Introducing The Amazing QiQi, My First Born DaughtersteemCreated with Sketch.

I made my first post on the important topic of parenting/education last week, and thankfully there was a lot of positive support and requests for more on this topic. I am very pleased about this, because as I said this topic is of the utmost importance to me.

One of my quotes is Parenting is the foundation of all of our lives, for better or for worse."

Before I get too much into writing posts about parenting and family, I would like to first introduce the core members of my family so you can get to know some of their uniqueness before I start posting about the inner workings of our family life. 

*QiQi Frying Eggs for her and her sister on an open wood burning flame, hand made earthen rocket stove*

QiQi (pronounced kiki) was born on September 17th 2011. Her given legal name is Inoquinn Deanayla Eaker Alrutz. As with all our other children, her name is a combination of mother's name (Inok) and father's name (Quinn). She named herself QiQi when she was about a year old. She kept putting her hand to her chest saying "QiQi". It was obvious she wanted her name to be QiQi, so of course we honored that. As you will soon find our children have choice in almost every single matter of their life, and their choice is honored unless it somehow legitimately hinders someone else's life. 

*First day for QiQi on this earth*

So her name has been QiQi ever since, which is quite amazing because QiQi is a PERFECT combination of mother and father, Q2 I2 Q squared and I squared = our daughter! This is even more amazing when you consider she was only 1 year old and had no "education" on numbers, letters, patterns, or such concepts, so it is either extraordinary coincidence or ancient wisdom beyond the year on this planet. Either way, it fits perfectly and we love it!

QiQi was born in Costa Rica without any professional or trained assistance of any kind, just me and her mom. We didn’t speak Spanish or even know anyone there.  It wasn’t easy and was even scary at points, but she was born healthy and has only continued to get healthier every day since. The birth story is AT LEAST a whole post in itself, so I will suffice with that for now. 

*QiQi was in the ocean almost every single day for the first 6 months of her life*

QiQi loves to dance, sing, and play with her dolls. She makes up her own songs and sings as happy as can be for up to 20 minutes at a time, all in her own world of song. 

She likes to make her own clothes for her dolls out of all kinds of materials.

*Dress QiQi made out of home made play dough*

 She likes to draw pictures of girls with long hair in dresses. She loves to dress herself up and anyone who is willing to play dress up. She is a girly girl in a lot of ways. 

She is also very brave. She has been present for both of her younger siblings' births and was very calm and patient the whole time.

*first time holding her baby brother, he started crying pretty quick but she was thrilled and he got back to mommy*

She has been cutting vegetables and using sharp knives since she was two. She's better than a lot of adults now! 

She likes to run, climb, jump on the trampoline, and even wrestle. She has been playing “kung fu” a lot lately and gets pretty fierce. She learned to hold her breath and swim at 2 years old, has been swallowing adult vitamins since she was 5, drinks her fresh squeezed green juice and can jump from 8 feet in the air onto a bed. She is very thin but very strong. 

She is a great cleaner; she has been helping sweep the floors, mopping, doing dishes, and wiping counters.

She knows how to plant and harvest edible crops and even enjoys eating vegetables straight out of the garden. 

She helps on a regular basis with planting and harvesting, and she eats harvested foods daily. She does have a bit of a sweet tooth but never whines to get it, is content with small amounts, and is happy to eat her healthy foods before and after. 

I could go on and on about how much I love her, how amazing she is but most importantly she is herself. She is so honest and so free. I have never yelled at her, bribed her, spanked her or even put her in timeout. I have never told her to shut up or that she was a burden or annoying. 

Thankfully, I have found a way to have an extraordinary well-behaved child without any discipline whatsoever. I simply live by high standards and believe in her ability to do the same. I treat her as capable and responsible even when she is not acting like it. I remind her of her potential and the importance of honor. She winds up choosing this path for herself rather than me having to do anything to coerce or force.

I am grateful to share QiQi with you all. I am sure that one day soon enough she will want her own account, especially when I tell her she can buy some new dolls hehe. 

I will introduce my other two children in posts soon. I hope to share a lot about my family life, as it is what occupies a founding part of my priorities in life.  I have so many photos and so much experience being a present parent. I also believe New Paradigm Parenting to be a solution to the majority of the world's problems. I will write a whole article about that hopefully soon. 

Please share some feedback on this post as I would love to get as much discussion going as possible on the huge importance and great complexity of the experience of parenting and education. 



QiQi IS amazing!!!! She is so energetic, pure, joyful, caring, responsible, strong, and free, and I have learned so much from her about being ALIVE and honest and real.

It is hugely significant that she is encouraged to be her own shining self rather than pressured to "behave" the way children are "supposed to" behave, and that given the choice to be anything she wants she still chooses to be considerate and healthy.

She is one of the greatest helpers at the Garden of Eden--not only is she genuinely more competent than some adults who come through, but she joins in tasks that actually inspire her, thus she creates no difficulty or resistance. All of life is a happy, fun game for her!

I am greatly blessed by QiQi's presence in my life!! Honestly I'm often uncomfortable around children because I'm afraid of f***ing them up, but QiQi is so loving and accepting of me that it reminds me that anything is possible and I can be as great as I want to be too!!

