2nd introduction... Love is the law of the strong… Steemit.steemCreated with Sketch.

Just realized that i put this in the wrong category... Lets try again.

Four months nearly five since i was last on Steemit… It feels like i should do another introduction.

Troubled times in the world make me feel humble and yet quite selfish while i sit here on my Mac writing this is in the comfort of my own home… How lucky am i. i hope we lucky ones can spare some thoughts for the less fortunate in the world right now. Just a few moments given in our thoughts to the poor and hungry will help in giving them strength to get through another winter… another year… another catastrophe.

This introduction isn't about me, though maybe it's the way i feel, but the post is about the people suffering in the world right now… Many people are suffering… in so many ways… Some have lost their homes, some have never had a home… Some are starving whilst some get fat… Natural disasters or other circumstances are leaving people in desperation. All over the world people are suffering… Anything you can imagine as suffering is happening in the world somewhere right now. So let us all imagine a beautiful world… A healthy and strong planet… Shared equally in peace, in love and light.

The darkness is coming out… The evil people raise their heads without shame... Evil people rule us, people that have no light, no compassion, no love… These people make up our everyday life… They warn us of a threat, when the threat is truly themselves. They profane the light… Deceive and lie to us everyday… Many people have awoken to the fact, many more haven't…

Many of us believe that ascension is happening right now… i believe that we should prepare spiritually, get ready for a shift in consciousness… The shift in Earths frequency and vibration. Get ready for the rebirth of the Sun… A new Sun means a new life on Earth. Things will change… We are an evolving consciousness... this is an evolution of consciousness... everyone is involved. People changing will make a difference... a difference to the state of being... In our darkest hour even the dimmest light drives away our fears. So much sadness in the world right now… Crimes against the spirit tear us apart. We need to think happy thoughts... We need to think love.

It's time to let go… Let go of the illusion of freewill and take control of our own lives. An unlearning is called for… An undoing. Unlearn the lies that have caused a division in the people. Undo the knots of deception. Everything we've been taught is a lie… Everything! but so few believe this and even fewer do.

We can we help ourselves and others… We can think a better world. Forgiveness is great. Love and light, we don't have to fight if we accept who we are, what we are… and that no one has the right to deny us from been truly ourselves… Change, change is good... no matter what form a change may take, it effects the now... creates a whole new now... We can change the world through thought. Thought manifests.

The world is not in a mess, it's just changing, evolving… and no matter what we do, we cannot stop this change from happening... We need to change with it, help it, learn from it… Have love and compassion and show it. We must not despair at the worlds negative events, the darkness wants to fill our minds with terror… See these events as positive changes towards a new beginning. These events bring forth compassion and love, they bring forth unity… Embrace the opposing feelings within… Unite with love, with light, with a spiritual understanding be your own hero… As the old dies away, the new becomes stronger... Don't live in fear of the unknown, for therein is the truth.

The rulers of this world would have us believe that no good exists in it anymore, that nothing will ever change for the better… All doom and gloom to keep our spirits down. They've got us right where they want us… Divided, lost in fear, uncertain and doubtful for our future. Why should the wrong thinking of a few be forced upon so many… Love is the law of the strong… Love is something we all have in common. Unity is our shield against the darkness of these rulers… Come together, love each other, find beauty in the averse, get over yourself and love all equally… This is the way to defeat the darkness. Love will lead us to the light, the light within… the light without… The light of love will guide us all. Judgment is made upon those who judge. The difference is in those who make it. Surrender to the spirit… Follow the heart. Evolve and become. Namaste.

Give a thought to those less fortunate than yourself… Help the hungry… Shelter the homeless… Be kind to someone today, tomorrow, next week and beyond. Share your good fortune… Spread your love, your light... Don't be afraid to be kind. Save the planet… Save man and save yourself.

Thank you for taking the time to read my 2nd introduction…



wow this post was long and awsome by the way nice editing efffects it makes that picture look cool well thanks for the awsome content.

Thank you... @crypto-pro... Very kind. Namaste.

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