Introduce My Self "Call Me BangTepu"

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Halo sahabat stemians

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memperkenalkan diri saya, langsung saja perkenalkan nama saya Rolly Roa Sitepu biasanya dipanggil Bang Tepu. Saya berasal dari keluarga yang sederhana. saya berumur 21 tahun saya lahir pada tanggal 09 Maret 1996 dan saya beragama Islam. Sekarang saya tinggal di Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia.

Saya pernah bersekolah di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 13 Kota Lhokseumawe lalu saya melanjutkan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama pupuk iskandar muda di Kota Lhokseumawe dan setelah itu saya melanjutkan pendidikan saya di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 1 Kota Lhokseumawe dan sekarang saya menempuh pendidikan tinggi di Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe saya mengambil jurusan Teknik Infomasi dan Komputer.

Hobi saya adalah bermain musik,atau bermain disc jockey atau yang dikenal dj, saya suka bermain musik berawal saya melihat teman lagi latihan di salah satu studio musik yang ada di panggoi, waktu itu saya tertarik untuk belajar otodidak di internet untuk mencari tau cara bermain drum. dan saya juga tertarik bermain dj waktu saya pertama kali di ajak temen saya ke salah satu tempat, disitu saya coba mencari tau gimana cara bermain dj yang sempurna melalui internet dan akhirnya saya bisa dan saya juga seorang youtubers musik dj yang berawal dari iseng - iseng hingga menjalin serius, nama channel saya di youtube "STP BREAKBEAT" alhamdulillah susbcriber saya sudah mencapai 55.442 berkat kerja keras saya.

Inilah perkenalan tentang saya mudah mudahan bisa menjadi lebih dekat dengan teman – teman stemian lainnya terimakasih.


Hello stemian friend on this occasion I will introduce myself

On this occasion I will introduce myself, just introduce my name Rolly Roa Sitepu usually called Bang Tepu. I come from a simple family. I am 21 years old I was born on March 09, 1996 and I am Muslim. Now I live in Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia.IMG_0166.JPG

I went to elementary school 13 Lhokseumawe ago I went to Junior High School of young iskandar fertilizer in Lhokseumawe City and after that I continued my education at Vocational High School Negeri 1 Kota Lhokseumawe and now I am studying at Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic I take majoring in Information Engineering and Computers.

My hobby is playing music, or playing disc jockey or known dj, I like to play music when I see a friend again practice in one of the music studio that is on my mind, at that time I am interested to learn self-taught on the internet to find out how to play drum . and I am also interested in playing dj when I first took my friend to one place, there I try to find out how to play the perfect dj through the internet and finally I can and I also a youtubers dj music that started from fad - seriously, my channel name on youtube "STP BREAKBEAT" alhamdulillah my susbcriber has reached 55442 thanks to my hard work.

Here's an introduction about me hopefully getting closer to my other stemian friends.


welcome to steemit

Welcome to steemit ! Nice paost ! I hope you enjoy here ! will give the vote to you, Please upvote & follow me

hello @rollyroastp and welcome to steemit!

this is a great place with a great community .. glad to have you.

Welcome to steemit community, insight, experience and knowledge banayak once here we live just how to take and learn it and you also can share anything interesting to be published in this steemit, salam know from me @teukukhaidir. thank you

Welcome to the best community ever. Hope you'll have good time here. Gud people are waiting for you... Feel free to share what you like with me and be in touch @sarinakhan

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