Greetings And Salutations Steemers All, Please Allow me To Introduce Myself: I’m Bryan And I’m Thrilled to be here🎩

Salutations, I'm Bryan and I live right by the Great Barrier Reef in Sunny Queensland, Australia.
My story, as many are, is filled with great experiences and adventures worthy of both honest telling and marvelous embellishment.

Alas there's also more than a fair share of heartbreak, loss and debilitating illness. For now though I’ll just share this one story, to set the scene, so to speak and provide some inkling as to my motivations.

Over The Wait ~bryan @overthewait

In the tradition of so many grand old classic tales before it, this one starts with the receipt of some unexpected bad news, a death in the family and the loss of house and home.

It was 9 years ago, I’ll never forget the feeling. You must be wrong, there has to be a mistake, you’re joking I remember thinking. “ What can we do, is there a surgical option?” I’d asked him. He just looked me in the face and tore my future into shreds with a single sentence,”There is no cure, it’s a degenerative disease and we don’t even understand how it works.”

He followedwith that apologetic yet curt tone you only encounter from specialists and surgeons, as if it were not my entire life being rent just some minor rash or bruise.”There is nothing more I can do for you, these kind of bone diseases progress slowly, talk your doctor about pain management.”

And that was the day I was diagnosed with an incurable, non-terminal, degenerative bone disease.

Rainy Days Let it rain down~TC Oswald

Needless to say within 2 years of that notorious day I slowly became so unreliable that I lost my job. Then, as you’d imagine, my wife, my house and my dignity all followed suit in fairly short order.

Now you might think, where the heck do you go from there? Well let me tell you not very far at all. Thusly time inexorably passed, my child, my wonderful wonderful child, grew from a sweet little girl into a fully functioning teenager, as they all inevitably do.

We moved closer to my Grandmother’s nursing home so I could take care of her while the family went travelling. My Grandma, bless her soul, I can safely and honestly, say was not always the most amicable of grandmothers. She did however have a soft spot, if you entreated her with Strawberry Wafers and Lemonade or some Chocolate Ice Cream!

Let me just say, in her defense, that at 91 years old one has, beyond question, earned the right to have “some” grumpy days. Just ask her, she’d tell you…. Briskly! It was on one such Monday, during the couple of years i’d been visiting her regularly, I was running late and there was a kerfuffle getting the right kind Ice Cream( ps. We don’t ever get the wrong kind!) So there I was walking stick in one hand, not quite frozen dessert in the other, I walked into the room and there she was in full flight at the poor nurse. I opted for a big grin and a cheerful “ G’day Gr’ma, How are you today?” Well, the look she fixed on me! It’s just as well I’ve had a lifetime of experience disappointing Grandparents. She pinned me with that glare and the nurse, grateful to no longer be the sole target discretely stepped aside, and Grandma took a big breath and scowled out “I’m just sitting here, waiting to DIE!!” To this the nurse inhaled sharply, and I, being more used to these kind of outbursts, quickly retorted “That’s ok Grandma I feel like that on Mondays too!” She let out such a burst of laughter that her teeth almost came out!

Falcon Crest The sun sets for us all ~rip Dawn

Sadly my dear old Grandma passed this year, may she rest in peace. It was at that time I recalled, in the telling of this funny tale that, I've been waiting for something too. But what? Nobody will come and save me. There is no cure for my disease!

Since that day I’ve found a new doctor and we are working on a much better pain management strategy so I'm functioning a little better. I have even been growing some veggies and going out to find and cook more Local Food. More activity leads to some weight loss which leads to more function and hopefully less drugs. And maybe even a small bit of land where I can pretend to be a farmer and grow my own food, Dream Big right?

I Choose I choose to wait no more

What Will I Bring To The Platform

I intend to document my journey to the find future Me with Regular Posts, Engaging Stories, Short Videos and my Sub Par Photography, right here on Steemit, on my website and YouTube channel.
My Content will focus around; Cooking, Local Food, Growing things and Sustainable and Regenerative agriculture, Weight Loss and my unique Philosophy. Come Along, Share Knowledge, Learn Something

If you’ve enjoyed my story. If you have a similar path. Join the Conversation. Please Make a comment.

I've spent the last seven years waiting.

I've just been sitting here feeling sorry for myself, eating my life away, waiting.

