A serendipitous introduction to Steemit courtesy of @curiouser

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit community!

As I've been dragging my feet to make my first #introduceyourself post, it's only appropriate that I share the story that brought me here.

I recall (literally)bumping into my good friend Michelle @curiouser in the middle of a crosswalk during a hot August day in Arlington, VA. We both had been trying to meet up for sometime and what are the chances we would be walking across the same crosswalk at the same exact time (conveniently during Friday Happy Hour)!? Serendipity? I think so.
We decided to seize the opportunity and headed towards a near by wine bar. As stereotypical 20 something females, we lubricated our conversation with a healthy dose of vino(wine is healthy & good for your heart, right?). I recall telling Michelle about my life at the time. I was (and still am)overwhelmed trying to finish my Master's degree at Georgetown, trying to finish the Certified Public Accounting (CPA) Exam, chipping away at my massive student loan debt, all while working full time and trying to make some time for friends and family. “But it's okay", I told Michelle, "If you want to be successful and have financial security you have to be broke for a few years, grind it out, and work hard. Even if that means sacrificing your social life and some of your sanity". I remember laughing after I said that, not because what I said was humorous, but because I secretly hoped the laugh would soften the blow of the depressing reality I was admitting aloud. Michelle, a very hard worker herself, empathized with my situation and started talking about her career goals and shared tips on what has helped her.

Insert Steemit and cryptocurrencies. "Steeeem? Crypto-what?" I asked after she eloquently explained how Steemit has given her and her boyfriend Will @slickwilly a supportive online community and a way to share creative content while making extra income. After she explained the concept I was intrigued. I stand behind the Steemit structure and how it empowers it's users through the use of up votes and awards. "Wow", I thought, " There really is a whole other world out there and these new platforms and movements like Steemit and Cryptocurrencies are making it possible for people to be happy and have a life and still be comfortable."
I recognized then, that Michelle and Will had a "Tiger by the tail". "That seems like the next big thing", I told myself, "but this movement seems too good to be true, right?" To answer that question, I believe Steemit speaks for itself. Since August when I spoke with Michelle, Cryptos and Steemit both have seen massive growth. Bitcoin alone went from $3,500 and now is teetering close to $12,000. This movement is real. Despite the negative associations that cryptos have among the mass public as a currency for criminals and crooks, I believe block chain technology provides a type of integrity that, until now, has not been witnessed in our world.

Now that I've explained how I got here, you're probably wondering who I am.

Who I am:
• I love a good joke and am oftentimes extremely goofy.
• I'm an outgoing introvert.
• I’m a vegetarian trying to ween myself off of a cheese addiction.
• Patience isn’t my strong suit, but Persistence is.
• At the end of a tough day you will find me throwing back a glass of red watching re-run's of Impractical Jokers and cuddling with mi amor Robby @ralph101

• My go to movie when I’m scared is “The Sound of Music”.
• I’m the oldest of four. I credit my three brothers for my grotesque vocabulary and intimate knowledge of all Will Ferrell, Star Wars & Lord of the Ring movies.
• I believe in metaphysical laws and concepts like the law of attraction, karma and individual energy. I enjoy learning about astrology and eastern medicine.
• I love musicals & all things Disney.
• My favorite color is purple. But Teal and Pink are in a close second.
• I love most music except the screamo satanic rock genre.
• I enjoy learning about technology especially all the recent developments surrounding blockchain.
• I love real estate, I think it’s a tangible asset class that you can see and develop.
• Despite being outgoing and tenacious I am a pretty private person.
• I am a Myers Briggs ENFJ (Shout out to my girl Opera!)
• I am a dog person, the bigger the better!
• I love Golden Retrievers and currently have two. In the future I want a golden and a Bernese mountain dog.
• The more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know.
• My favorite place to be is the beach. I know that sounds basic, but I feel such a reverence when I look at the ocean; it's so vast & it makes your problems seem so relatively small.
• I’m really girly and I embrace all girly things.
• I don’t think you need to have 20 best friends, but rather, a few quality ones that you can trust completely. Quality vs quantity here.

• My family lives up to the Irish Catholic stereotype as there are many of them and they do enjoy drinking. They mean the world to me.

• I believe if something scares you, it’s probably the best thing for you & your personal growth.
• I believe there is no way to escape hard work, but if you’re going to work hard you might as well be SMART about it.

On my resume:
• I graduate in May from Georgetown University with my Masters in Real Estate Finance.
• I went to Virginia Tech undergrad where I received a dual degree in Accounting & Finance ( Pi Phi & Delta Sigma Pi shout out!)
• I anticipate completing my CPA in Q1 of 2018. The struggle is real.
• I am a dual citizen of Ireland.
• Currently work as an Accountant in the real estate industry.

I wanted to separate the above two because there is so much more to know about a person than meets the eye. That’s why I think Steemit is such a great platform, because you have the ability to share your interests and content outside of your regular “9-5”.

I look forward to learning from all you in the Steemit community! I hope my posts are helpful and interesting to you as well.

Until next time!



Yess!! Great first post @sarahjeanette can't wait to read more of your stuff!

~Up voted and resteemed~

No no no-THANK YOU Michelle :)

Epic first post @sarahjeanette ! I look forward to upvoting your future posts. Looks like you beat @ralph101 in getting you first post up! 😀

Hahaha thanks Will! Nothing like some healthy competition with your better half :D

Welcome Sarah, what a detailed introduction post :) I wonder though how you are introverted but identify as an ENFJ. Maybe you are an INFJ? They can be easily mistyped from what I read.

Anyways, have fun here on steemit!

Hi @fminer05
That could potentially be true, although I find that there is a misdiagnosis of introversion and extroversion. I personally love people and love being around people, but the way I recharge my energy is by spending time alone. Often shy people are coined as “introverts” because of thier shyness, but they are actually extroverts because they get thier energy or “charge” by being around others.

Kudos to you for noticing that detail & thanks for the comment :)

True, introversion/extroversion is often not easy to distinguish for outsiders. And it's especially tricky with ENFJ/INFJs as INFJs can appear rather outgoing and extroverted in social situations. And ENFJs are one of the more introverted extroverts, if that makes any sense at all :)

Hi @sarahjeanette! Welcome to Steem! We're glad to have you here!

I am a Steem curator and have started a new series "The Daily 5" where I pick five new Steemians to share with my followers that they should know about. I have selected you as one of my five for today. Your post has been featured in my post you can find here: The Daily 5.

Unlike some of the bots and follow 4 follow spammers you will find in the Introduction tag, my work is 100% human and without any required response from you. While I invite you to come check out the post and interact in the comments, nothing further is required but that you enjoy your time here on Steem!

Have a great day! Looking forward to seeing more of you on the platform!!

welcome in the community :)

Hi from Nicaragua! Welcome to steemit, you're going to love it. Just tap into that persistence as you're getting started and you'll get to where you want to be. btw, your graduation date says 2018? I know I'm getting old but did I miss a whole year? :-)

In vino veritas,

Hello... Welcome on steemit..... My #intructionyourself is still cooking to get done.

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