Hello Steemit. This is my story... TIFU: From a nobody to infamous in one day

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hi, my name is Ryan Alexander O'Neal. I am a small business owner and a rather normal human being. I lead a simple life until the 2016 presidential campaign.

I was a Bernie supporter. BIG TIME. I watched all the interviews and rallies. I contributed quite a bit of money to his campaign and even set up a facebook page about Bernie Sanders and when there was a primary going on I would pay for targeted ads to that specific state. The ads would center around whatever issues that state faced and included information about Bernie's stance on those particular issues. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that I was a HUGE Sanders supporter and definitely did my part.

So when the primaries would happen I would excitedly watch and be blindsided when Hillary kept winning states she shouldnt have. I would look at the exit polls for the Democratic primaries and they would be up to 30 points off while the Republican primaries would be only a couple points off. It didnt make sense. Then mass reports of voter fraud kept coming out and state after state kept saying "we will do better next time but whats done is done".

Then it happened.

Bernie conceded.

I was pissed. I had watched the DNC and the Clinton campaign steal the election and I kept looking for the adult to step in and stop what was happening but it never happened. Then the very few media outlets that truly supported Bernie immediately backed Clinton, the thief. I knew this was the wrong thing to do so I backed away. I couldnt understand how anybody could rally behind either candidate. Sure, vote for the lesser evil but how could anyone be a champion to any of these guys? I backed away and watched the election from afar.

Then it happened.

Wikileaks released Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podestas, emails.

I thought surely this would be some sort of vindication for Bernie... and it was. The DNC colluded with the Clinton campaign to ensure her victory. But something else came out of those leaks. The DNC elites were speaking in a coded language. The DNC elites were heavily involved in Satanic rituals. The DNC elites also had a strange infatuation with Pizza... and hot dogs... and pasta... and walnut sauce... It was just all so strange.

I figured the reason for the all the strangeness would be exposed soon so i went on with my life. But no reasons ever came and stranger things began to surface. An instagram account of a DC pizza shop owner that Podesta had corresponded with had numerous inappropriate references to the sexualization of pizza and children. His friends were making joke after joke about pedophilia and murder and kill rooms. Pictures of kids in compromising positions. Then we saw this pizza shop owners was listed as GQ's top 50 most influential men. Strange... Then we found out about the strange bands that would play at his pizza shop that again made numerous references to pedophilia. The artwork in the restaurant was demonic and depicted children being sexually assaulted, chained, and tortured. It seemed like the more we found out the stranger and stranger it got.

But no media outlet would touch it. The story kept becoming more and more real but no mention of it ever. Then the subreddit about the subject disappeared overnight. Then the term fake news was invented. Then somebody walked into the restaurant allegedly with a gun and allegedly fired one shot that went through a wall and into the owners computer hard drive. What a coincidence?

The media had shut it down. They would not speak of the subject. They would not talk about the evidence. They would only talk about the victim, the pizza shop owner.

It was around this time where I came into the story.

I wanted a shirt to wear in my community so i could open up conversations about the facts since the media refused to do so. When I couldnt find a shirt or anything really I decided to open up an online store and sell 3-4 Pizzagate related shirts. They sold. People wanted them.

Then I decided to start making videos about my new obsession. I wanted to do my part again. So I made a few videos. Their purpose was to provide additional new info about pizzagate and be used as a way to let people know about the shirts.

Then I made the Pegasus video and my life completely changed.

In the Pegasus Video I reveal where a couple pictures that were on the pizza shops owners instagram were taken. It turned out the same guy owned this building as well.

He then saw the video and threatened to kill me, my mom, my girlfriend, and my son. This is the video detailing my communications with him. I was scared. I had no idea what to do. So I did what anybody should do when they face a tough situation, talk to smart people. We decided that right now I was a nobody that had damning information on one of the 50 most powerful in DC. If nobody knew they could get rid of me and nobody would care. So I had to do one of the toughest things ive ever done in my life. I had to take a leap and make a detailed video with all the communications I had with this man.

I immediately became the most talked about person in the entire pizzagate investigation. Articles were being written. Videos were being made. I couldnt keep up with the story. I had to rush to provide evidence to a very skeptical pizzagate community. I provided all that i could but it still wasnt enough for some people.

In a matter of days i went from a normal guy to being in the crosshairs of the worlds worst kind of evil. I was the focus of a viral investigation. I will always have to look over my shoulder.

Thank you guys for giving this a read. Let me know if you have any questions. I will be happy to answer.