OMG it's really amazing! I am really looking forward to posting a lot about the children, education, New Paradigm Parenting and all the really awesome potential being realized. Its so powerful, LITERALLY life changing even WORLD changing. Whats even better is it has only just begun!
Really appreciate the comment as it makes this post so much more real and powerful to have someone not even in the family being able to see, experience and testify to the profound beingness!
Thanks for being a part of this revolutionary undertaking~*~

Thanks for sharing it all!

Well honestly I have barely shared much at all about my insight into life. There are so many filter layers. I hope to be able to share deeper and deeper insights into consciousness.

This is amazing! So lovely! God bless your wonderful family. Amazing parents behind amazing kids!

This amazieng

I cannot fathom anything more joyful than to experience the existence you share with your children @quinneaker. I have the privilege everyday to be a part of the true ecstatic enjoyment and zest for life that is created through your relationships with each other. Treating them as capable and responsible, does indeed breed capable and responsible beings.

Parents often complain that children don't come with an instruction manual. The truth is that you make it so simple, so rewarding, so enjoyable, mutually beneficial, and so so so full of love. Your style of parenting and the example you set for true unconditional love is already being seen...and I'm excited to see you share it here on Steemit. I hope your posts turn into that easily accessible instruction book. Your children are a testament to your true insight. OH MY GOSH!!!! I can only imagine what the next generation would be like if parents invested in and cultivated relationships with their children as you have. Not only are your children capable in the physical form way way way beyond their years, but they are truly exquisite human beings, genuine, honest, responsible, and the greatest joy to be around. They are truly the best playmates anyone could ask ALIVE. Yes, there is hope!!!

QiQi is definitely a being worth celebrating. She is already a powerful leader--the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!!!! I love that you are changing lives together in profound ways. Thank you for this post Quinn. Parenting is one of your super natural skills--it is obvious by the depths of love children feel from you and how your connect with them--even when they are not your own.

Part of why my children life is so good is because they have so much freedom but also so much support. Not just from me but from many who love them. I know that there are few on earth whom they love more and enjoy their time with more fully. If you didn't have so much going on and already had ur own children they would love to play with you all day.
They don't call you Shellie Momma for no reason.
<3 EverLove/ShellieMomma <3

You are warmly welcome to the best social media network on the planet. It is my desire that you find this place very interactive and interesting.I will always upvote,follow and resteem your post so please do same for me.You can contact me @sadiq .You are once again welcome my dear.

very nice welcome @sadiq :)

QiQi is simply gorgeous, her spirit shines like a light. My son (9) is just as thin and I am often judged negatively about this. I don't care. If he is active and healthy, he can determine his own appetite!

Yes she is VERY healthy, strong, energetic, smart and on and on. Almost never gets sick, never been seriously sick with even a high fever. Lots of healthy food too, sun light, fresh air etc. hahaha

Well that's the ideal, lucky children. 💚

Hahahahahaha sooo true!
U may not be surprised how many adults say they wish they had my girls life. It truly is blessed~*~

Thanks for the comment. I really appreciate it.

I wish I'd met you 20 years ago! The only thing I learned from my father was how not to be a father, and that taken to extremes.
Then I had to be a father for my two lovely daughters, and as if that wasn't difficult enough, my wife died after the first birthday of the youngest, so I had to do it all alone.
Decisions you have made are in line with mine, only you took it a few steps further. So now I know how I could have done it better, but the youngest is 15... it is too late for them.
Nevertheless they are both the most wonderful girls that I have ever seen.
You're doing an amazing job, parenting and talking about it. Breaking the wrong paradigms that we grow up in, and showing how it should be done.

Yes I feel for you. Life is often not easy and it appears yours was exceptionally hard.
Part of why I do what I do is not just for me or my girls but for the greater good. I feel its so important to expose people to alternatives especially in this area of life as parenting and education are sooooo far from ideal.
I hope to inspire and be an example of how fulfilling and successful life as a parent can be.
I appreciate your comment and hope to see you around~*~

LOL, thanks, my friend, but my problems are contained and pretty much solved (as good as these things can be solved) You are doing a good and important job here and it is great to read about it. As I said, I gave this a lot of thought and decided to raise my children somewhat outside of the ratrace. You took it to the next level. Well, we all have our 'mission' in life and I hope that soon you'll see the results of mine. ;)

I hope that as well~
I also hope that I may contribute to the successful results of your mission.

This young human has taught me so much. She reminded me how to live life again. She is a living example of the potential we have as a species. I will never forget the image of QiQi!

What a gift~
That is why I have provided her such support and freedom. She is going to inspire so many people to live fully.
It has only just begun~*~

Such a beautiful tribute to your daughter. She sounds like a free and beautiful spirit 🦋

One of my favorite people. Impressive to pull that off at such a young age.

Hey and she likes you too! ahahaha
Thanks for stopping by to have a look and show some support.
Hope to see ya soon~*~

That's scary to have kids naturally but it's really the best way! The body has an amazing intelligence that does not need to be interfered with by the intellect.

Great parenting tips and hope other parents can take inspiration from you and the adorable QiQi :).

Thank yo use much for that. Your support and also encouragement mean a lot to me. I appreciate your comment and hope to see you around.

She is very adorable... as a parent myself, I just can imagine how much love and appreciation you have for her.
You live a very interesting life, I would love to know more about you... Followed and looking forward to see more of your posts.

I appreciate the support and comment.
My life is interesting indeed and if you check out my many posts u will get a lot of insight into it. I also have my own website on my profile and also my sustainable eco village

That's awesome... will keep watching on your updates and posts here in steemit.

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