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RE: Introducing Myself-Alexa Nova

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in the Steemit community. Since when did a photograph and a small paragraph become worthy of the highest trending post? Especially in a time of such economic and political turmoil. There are BRILLIANT articles that have been posted in the last 24 hours, I know this because I have read a fair few of them. For us as a community, to choose to upvote this post to the very top of the trending list, is promoting the wrong message.
I have been anticipating the arrival of this type of thing on Steemit, and I believe there ought to be a place for it too. But, I think that Steemit should have a place for adult content, not be an adult content site with a place for other shit.
To any users who join while this is trending at peak position, they may get the wrong impression about Steemit. Do we really want people to think that this is what is the most valuable content on the site?
If this was a long, well thought out introduction with some humour or something of the likes, then I would not be saying this. But, to make the highest paid post of the day one image and a few lines of text will encourage other people to flood Steemit with more of the same.
I get that she is attractive, and there is a taboo factor to her being a BDSM pornstar-- but one would think we are a community of teenage virgins to be upvoting a small introduction to this extent.
If we now get an influx of catfish posting pictures of attractive women hoping for massive payouts, then it is our own fault.

That aside, welcome to the community Alexa. I mean no disrespect and I have no problem with you being on Steemit, I just think we are promoting the wrong message by ranking this small introduction at the top.

I hope you do well here.


Well thank you?
Sorry I didn't put more time in making my paragraph more elaborate. I highly doubt the users on here would fall for a catfish, I posted the picture and linked my other social medias so people could verify, it's actually me. So I'm sure other people would be expected to the same , if they were claiming to be some sort of model , that isn't actually them.
I kinda get what you're saying though, I'll do my best to make my posts more well-thought out in the future. Thanks for you input.

You needn't be interrogative with your gratitude, as I was sincere when I wished that you do well on here. Just to clarify, I was not asserting that your post was unworthy of praise. I do believe it deserves to be on the trending page. As someone below stated, this represents progress-and I'm ecstatic about that. I merely don't think it should be at the very top of the trending list because of the aforementioned reasons.

When it comes to your future posts, it is my understanding that you will be sharing your videos? If this is the case then putting thought into those posts is not necessary. If you are going through a hardcore bondage session, then you have worked hard enough and deserve your reward for that--regardless of whether you take the time to write a thoughtful message after providing the link.

Once again, good luck on here. I suspect that you will do exceptionally well.

Did not intend to seem interrogative in my response. I really do appreciate your comment!! <3

We actually did fall for a few catfish back on the days when practically every intro post was making $1000. It's still a sore topic.

Ahhh damn I see, but you guys have learned from this experience I assume? :P

I'm not saying that you're not real. I was commenting about guys learning anything when the topic is porn. ;)

We've learned that it's hard. It's easy to be lax and get fooled, but it's also easy to go overboard demanding evidence or do it in an unwelcoming way.

"@alexanova I'd say I've likely seen your work myself, with probability rising to 100% by the end of today ;-)"

Lol. What a legend. This is my favourite comment of the week. Thank you for that-

@alexanova I'd say I've likely seen your work myself, with probability rising to 100% by the end of today ;-)

True that, which is why I provided my evidence upfront since the tutorial mentioned to do so if you are claiming to be someone "famous"
I'm hardly famous honestly, but I'm definitely somewhat well known with people who enjoy hardcore anal sex, lol

Guys? Learn? Porn catfishing? Keep dreaming! The same people will buy it every time!

Have you not seen me post on my twitter and Instagram that I made an account on here..... pretty sure my fan base knows I'm legitimate.

I want Steemit to be visibly uncensored and uncontrollably free. I want it to have horrendous, disgusting content on it. And I want the ability to filter it out.

I'm not arguing with that, and I don't even consider this content disgusting. I was only expressing my concerns with the community's decision to select this as its most worthy post of the day-

It's easily worthy of top billing to me not because it's titillating but because of the free speech subtext. I'm a new arrival since the "fuck /u/spez" controversy at Reddit, but truly I've been on the lookout for a decentralized Reddit for a long time. I'm still wary, but Steemit seems like it might do the job. More porn, especially tasteless porn, helps prove to me that it is the real thing. If we need to introduce mechanisms to filter out things we don't want to see, so be it. That should be inevitable.

I agree with you @son-of-satire but have to ask, what happens when the Pedophiles show up? What happens when the Satanists show up?

Because porn actresses moving to Steemit represents the first significant new growth in months. Porn is the most viral material on the Internet.

@son-of -satire I agree with you on this

There are BRILLIANT articles that have been posted in the last 24 hours, I know this because I have read a fair few of them. For us as a community, to choose to upvote this post to the very top of the trending list, is promoting the wrong message

and this, too

If this was a long, well thought out introduction with some humour or something of the likes, then I would not be saying this. But, to make the highest paid post of the day one image and a few lines of text will encourage other people to flood Steemit with more of the same.

I upvoted this cause @alexanova has at least properly introduced herself with that pic and all and at least she's not naked. I did - remove my upvote later on sorry @alexanova - I do not judge you - who am I to judge? I don't know where you are coming from indeed and what is there to judge with this post. As to what you do - its none of my business - its your life but I removed my upvote cause I have my own reasons why I did that. I wish you a good journey here and hopefully decent post , funny ones instead of naked please . There are children here and though you did say 18 above only - we can't really control their curiosity ;). Who knows maybe you have a talent with photography like @halo or cooking or art - some of those who do what you do have other lives outside what they do so I wish you a good journey - just that.

I agree with you to a point - we most undoubtedly do

Especially in a time of such economic and political turmoil. There are BRILLIANT articles that have been post

My thought is your sentence is missing a key word - SOCIAL. So I will add it in alpahabetic order

Especially in a time of such economic and political and social turmoil.

My observation of what is happening in elections around the world is that the people have become tired of the economists and politicians not listening to them. We are in the midst of a massive social revolution - which probably started in the 1960's. And to quote Fidel Castro

A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past

I am not sure the social revolution is going to be a struggle to the death. When it gets to that point it will also be a political revolution. This young lady represents a sample of the social revolution - freedom to express herself; freedom to choose her own way to make a living; freedom to participate in sex in the way she chooses; etc. There will be a bunch of economic and political drivers that made it this way.

Welcome to the social revolution and thanks for making Alexa welcome.

And welcome Alexa.

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