My presentation for steemit! @orianasalas

Very good to all my name is @Orianasalas I am 22 years old I am characterized by being a very charismatic person, very sentimental, affectionate and hard-working I like to help people when they really need it


Here I was 8 months old:


I really like animals, especially cats from a very young age, they are very charming, especially I love Siamese


I also really like music, I don't have a preference for any genre, I like to listen to all kinds of music and I really like the songs of Rocío Dúrcal, Ana Gabriel and all the music from that time. I have a beautiful family, my mom my dad and my brother just the four of us my dad lives a few minutes from my home my brother the same and my mom is right now in Peru looking for a better life and I live with my husband they are the light of my eyes are my life ♥ ️


She is my sweet and tender mother, thanks to her I am who I am, she taught me many things since I was little, at the moment we are far away, I in Venezuela and she in Peru. I know there are many warrior mothers, but I really would give my mother first place, she is a very fighter woman.


He is my great dad, since we were little he was always with us and even though we already have our lives apart, he is always looking out for us.


He is my only brother, I love him very much, although we cannot be together because of fighting too much but I just know that he would never let them hurt him despite all the things I know he loves me haha.


I present my husband Ieferson Soto, "@iefersoto" we have shared many moments together, we have been 2 years and 2 months and actually they are the best years I have had in my life, he has always supported me especially in the best and worst moments of my life.
This photo was 2 months ago:


I hope one day to start a family by your side. And I'm sure I will not find someone equal to or better than him, because he is the best ♥ ️ He just looks at me raises my spirits ♥ ️ Thanks to him I got to know this beautiful community.

She is my beloved mother-in-law, she has behaved very well from the first moment and learned to love her like a mother.


I studied here for 6 years, it was the best thing to have studied with my cousin, she is like my sister. Here I graduated from that same college to go to high school. It was a great childhood. I had many friends that I do not see now, many have gone to study far away from this town


When I was 7 years old, I was watching karate classes until I was 14 years old. Sorry for the poor quality of the photo, it has been around for a long time ... they were very nice experiences, there I also made friends for 7 years practicing, but I retired because the studies and the schedule did not let me continue .


I say goodbye to you, thank you very much for arriving so far, blessings. I accept suggestions for my growth in the community


Hola @orianasalas gusto en saludarte soy @wilmer1988 y de parte de todo el equipo steemit quiero darte la bienvenida a steemit, un universo digital que te permite compartir todo lo que te apasiona y formar parte de un mundo de posibilidades.

Quiero invitarte a unirte a Newcomers'Community, un lugar donde los nuevos usuarios puedes presentarse oficialmente y con ello cumplir con el logro 1, si logras cumplir por lo menos 4 logros puedes ser considerado para el programa "500SP Minnowsupport", te dejo más detalles.

Una vez logres alcanzar el Logro 4 podras formar parte Steemit Cryto Academy Comienza la Temporada 4: Cursos introductorios de nivel principiante un lugar donde podrás continuar tu desarrollo en el mundo de las criptomonedas, atrevete a alcanzarlo ven y forma parte de el, te dejo todos los detalles necesarios:

Te recomiendo seguir la cuenta @steemblog el cual es el canal oficial de steemit, aquí encontrarás toda la información actual concerniente a la plataforma, concursos, eventos, actualizaciones y demás que de seguro te ayudarán mucho.

Te aconsejo que tus publicaciones tengan menos 300 palabras que permitan al lector comprender el contenido que deseas compartir

También quiero sugerirte la comunidad Steemit Nursery, un lugar destinado al apoyo y crecimiento de los nuevos usuarios que llegan a la plataforma.

No quiero despedirme sin antes invitarte a la comunidad Steem Venezuela, un lugar repleto de gente buena donde los venezolanos crecen juntos dentro de steemit, y también formar parte del más grande movimiento en steemit como lo es El Jugo del Diario #thediarygame.

De parte del equipo steemit me despido deseando que toda esta información pueda ser de tu ayuda.

Saludos 👍

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