Nokkelen : The Key is to Know Yourself


Family. Authenticity. Freedom of Expression.

The difficulty of finding, let alone "knowing," oneself seems to be the journey of life. As time progresses, our roles change. While we first identify as a son, we later identify first as a father. Me, myself and I; the many forms of self-reflection found within this multifaceted existence.

The world of socialization is fascinating. Its evolution constant and seemingly absurd, pushes and pulls us to adapt and survive. Loneliness crushes those that fail to keep up on the journey of self-discovery. We are a cooperative species, a single entity larger than the single cell(phone) we inhabit.

The collective confusion is overwhelming when viewed through the lens of compassionate honesty. Divine Right. Military Slaughter. Mental Slavery. Opulence. Waste. Inefficiency.

While there is no contract that can truly bind anything, we are all bound by a force far greater; we are one.

Where are we heading when we succumb to our lowest aspirations? What is the currency of failed society? What is the fiscal valuation of the outmoded human in a #post-work world?

Progressive social theory indicates that there is something better ahead in the #post-capitalist world. The transition is painful to be caught watching idly.

Generational trauma makes it difficult to see through to tomorrow, but worse still, into the mirror of today.

There needs to be a reconciliation of truth. We live in a world that's been built up through the theft of everything. If it's not theft, then the loan is sure to be due back with interest. So when was the first "taking?" How far back does it all go?

The saddest part is to see the worst of the struggle continue; the inability to see you in me. Do we really hate the self that much? Is being "me" just that difficult?

As a 'creative' we forge a path untread, with our head in the clouds and our hands feeling blindly for change.

At the very least, we can smile upon these reflections with the gift of our eyes.


Nice to see you on here with us brother! Woot Woot #steemit

Ill give you two loves, haha i didnt realize ! Stoked to see you on here motts beats

Strange platform. Intrigued by the format and curious to the content and experience. Will it be a richer exchange than others or just another failed attempt at mediocrity?

Well, if you know anything about " blockchain technology" and or "sweat equity" it is already extremely far from mediocrity.It is the wave of the future. Just like the internet put cassets records cd's vhs into the garbage, monetarily speaking. As we move into a new business Ethos and Epoc. It will be the only way. Changing the values of the community and business model. And how we understand money, as it is only a form of communication. Communicating, thanks for what once was production, savings and quality. We will rebuild that form of communication.

Tijo~ The Arcane Bear

Sweat equity and block chain has a fascinating guise to it. The problem I'm seeing here though, is valuation as motivation.

Mediocrity abounds so far.

Lots of horn blowing, or should I call it "spouting," about the greatness of being a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Hate to break it to you John, but so far, it's pretty vapid.

Hashtag removal, SEO optimization.

I haven't really seen anything yet with a substance and depth that pertains to anything but the attempt to create "economic growth."

The idea of purchasing influence is also something that has polluted the valuation of contribution within the community. Trite is the word that comes to mind.

Why does everything need an explanation attached that speaks about "money" and "freedom." It all feels hollow.

Reddit is a far "richer" and more diverse community.

I understand the desires of all the fish in this pond, but they seem to forget that killer whales hunt to feed the pod.

Social swagger is obvious, the whales I swim with down here are the most diverse. In fact, this area contains more whales and dolphins than any other in the world. WE are all on the same page, give or take some minnow flack, So while the little time in the upper echelons of the business world may have you confused about what your contribution is or how it is valuable. Your substance and understanding is based of a world that you have grown accustom to.

Where do you work? How many employees do you have? How many of those people that you hire get paid so their family gets fed. The poor monetary taste you have in your mouth is likely all on your own. So don't try to spit in other peoples mouths with your mis understandings. Our choice to grow our own food, have our own well and water, productive holistic communities, music, bonfires and yes, the most diverse and eclectic group I have ever seen. Perhaps you should visit, its likely the only way one would ever understand, Is through experience.

Perhaps, your understanding of money needs to be adjusted, Do you have any friends who have made hundreds of millions of dollars in your regular social circle? If you do, what are they like? The multiples of these people that I have met, offer a far richer and more diverse culture than the one your are speaking praise to. So where do we go now.

You have your opinions, I have mine. Yet, cymatics always seems to make a seven pointed star at E flat. I continue to operate from those sympathetic areas.

Enjoy the path~


Nice, your poetry is doing great! Would love to hear more about the corn. beans potato and rice. casado