these things, it's the ultimate barrier and paralyzer of human potential. Money, organized religion and government, the banking scam, and even the newer kinds of money (cryptos) are the greatest delusions in the history of human thought to be sure. So let's solve these problems quickly so we can all wake up as 'millionaires' (without actually needing a million dollars) in a system with no more prisons, governments, banks, gangs, courts, diseases, poverty, classes, theft, crime, etc. The current money system demands war, poverty, prisons, and diseases because the corporations and companies set up to mitigate them actually profit from 'managing the problem', which means that it's in everyone's interest who works in the current system to allow these problems to exist so we can keep receiving our insulting paychecks, though it's the craziest paradox one can dream up. And we become hopelessly enslaved by the dependency on money because no one can complain to their boss about the conflict of interest caused by the need to cure cancer, yet simultaneously make a fat paycheck from treating the disease with expensive medical practices (i.e. you can't have a cure for cancer and and a big paycheck in our current system). So how is the human race ever gonna be free from all these problems in a system where money is constantly needed to continually perpetuate the problems just so the wage slaves can barely pay the bills? Talk about the sheer definition of insanity, running on a wheel, and a self-defeating mentality. Do you really want your kids growing up in such a corrupt, self-defeating system? Neither do I, so let's change it.

To reconfirm, a Resource-Based Economy isn't 'perfect' and doesn't completely eliminate human suffering. The Universe has installed pain into the human program because the resistance is needed to draw the positive from the negative. In other words, what we call love, peace, happiness, joy, bliss, ecstasy, sex, pleasure don't just exist on their own. They have to be created and brought into existence, just as bitcoins or other forms of wealth are created by humans struggling to do something we don't want to get something we do want. The negative, or pain, is stored in the human mind and released at a later date when we spend our hard-earned money on something that gives us ease. But we wouldn't know ease except through first experiencing hardship. The release from the struggle is the reward, just as the release of pent-up energy during sex or playing a musical instrument is the cathartic, constructive reward for the destructive pain we endure up till the reward. Pain is the opposite of pleasure as hate is the opposite of love. But even 'God' himself can't experience love without first bringing it into existence by experiencing suffering. And no I don't believe in a 'male God', but think that what we call God (or the organizing principle of 'Creation') is male and female, but that's a whole other blog. Suffice it to say that if we want happiness, we must endure sadness along the way just as we can only fill our bank account with money generated by first enduring the difficult work week. There will always be pain in life because there's no other place from whence love can come. But a Resource-Based Economy eliminates the main problems so human beings don't have to be overwhelmed with insecurity all the time, that's the gist of it anyway. Money is a symbol of energy, but there are better ways to use our energy than waste time with boring wage labor that usually doesn't accurately represent how hard we work or how much energy we put into a particular project. The money system allows those who have the most money (yet do the least amount of work) to unfairly dictate to those who do the most amount of work so that they remain in perpetual slavery to keep those who give the corrupt orders the most secure. Aren't you tired of it?

If you happen to be interested, you can hit the photos link at or read my other essays at


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Welcome to Steemit @thenewparadigm :)

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Welcome to Steem @thenewparadigm I have sent you a tip

TY for being here! I so appreciate your presence and wisdom. I'd love to be your friend. I represent an asset backed Currency called Equality Keys. Love to share more about it!

Sorry for the late reply lilastar. I started this one post on Steemit quite a while back, but had so many things going on at the time that I wasn't able to continue. I recently returned and found your kind reply and would be honored to your friend as well. Thank you for the kind words and encouragement. I checked your page and like what I see. I'll be checking in now and then and will read some of your essays asap.

I was just thinking of this today... Way to hit home @thenewparadigm! Also, Welcome to Steemit! :D

I am totally committed to the paradigm shift! Here is a list of how to make it happen!

Hey Sean, I enjoyed the essay! Keep up the awesome work. Followed you for more. :-)

Thank you sir. I'm very new here and still trying to figure everything out. I've been to your page and read some of your blogs, very nice. I'll return the favor as soon as I get up and running.

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