Lizzie aka The Purple Preneur

Hello everyone! It's great to be here on Steemit, thought I'd introduce myself and say Hi!

Why Am I The Purple Preneur?

That's Easy!!

#1.  I LOVE Purple!

I found this awesomely purple vid on YouTube, couldn't resist sharing!

(Disclaimer: I spend 3 days a week being a special needs teacher and we ALL love Pancake Manor songs!!) They're great aren't they?!

#2. I want to help create zillions of Purple Patches!

As you'll notice from my Steemit blog header, I mentioned Purple Patches:

"A Purple Patch means “a period of good fortune or creativity”. My passion as The Purple Preneur is to share as many Purple Patches as possible!"

My promise to you is that whenever I find things that are:

  • Inspiring
  • Road-tested opportunities
  • Make me smile
  • Could facilitate personal growth
  • Could make a difference

I will share them with all my fellow Steemians! I love exploring, researching and finding out about an eclectic mix of subjects and I'll be sharing that too.

More About Me

What Do I Do?

  • I already mentioned I teach in a special school for 3 days per week.  I work with kids with profound and multiple learning difficulties and spend my time making their days as fun-filled as possible via a multi-sensory curriculum
  • I write content for blogs, currently I'm working with a US blog, an Aussie blog and a Swiss blog!
  • I dabble with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies

And In My Spare Time?


  • I love to travel!
  • I've been lucky enough to visit a few places around the globe and I'm fully intending to visit some more.
  • I'm currently saving up to go and see the Rugby World Cup in South Africa in 2023!


  • I have been a scuba diver since I was 17 and been lucky enough to dive the Great Barrier Reef, Red Sea and some of the Caribbean
  • My favourite dive so far has been a shark dive in the Bahamas!
  • I loved night diving with turtles off Heron Island, on the Barrier Reef too
  • I used to love diving in UK waters and have done many wreck dives, but I have to admit, I save my diving for holidays these days!  The water is much warmer!!

Nordic Walking

  • I've been Nordic Walking for almost a year now and it's fab!
  • I live on the coast in West Sussex and the group I belong to has various locations in that area.
  • NW UK also have a 3 Day Festival in Purbeck, which I went to last year and have already booked to go again this year!
  • I trained up as a walk leader in December 2017

London To Brighton Bike Ride

  • I've signed up for the L2B Bike Ride on June 17th 2018 - Yikes!!
  • Happily I've persuaded some friends and work colleagues to do it too, so there will be a group of us on the day!
  • I'm currently training by doing spinning classes - it's too cold to go out yet! (I'm definitely a fair weather biker!!)

Watching Sport

  • As you might have guessed, I love watching Rugby
  • I'll happily watch other stuff too, football, the Olympics (I was lucky enough to get tickets for the Olympics in London in 2012)
  • I have a complete respect and awe for the super-human feats that sports people achieve!


  • I love a good movie or book to get lost into!
  • Going to theatre, especially musicals and live music too are both favourites

Proud To Be A Geek!

  • I've done a postgrad in E-Learning Design and I am in love with my MacBook!
  • I can happily spend many hours playing around with a WordPress website or learning how to use tools to help with my geeky pursuits
  • Oh yes and of course, I love the Big Bang Theory!
  • My geekiness is currently being satisfied by playing around with a video creator called Content Samurai, in experimentation stage at the moment:

My English Setter

I am ridiculously happy to say that I share my life with a fabulous Field English Setter.  He was a rescue from the RSPCA and we have been together 11 years in July!  He is completely wonderful!

Variety Is The Spice of Life!

That's just a little taster, I am one of those people who is Jill of all trades and probably master of none!!

I am a great believer in having a go at stuff and if I like it, then I'll continue but if I don't I'll look around for my next adventure. Looking forward to Steeming!  


Hello and welcome to steemit.
Purple Power!

Hey thanks @sneakgeekz!
Having fun so far!

Hi there @purplepreneur welcome to steemit and nice to meet you. I want to experience being under the water swim with the fish hope to do it very soon. =)

Welcome to Steemit @purplepreneur!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Yes, I love Crpto too! Lots of detailed analysis on my blog along with some predictions

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Let me know if I can help.
Many blessings! @bycoleman

Thanks for all the info @bycoleman! Wow! You've been busy since Dec 2017 when you joined!! 2120 posts, that's a lot of writing in a short time! Good for you! :-)

Indeed lots of typing, but mostly replies to people, this by far the fastest way to grow a following.

Since you like to write as well, check out our 45 SBD writing contest.


Nice post. Following you. Expect reciprocity

Hi @mazahaka2012!
I was reading all about the Art of Reciprocity on @valorforfreedom just now!
I recommend the movie "Pay It Forward" it's great!

Make sure when you finish @valorforfreedom's post you check out @humanearl. Both gentlemen are amazing at help create success and a community.

thanks @emergehealthier! I'll keep an eye out for both gents! :-)

Hi Lizzie how are you? Really nice intro and pictures, i love it ! I’m a new steemit user as well and would like to connect with other cool steemians, artists and musicians. I’m posting music tutorials and other things related to music (and bitcoins:p). I’m the founder of the free music school communicasound. I'm really pleased to meet you. So i give you my vote, follow you and i will be happy to read your next posts in the futur. If you want, you can do the same and follow me. It’s important to have a family in Steemit :) Greetings from Paris. Peace.

Hey @communicasound! Thanks for commenting! I agree, having a family on Steemit is a great idea! Good to meet you, I'll head over and follow you too! :-)

i'm really happy to connect with you, love your work and your spirit. Let's become a close-knit Steemit family then :) Have a great evening and look forward to reading more of your posts. Peace. CS

Cool! :-) It's a deal!

Yeah :) I great deal with a great steemian !

Welcome to Steemit! You definitely have a full, interesting life! I am sure your experiences and adventures will do well here on Steemit.

Hey @keciah! Fluent in sarcasm - lol very funny! I've followed you thanks for commenting! Here's to lots of wonderful experiences and adventures on Steemit! :-)

Welcome, I could sense your energy when I read your post.

Wow, you lead a hectic life. I was exhausted just reading what you love to do, lol. I am also a big rugby fan but then again I was born and brought up in South Africa, so it is to be expected. Loved the Purple Song from Pancake Manor. Looking forward to following your posts here on Steemit and hearing about your training for the London to Brighton Bike ride, which should be epic.

Hey @kezza! Thanks for your comment! Start saving your steem and we can both head out to South Africa! I'm from West Midlands originally, notice that's where your location is. Here's to lots of adventures in the Steemit community! :-)

Coin Marketplace

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TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 60767.97
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51