Steemit Newbie German Girl in LA coming in HOT | @surfermarly introduced me!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit!!


I’m very excited to jump into this amazing community and FINALLY post my silly introduction! As I mentioned in my video I’ve been overthinking it the last days – nervous about how I could make a powerful entrance. Yeah, a typical actor disease. And then this morning I went: „No, Clarissa, stop trying to be perfect and just do it!“. So, I did!

And after filming I had this other great (??) idea. Why not going up to the legendary Hollywood Sign and take a clichee tourist picture to 1.) Show you I am a real person as I’m about to become famous...not, and 2.) committed to make this the best and most fun project ever.


Who got me hooked with STEEMIT?

My great inspiring friend @surfermarly was the one who got me on board. You notice the word play here?! Whatever. That’s my German humor. Talking about German, I know @surfermarly still from Germany. Good old offline times.

Then, 4 years ago, at the same time she moved to the Canary Islands for her surfing passion, I moved to New York City for my acting passion. And now she’s rocking not only the waves in the ocean, but the STEEMIT wave as well. (Check out her posts and videos – pure inspiration!)

And me? I’m now in Los Angeles rocking Hollywood. Harvey Weinstein and Co. Oh well, I had to make that joke. Forgive me. Back to rocking. Let’s see how much rock’n roll I can give to STEEMIT. I’m more than ready to throw myself into this new world full of creativitiy, fun and inspiration.

So, who is this @newclarissa?

I’m a dreamer. Following my dreams is the central theme in my life. Becoming an actress. Moving from Germany to NYC. Walking the red carpet in Cannes. Meeting my teenage crush Leonardo DiCaprio. Uhm. Too much info. I better stop before it’s gets too embarrassing. It was great though. ;-)

So just recently it happened that some other dreams showed up besides acting. Travelling the world. Coaching other women to achieve their dreams. Sharing the immense amount of wisdom I accumulated in my long long life. Always with a touch of irony. Of course.

So I pressed the PAUSE button in my skyrocketing acting career and - whoosh - STEEMIT showed up. Perfect for utilizing all the gifts and skills I gained the past years to make my new dreams happen. Jackpot!

„When you let go, you make space for better things to enter your life.“

It takes some courage, yes, but it’s so worth it. Uhm. I hope so. Haha.

What you will see me post

While I usually prefer to keep things open to stay in the flow, I tried to narrow it down to the following topics I want to focus on. Don’t beat me up if I don’t. This is the moment I’m thankful this is all only online.

  1. Empowering life lessons & successful mindset strategies I learned from my acting experience, successful business entrepreneurs and spiritual teachers

  2. Manifesting tools I use to achieve my dreams

  3. New explorations like travelling to foreign countries, Los Angeles City lifestyle, new activities (Bungee Jumping, Skydiving, Horsebackriding in Hollywood Hills, etc.)

    My adventure trip to Kauai (Hawaii)

  4. Fun stuff (Uber stories, iMovie trailers, silly&meaningful interviews, etc.) to let out the crazy, silly side in me (yes, Germans have that, too!)

It’s gonna be exciting! And scary. Knowing it will be on here until eternity. But that’s what I love. Going to where it’s uncomfortable and grow. That’s the best and most rewarding thing you can do in your life. Besides reading this blog. Lol.

Thank you for your time, guys. I’m looking forward to connecting with you.

Please comment any tips or advice you have!

Love, Light and Laughter,

Feel free to follow me on Instagram @achieving_mydreams & visit my serious acting website


Welcome to Steemit @newclarissa! Looking forward to reading more posts from you :)

Thank you, @lifelovelifting! Your blog sounds amazing too! Followed;-)

Welcome to Steemit newclarissa. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look basically, DMania for memes and Dlive for streaming just like in Twitch! Welcome to the blockchain

Thank you, Janne! Wow I didn't know that there is sooo much going on here. Well there's some work to do the next days. Thanks so much again.

Hi Clarissa!
Welcome to steemit, an awesome community where everyone helps and supports each other. Hope you like it here.

Clarissa, welcome! Very excited to have someone like you on steemit who clearly has so much insight to share! Especially for other women. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say. I'll be following you for updates! Best of luck.

Hi @yasminep, thank you for your kind words. Yes, I'm all in to empower other women and share as much as I can to encourage others to live their dream. Your blog sounds very interesting, too. Excited to look further into it. Thanks again and best of luck to you too!

So good to see you here, Clarissa!
Thanks for the lovely mention, I'm pretty sure you'll be having fun and doing great here.

