That's right, sometimes, awakening takes a long time, and it usually happens that some people never wake up; who have had the privilege in this plane of "awakening", we know what that means.
In my case, when I was 25, I married, had two children, lasted 16 years of my life in a marriage commitment, in my first 3 years I noticed changes in the treatment of the person who was my partner at the time, disinterest in the attentions, their absences, and yet, I had the conviction that this situation would change.
Years passed and it was getting worse, what I thought, it was not what I said or did, there was no congruence in my inner being, I endured infidelity, mistreatment, humiliation, humiliation, I swallowed rage, pain, words I wanted to say and I did not say at the time, retained emotions; I did not want to continue living that horror, however there I stayed, with the conviction that I was going to change, and the family introject "marriage is for life" no matter what happens.

Until after 13 years of marriage and after severe stomach pains caused by the anguish of what will happen with this whole situation ?, coupled with so many emotions retained, and deep inside me not accepting reality, then, over time emotions took their toll on my body, eating away my inner being, until the time it imploded, and came to shine on my skin, on my face, specifically on my nose, I noticed something strange on the left side of my profile nose, a granite, which was enlarging, then I felt burning, I decided to go to the specialist, to a dermatologist, I had a biopsy, and they detected a localized basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer)..

I felt faint, I became depressed, at that moment I felt that I had a few years left to live, at my 38 years, for which, on the one hand, it was the most difficult day of my life and on the other the beginning of my transformation, my metamorphosis , my Reborn, my body was giving me a signal. I operated and was left with a scar on my face that every time I looked in the mirror I remembered this wise phrase of Mahatma Gandhi about the congruence triangle in life, "Happiness is reached when what you think, what you say and what you You are in harmony. "

At that time I made the decision to go to Gestalt Private Therapy, and after a year in parallel I started my Training as a Gestalt Psychotherapist in personal processes with a great Psychotherapist Dr. Guillermo Feo, Director of Cenaif, "the magician", he accompanied me with the sacred art of the enlightening and healing awareness, to give a new direction and meaning to my life through human healing contact and I reflect in the creation of a new reality, of my new reality.

With his therapeutic act he made me immerse in my situation in depth, I reached bottom, he took me through the never easy paths of growth; the therapies were very confrontational, hard, disembodied, painful, frustrating and supportive at the same time, to end up being reborn in the solid that existed in me and it was like this during my first 3 years of attending therapy, confirming this wise phrase of Carl Jung .

In his psychotherapist's pacing with his magical time machine, he made me experience, experience and express the anguish of living the pain of loss and the rage of separation, a whole range of repressed energy, a cocktail of emotions, and thus I revealed my own chaos and through contact with myself I rediscovered my own answers, and when addressing my emotions I learned to recognize them in me, it was shocking to consciously realize what is really happening in the here and now; well, discovering my own truth after several years in therapy, the unconscious I made aware, was tied to a person for not "being alone", to please, to give everything for nothing, I melted with the other forgetting me , very confluent, I did not cover my unmet needs, I did not set limits with the other, I was not responsible for my actions, in addition to my low self-esteem, and I realized that I was the only responsible for what happened to me and the only I could get out of that situation. And as things of God at that moment visualize through my social networks the empowering phrase "sometimes you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve"; and I risked the tortuous exit from my comfort zone, it was a path of much growth, learning, with a lot of fear, and with a fear not to start something new, but to put an end to the usual, I began to live, I took the reins of my life, the magic happened in me, that's where I began to write the first page of the book of the history of my life, where the pencil for the first time held it.

Also, be aware and ask me a question that I ask to you my followers of Welfare, inviting them to each one who check it in silence, which I will address at the end:
And taking up the aforementioned with my experience; well, it was my organismic Awakening, my Rebirth, after so many years, I discovered the potential that was, I recovered my senses again, the sight, the smell, the ear, the taste and the touch, I made contact with my emotions encompassed in the word Marta: Fear, Joy, Rage, Sadness and Love; I learned to satisfy each of my needs, to set limits and to take responsibility for my life, both in my successes and in my failures; I began to live with courage and in a different way confronting my lie (self-deception) reframing it in congruence, maturing, that is why I encourage you to study yourself, the hardest art of all and the most enriching of souls, that art is not learned lives; since then and every time I inhale oxygen to my body I know myself more and more, emphasizing this motto, said again and again in the classes of my Psychotherapist "to get out of hell you have to enter it", if and only if you have time for you.

@RenacerenGestalt is the organismic awakening of all the senses of our body, this blog carries with it a variety of messages on how to evolve, change, transform, be born again, grow, interact, live in consciousness and responsibility, finally RENEW TO LIFE in a transformation of your being; Yes and only if you allow it.

My name is Yrene Caldeira Gestalt Psychotherapist, with the passion that characterizes me for this beautiful and satisfying profession, after that constant awakening that I experience every day, Reborn in Freedom, that I had the privilege of noticing in which I was asleep for many years, "I found in it the meaning of my life by helping others find meaning in their lives," Victor Frank's wise phrase; I discovered my greatest potential, and in this way I took my valuable time to write my entry in this new window of opportunities to share my experiences and knowledge enriching the lives of others, so I affirm that sometimes in our lives we have to die a little to be reborn and then rise again in a stronger and wiser vision of each one of you.

Ahh, do not think that I forgot, with respect to the question asked before. Do you care where you will live the rest of your life? It is the valuable treasure the present brings us, that is where you can decide with conscience and responsibility about your happiness, what you are going to start doing with your life from now on and to form the future you want for yourself, from today, is your choice. Take care of your present, it also includes taking care of your body, doing body exercises, you are what you eat, it is being able to change what you want to change today, it is the only time you can do it, since yesterday it happened and tomorrow has not happened yet, you Only possession is Here and Now, being ecological, observing from the outside the interesting thing that each situation brings that experiences, passing each obstacle as a prize to achieve your goal, so take care of your present that is where you will live the rest of your life; That is why the invitation is to take the initiative to enjoy every moment of what you do, with optimism, with joy, living one day at a time from today, discover the potential that is in you, always taking into account your attitude both in your successes and in your failures that is what makes the difference, "live conscious", where taking the initiative means recognizing our responsibility to make what you want happen, addressed in a single law of life: do, say and feel , but do what they say, say what they feel and feel what they do.

Great introduction. We are hoping to see much of this in your future post.
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