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RE: Re-introduction @moderndayhippie: dream chaser!

Heya @moderndayhippie..... maaaaan, this sounds so familiar to my own life! I feel like the last 2 years have also been extremely challenging in my life and the Universe seems to have lead me back to Steemit after many months off it. I actually saw a sign, an ACTUAL sign, which looked very much like the Steemit logo and at the same time was seeing a psychologist about my life-long introversion, which then lead me to posting a blog about it.... now I've done heaps since!

It is great that you can sell your house and quit your job to follow a dream. I'm unsure if a 'dream' is even a thing for me or if just learning to live in the present moment is enough for me. I have a family so it's maybe much harder to sell the house, though my recent discovery of Buddhism has lead me to believe I could get rid of just about everything (except my computer and digital wacom tablet) and I'd be ok. Sell the house, sell the car, sell all the bullshit I've acquired and just live as minimal as possible. Maybe one day I can convince my wife to do it... maybe!

Thanks for the great re-intro post. I discovered this by accident (or force of the Universe perhaps?) when I stumbled upon Steem Engine, so you've got yourself another organic follower :) Peace.


Hey @spaceginger, im so glad you left me this awesome message! Not to many people understand what Im talking about when I mention the universe, but I feel like we are on the same page so that is a refreshing feeling for me to meet a like minded soul.

I'm sure the universe did send you sign for steemit! Maybe steemit will be your future, or a stepping stone in the direction of the life you want. The universe sends messages all the time, people just don't see them, or don't understand them. Truth is the more you ignore the signs, the stronger they get and the harder the lessons.

For over a decade I kept trying to live the upscale life, nice cars, nice houses, expensive things, and the universe kept putting me on my ass because my life revolved around working and making money.. now that I have given on all that material stuff up I am so much happier its crazy! Now I get to focus on following my dreams and helping people, what a great life. If i would've stayed in my old life I wouldve remained miserable, thinking money is happiness.

I too found Buddhism, about a year ago now.. It has helped me to let go of a lot of struggles I had held from when I was in war. It has helped me to see light on many of my dark days. Meditation has been very good for my soul. Learning to live in the moment and not worry about past or future problems has made me a much happier person and I hope it can do the same for you.

Don't worry about being an introvert, I have found that as a free soul you kind of have to be that way. Good news is that happiness comes from within ;) Worry about making yourself happy and then worry about helping others. As soon as I started doing that my fiance started doing the same, now we are both on a journey to find true happiness and we are on that journey together! :) I'm sure you can have the same experience!

Im so glad the universe got us together ;) I look forward to having more great conversations with you and seeing you along on your journey. Good luck my friend.

Take care.

Thankyou for taking the time to write a lengthy reply, @moderndayhippie. I must say that until recently I've never been a big believer in Universal signs but I’m starting to feel there really could be a bit of direction given to you in your life from an unknowable source of energy. Even the challenges that I faced over the last two years seem to have been stepping stones to learn more about myself and actually learn a lot about other people and how to live in this world.

I feel like I've never lived aiming for a materialistic life like the majority go through, although I’ve been into cars because the friends I had were, and that lead me down the same path. I believe the truth has always been in me but now it seems more apparent, I just wish I discovered this before meeting my wife as I don't know if she could live a minimalistic life with me. Money seems to be like a cancer on the mind, selling our time and souls to put numbers in a bank account, which is why I have created art for 30 years but very rarely tried to ever sell it because I believe it comes from a place which can't be bought like some throw away item. I would rather do a piece of meaningful art for free then to paint something without true intention but just for money. Not saying that all my art is meaningful, often being silly cartoons, but even they are done with an intention to brighten someone’s day more than getting myself a reward.

I wish I been shown Buddhism earlier but it is what it is. It was brought into my life by an ex Special Air Service Regiment mate of mine, who himself discovered Buddhism after taking acid and reading ‘Zen Mind, Beginners Mind’. I find this very interesting that he could go from essentially a trained killer to a peaceful vegan pacifist. He suggested that I should learn to practice meditation and yoga. He told me this about 10 years ago but it’s taken until now to realised why he suggested it. Oddly enough when I contacted him a few months ago I told him I was reading ‘Zen Mind, Beginners Mind’ and he also said that he had started to read it again as well. Coincidence! This in itself was a lesson for me because I realised that even after practicing something for a very long time you can still learn by understanding you are always a beginner.

Thanks again for your quality reply as it's difficult to find people that are on the same wave length. I do feel like I want to dedicate my life to helping people more than creating wealth which is why I got a new job helping troubled youths and I also enjoy posting quality content on Steemit regardless of the rewards. The human interaction on here is much more that I've had in a long time I feel because of social media disconnections. Maybe one day it could be a method of putting food on the table but if or when that happens I’ll keep posting :)

Wow, thanks for the awesome comment!

No worries :) For sure, I'm on Discord a lot of the time now since discovering, feel free to add me, SpaceGinger!

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