We're starting an organization like a charity to help the homeless and bring back the barter system

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Our goal and structure; means and end, is much like cryptocurrency itself.

We want to build a decentralized platform to help people help themselves. To share resources; buy, sell, find, trade, help, give.

We started out getting to know the homeless here with our first branch in Northern California. Learning what they need, how to help them (it's extremely difficult and a massive problem in many cities).

We knew beforehand the best way to help everyone and not just a select few is to provide a platform, part like craigslist, part like ebay, part like facebook and part new and innovative, that connects people with resources to give or trade to people who need those resources. Whether this be clothes, goods, money, food, services, talents...a very grandiose and all-encompassing idea. But that is our ethos. We don't just want to change the world bit by bit, we want to see it evolve into something of mutual respect and sharing like voluntaryism. It is not communism, it is not capitalism it is Sharing Society. People dealing with people just how they want to so long as no one gets hurt; obviously no one's outwardly goal would be that if they hope to deal well with one another in the long-run.

We are just at the groundfloor but we are very privy to the online community and the great benefits the internet can bring and that we NEED to get this built into our dream.

Visit our site you will see just a placeholder to contact, see our branches, donate and signup for our email newsletter updates for what will be something fantastic and helpful to everyone around the world in the near future and we want YOU to be part of it. You already are and don't know it.


Bitcoin Donations: 1CN38Gzes2pUK6NUTg6Wia9noz1pQcdprj


thank you so much and glad to be here reigniting the humanity in this digital age via decentralization of resources

WOO HOO!! Welcome to Steemit!

thank you, glad to be here on the tip of the spear of this platform decentralizing all the things in the world to bring back the humanity into the digital age!

welcome @sharingsociety,
keep great presenting cool travels ! followed you :)

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