Waiting for what? Waiting for Nothing.....

No more it's time to do something, I'm not sure entirely what it is but I'm bloody doing it!

And that's why I'm @overthewait

What Are You Waiting For?


Welcome to steemit

Good luck here

Welcome to steem

Followed Buddy! Follow me back if you like Crypto Hype. Like your Chilled Introduction Post, will do one soon aswell!

Thanks very much! Hype!

Hello Overthewait! Welcome to Steemit. I am subscribing and looking forward to your posts. Great story telling and I love that hat. Did you make it? It looks hand crafted. I have not been as brave as you and started to tell my story because I was/am in a health situation. I have wanted to die for years. I am always in pain, no energy and I had forgotten what happy was. My wife and son are the only reason I am alive today. I could never leave them with that mess or the sorrow. I love them too much. Now, back to the story, I have found that there is nothing that is incurable unless we listen to the doctors. Doctors only treat symptoms and do not cure problems. I hope you find these words as hope because I believe that you do not have to live with that doctors words. If you are up to it, check out Dr. Morse on youtube. After that then check out the Master Fast system at for fast healing. Also see Josh Macin and his story on youtube. He has a site called The Detox Dudes but charges for everything. I think healing info should not be charged for, that info belongs to us all. I wish you the best and I truly hope that this info will provide hope to you and the ones you love. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions. I am not fully healed yet because I have only begun a short time ago but I am much better than I was and I can see the changes. Also, I am no longer on the prescriptions I was on for almost 20 years! Good Luck and keep Steeming ahead!

I did make the hat myself, thank you for asking. Please take my example, while all these people come any comment and gain something from my story, these few words, and while that does give me pleasure. I did not write it for them, I wrote it for me, I needed to tell of my experience, as a catharsis of sorts, to push it away. And I wrote it for you, for us, we who choose live everyday, despite the pain. Do not throw away your life for that death, the cheap ending that destroys. Make your self a promise my friend, to endure until we've earned our releif and spent our lives well. Do you understand? You have to earn it, we have to do the best for our family, we have to support the others like us. We must carry this burden and still make a better world for those we love. Raise you voice tell your story to give hope. Earn that reward, when you're kids are grown when you've given the best of yourself you can claim it then. Before we become the weight for others to bear. But only then. We can say I've done my best, given my all and take the release from the pain, set it aside as a proudly earned promise. I think you've already taken up that Promise.
Spend it well. Make them proud. Make you proud.
I hope this makes sense it's difficult to convey coherently, in a single comment. Please if you need to talk you can find me on PALNet discord and the steemit homesteaders slack channel. Thank you for sharing with me.

Damn, thanks for sharing. Your grandma sounds cool as f. Happy I met you on discord and I hope things get better for you and I'm glad you have a strong mind. Sustainable and Regenerative agriculture sounds cool, gonna follow you. Upboated!

Thanks mate, throw you a follow also. Have a great night.

This was a great intro post! I dunno why you waited so long! Sorry to hear of your pains but I am glad as to hear glad to hear that you and your doctor are working together to help make it a bit more managable.

That excerpt you should shared with me is much more funny in context! She sounds like she was a riot. Sorry to hear of her passing.

Great story writing here also. Can't wait to read more of your posts, friend!

Thanks, I'm happy you liked it. Dear old Dawn, her life's road was harder than any of us in today's western world can really even comprehend. I'm grateful for the last couple of years to share and learn her stories.

Welcome fellow QLDer! I've just started too - look forward to your cooking posts :)

G'day @atly Thanks for your comment, Take a look at #teamaustralia for lots of local people. I didn't join up because I try to ready all my followers and there are just too many aussies on there!

I'll check it out! Thanks for that :) I didn't realise there were so many Aussies on here

Right on man! Glad you took the plunge and introduced yourself to us "officially"! :-) Hearing your story, the trials and tribulations you have endured, your username completely makes sense! I enjoy your writing style and humor... which is hard to find on Steemit (for me, at least). :-) Upvoting and sharing best I can to get you a boost on here.

You Are a great bonus to the steemit community, and central to the homesteaders here without asking for any return. You have my respect and thank you for welcoming me both here and in slack. May your salsa be spicy and your lamb succulent and free of flies!

Welcome to Steem @overthewait I have upvoted and sent you a tip

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