Hi Ryan welcome. We all want to get good evidence perhaps more so on Steem we are very careful and like to see evidence and facts. My tip is to do your best to really remove yourself from any profit incentive at times and show genuine concern for delegate topic we are facing here (as you have done above). Be respectful to all that need to research everything you post and decide if it can be trusted. Try to make this as easy as possible.

The information is expansive on its own and may not any traditional sales tactic applied on top. I don't want to mix profits and investigations we know this is how things get corrupt.

Thank you for your contributions to the investigation so far... I wish you well. We do have peerhub.com .. you certainly have every right in the world to make a business and do well! I just like to see caution and respect for the investigative qualities that must be preserved. So a separation of the two somehow..

I understand what you are saying but the idea that im profiting from this at all is ludicrous from my vantage point. I know exactly what the market is, exactly what i spent, and exactly what ive made. I will never bring in a profit from what im trying to do. What I will achieve is nationwide awareness. I appreciate all help I get along the way. As long as everybody continues to do their part we will make a difference.

Hey Ryan, welcome to steemit! Thanks again for all the hard work regarding the PizzaGate investigation. I look forward to up-voting your content on this platform.

Some great researchers on here! I got most of my best information from steemit researchers.

I re-steemed your post to help more people see that you are on here. Good luck m8!

Thanks so much. yeah the most accurate reporting i could find on my situation was actually on steemit. very fair and very accurate

Hi @titusfrost and Ryan. Glad to see you made it over Ryan, I am @nolongerignored over on YT also. I just got on Steemit the other day and am trying to find the active researchers over here. I will follow you both and would appreciate it if you could recommend others I should link up with. I was putting some content up over on Voat (@mommylove there), but one of the mods over there is into aggressive censoring. I got banned. I have been "reinstated" but don't care to put more effort into the community if it is going to just be censored. I will do the work here on Steemit and transfer it over perhaps. I need to do a more comprehensive intro post, but, for now, I will let you know that I have been dealing with #GovChildTrafficking for about 14 months now. When #PizzaGate broke back in the fall, I had a feeling it was going to be a wave that would push the US #GovChildTrafficking into the eyes of many, and, thankfully, it has. Lots more still need to be educated, but I feel that the revealing will continue to grow. I want to thank you both for what you are doing to shine a light on this wickedness, and I look forward to working with both of you as we all join together to stop the torturing of children and the destruction of our families and our country. I am @nolongerignored on Twitter also.

Hello @pizzagategear and @nolongerignored welcome to Steemit both. Followed.

Here is some research I did on the tunnels under Washington DC a while back.

PIZZAGATE | NEW TUNNEL DISCOVERY. Connects At Least 4 Of Alefantis's Properties

@fortified, thanks for the welcome!

Thanks for all of the research on the tunnels. I upvoted, but couldn't resteem. I guess a post can't be resteemed after so many days?

No problem. Yes I believe you can only resteem for a week.
Keep up the goo dwork.

Hello Ryan, how are you?
I want to welcome you to Steemit, I do hope you enjoy yourself here and achieve success, I would be looking forward to reading more of your post, you have my supportive upvote, cheers

thanks so much

You are welcome

Welcome to Steemit, hope you do have a great time here

Welcome to steemit! I like to follow people all over the world, of all different ages. I read introduction posts and follow people who seem legit and real! You totally seem interesting! Following you to learn more about the world you live in and how you see it from your local perspective! I hope you will check out my posts too now and then!- @sircork - I've up voted and followed you!

I hear there have been 100's of arrests over the last month or so and I have not seen it reported anywhere.

Wow, what a story!

It turned out the same guy I owned this building as well.

I am sorry, this looks like a malformed sentence. Could you fix it? Thanks.

fixed and thanks for forcing me to learn how to edit lol

welcome to steemit Ryan, I followed your story as it unfolded. Alefantis is a very bad guy with some very bad and powerful friends. Glad you cam through the other side in one piece!

thanks so much for commenting. I have much respect for you and what you do.

I do like your intro @pizzagategear … nice one … future posts are been waited so hope for you the best in this new & challenging environment. I like writing/posting about several topics that call my attention, from travel, life to science and technology. Here are some of my last posts, that if you can, read them and leave some comments - it will be great.






Best of good luck in the STEEMIT arena …. have given you my UPVOTE tick for the welcome, and hope you will FOLLOW to be up to date on posts ..!!

Txs. & Rgds.


Welcome to steemit community.
I’m @jyoungking2 Start by following people and they will do the same.
Good Luck

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