Resteemed to my followers hoping they'll jump over on your board (German humor, haha) :-)

Haha, great! The Germans and their humor. That could be the title of a future blog post of mine;-) Thank you so much for your support! I have a great feeling with this community. And the best guide;-)

Hey hey @newclarissa! Gut mal noch einen Deutschen zu treffen der grad in Amerika lebt haha. Dein Leben klingt echt interessant und ich denke dass du hier gut ankommen kannst. Kleiner Tipp, in der Regel kannst du Kommentare ignorieren die "follow and I will follow back" anbieten. Diese Follower sind ziemlich nutzlos. Als Neuling solltest du dir ein paar Tags durschauen, ein paar Artikel lesen und Kommentare hinterlassen. #introduceyourself ist offentsichlich immer gut Leute kennen zu lernen haha! Ansonsten schau auch mal bei Discord rein. In den Chaträumen kann man Kontake knüpfen. Lass mich wissen falls du noch ein paar Fragen hast! Nochmal willkommen! Cheers @lesshorrible!

Hi Lesshorrible! That sounds pretty good for being less horrible;-) Danke für die ganzen Tipps. Ja, ihc merke schon das es recht viel Info sein kann, jetzt gerade am Anfang. Vielen Dank für die Hilfe also. Wo bist du denn in Amerika? Liebe Grüße!

Klar doch! Wirst sicher schnell merken dass die Community hier ziemlich hilfsbereit ist. Bin in Alabama, haha, nicht wirklich so spannend - definitiv nichts im Vergleich zu LA haha! Cheers!

Hi Clarissa how are you? Really nice intro, i love it ! I’m a new steemit user as well and would like to connect with other cool steemians, artists and musicians. I’m posting music tutorials and other things related to music (and bitcoins:p). I’m the founder of the free music school communicasound. I'm really pleased to meet you. So i give you my vote, follow you and i will be happy to read your next posts in the futur. If you want, you can do the same and follow me. It’s important to have a family in Steemit :) Greetings from Paris. Peace.

Thank you @communicasound. I really appreciate your support! There's so much going on here. A lot to explore the next days. Your free music school sounds amazing. I play the piano, a bit of drums and will start with singing lessons next week;-) All the best and see you here soon!

Oh really sweet you're a real musician yourself ! I hope my page will help you and you have a lot more tutorials on my Facebook and website, feel free to check them out as well. How long have you been playing the piano? And singing is one of the only instrument i don't play.. you're SO RIGHT to start singing lesson. I'm sure you're going to enjoy this a lot. Thank you for your feedback and i'm glad to connect. I have posted few tutorials about practicing vocals on Stemmit and i will post more. Hope it will help you :) Peace. Lio

Hey! I'm originally from Los Angeles but lived in Germany for 4.5 years and now live in London (1 year so far). My father is German so i have dual citizenship. How long have you been in Los Angeles? My two older brothers and parents still live there.

Hi @wanderlustlk! Oh how cool is that?! Where did you live in Germany? I'm from Munich. I moved to LA a year ago, before that I was in NYC for 3 years. I love LA and hope to stay here as long as I can. How do you like London?

I lived in Dusseldorf. Munich? That is my favourite city :) And not only because FC Bayern is my favourite football team! haha.

Have you done any roadtrips in California? San Diego is a must if you havent done so already.

London is nice. Reminds me of Los Angeles except that everything is closer and at a faster pace

so rare to see a girl rocking sultry short-hair look-- love it. Like it as much as we like German spelling, which is perfect. Auf Wiedersehen Amiga!

Hahaha, thanks for the compliments @harpooninvestor. Whatever you mean by German spelling;-) See you later, Aligator!

Germany eliminated spelling class, by eliminating all classic spelling in favor of a simple system which allows anyone knowing the rules to spell any word they can say. If only EVERY language would be brave enough to do this, life would be easier! (especially engrish)

Excellent intro dear. Am sure you in good hands as your friend our lovely surfer is a well known steemian.
Am sure you also have enough great contents to share as steemit is all about content creators. Nice photos, beautiful places, food, movies highlights, sexy body, great smiles , name it. Once original it's great.
Be aware also steemit has the bad side as so many spammers and follow for follow guys so avoid them and always engage constantly so you get noticed. Follow inspiring folks like @kenhudoy and more importantly have fun...yes steemit is about fun. You can also enjoy vlogging here through dtube and enjoy fun memes via dmania . So many stuffs here!
Have fun and success.

Hi @kenhudoy! Great, thank you so much for all the info and the welcome! Yes, I can't wait to explore more and share more. And I'll definitely check your profile. Fun and success sounds perfect. I wish you the same! Cheers

Welcome as always and am always here to support. Keep it coming and steem on 💪

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