Introducing Myself: Hello Steemit!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

I thought I’d give Steemit a try, largely because of my friend @Kennyskitchen profuse and never-ending enthusiasm for it. So here’s my intro.

My primary passion—beyond the nuts and bolts of social and eco-justice—has been discovering ways to transition our human culture from one of power over/under to one of power with/within. Until a couple of years ago, I facilitated a lot of workshops (on a gift economy) using techniques from the Theatre of the Oppressed, teambuilding games, various community-building and connection-building techniques, and elements of some personal growth modalities. Soon, maybe, I’ll be starting these up again. They’re always offered on a gift economy, so if you have a group that would like to play (i.e. practice any or all of these things) hit me up.

I’m also passionate to see how far we as a human culture can move beyond anthropocentrism—how far we can extend our empathy out to that which seems so different than ourselves. I suspect that our overall cultural evolution actually lies in our ability to truly engage our empathy—to rejoin the web of life instead of holding ourselves outside it.

Other things I'm active in include a fair amount of social justice issues (lately mostly in the Middle East), permaculture, growing my own food, hitchhiking, photography, and farm life. I’m a lover of Wilderness (both within and without), symbiosis, and systems theory (and the high-functioning anarchy that makes systems go round).

I live in a rural community in the bio-region of Cascadia (which many call Oregon). We make decisions by consensus and the property is owned in common--yay!

To get to know me better, here's a bit I wrote when looking for playmates a few years ago:

Deep Within/Far Beyond

Looking to dance with someone(s) through the deep within to the far beyond and back again. We come to one another having lived lives full of awe and wonder, and finding ourselves continually thankful. We Fly and Fall with equal abandon, both the Fool and the Magician (and much else) in our Journeys, knowing we are at choice in all that we do and think.

Excited by the unknown and yet loving the known, we dance re-discovering the Shadows that follow us, and following our Curiosity. We pursue with full hearts and great courage that which is authentic, alive, and true. We continually set our compass-headings towards Joy.

Infused with passion, and knowing deep in our bones that ‘community’ includes far more than humans and ‘sustainability’ goes far beyond recycling, we dance a dance of freedom, of love, of commitment, and of healing to ourselves and to the greater Community—to all our relations.

We are lovers of the deserts, oceans, forests, and mountains, and dance ever in the celebration of the Wild, both within and without. We love the lands of Cascadia--of coyote, salal, and cedar, of salmon, osprey, and huckleberry, of undamned rivers, ancient forests, and secret, wild places. And so much more.

Along the way, we flow with the companion dances of yin and yang, verbal and non-verbal communication, and the sound of silence, all the while enjoying the emotional and soul literacy our past and present relationships bring us.

Can you meet me in this dance? It is not a dance for the faint of heart, those afraid of truth, or for those carrying heavy burdens on their backs from past dances. We pack light, and yet with Awareness and Delight.
Dance well in whatever dance you choose.

(Two of my loves: wilderness and photography)


(Two of my Bedouin friends in the West bank)


(Sometimes when I'm hitchhiking I end up in the most beautiful places!)


Welcome to Steemit.😄

Welcome to the steemit family. I am sure @Kennyskitchen's enthusiasm about steemit and crypto has no ending! So cool that you are living in a self-governing community. Looking forward to read and hear more about it!

thanks @amy-goodrich ! Yeah, it was definitely one of our main considerations when choosing where to live: no hierarchy!

Welcome, it sounds you have a lot of things you are passionate about. I personally look forward to what you will post here on steemit :)

BRAH! Did you just use a microaggressioN!?

Welcome! Great introductory post... it sounds like you have a huge range of interests and I look forward to seeing what you share with us! All the best @teryani!

Have you ever been to North Texas? I feel like we've met.

Just traveled through it...

Welcome! Nice post!

Wellcome to steemit teryani, i hope you have the best time here with us

Thank you for joining us. i find your words for the love of our Planet empowering. @kennyskitchen is quite passionate about making steemit awesome for all of us. Looks like he inspiring the right folks to create posts as nourishing as his awesome food creations.

@kennyskitchen is definitely a super passionate steemit-ite. :-)

What an incredible welcome post! Your words are captivating and speak to me. You are a very wise person and kind in your wishes for our cultural evolution. I am glad you brought up the shadows in a peaceful and loving way. I am curious about the workshops and gift economies you referred to. I am a new fan of bartering but you used some phrases I am unfamiliar with. I think Steemit must be a great medium for your interests. Specifically with alternative economies, cryptocurrencies will help the masses redefine what economy means, and social capital is playing a bigger role here on steemit than we are used to in our modern culture. Also, it is nice to meet another Oregonian on here!

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