MI primer Post
Buenas Tardes¡Hola a todos!Mi Nombre es Nestor.Vivo en el estado Zulia,Venezuela.
Gracias a un artículo que leí sobre el sítio,me enantó todo sobre
Steem,decidí unirme,hay demasiados autores,fotografos talentosos que me gustaria aprender muchos .Estoy hanciosos por querer comenzar a publicar ahora para que puedan conocer mis publicaciones,y espero que le hallas gustado se les quieres y que tenga
un feliz día gracias
Welcome to Steemit.com
Welcome 2 family :)
Holaaa nestorluis
Hi how are you my friend
Welcome to steemit family! Good luck! I am sure that you will fully enjoy your journey here:)
Thanks also to you that have a good time
Welcome! Some things I've noticed people don't mention too often that could have helped me early on in my Steemit adventures are:
-a (nearly) complete interactive page that gives you a better overall experience and overview of what is really happening on your steem page.
If your going to buy upvotes for post promotion try and follow grumpy cat and his rules...
Check out @kennyskitchen and his introduceyourself post tips it is extremely helpful and informative!
I have been having fun using https://www.decentmemes.com to create memes for the steemit blockchain. It's a smaller version of the bigger guys meme site. I have received a lot of organic upvotes large and small from this site. I invite you to try and make some memes! It connects via steemconnect to your steemit account. You make your memes there and then it posts to your page
Any questions or comments or just want to chat about steemit? Join us at
Bienvenido a steem, te deseo suerte en tu viaje en steem. Aqui te dejare unas herramientas que espero que te ayuden
Es una página interactiva que le brinda una mejor visión en general de lo que realmente sucede en su página de Steem.
Y segundo:
Steemengine es una pagina buena para ayudarte a conseguir mas seguidores y upvotes a tus publicaciones.
Espero que esto te ayude
Thanks for the help I'll take a look at the page that has a thank you
Hi !! Welcome to the community! Steemit has a lot of potential and so do you. Do not forget that! Steemians earn when somebody upvotes their posts or comments. While Steemit is blogging, it's all about socializing as well. You can make some friends here. Engage and try to socialize.
The best way to be rewarded is to expect nothing! Focus on your content. We call them articles and you of course as authors. If you provide good quality contents people will come to your blog and read them. Upvotes are of course the biggest bonuses..... I really liked the way you introduced yourself it was interesting description I'll surely follow you for more interesting stuffs.

thank you very much for your attention in my publication is my first publication in Steepshot which is a very interesting page I am impressed with your publications that I am fine and have a nice day, thanks for the tips
I'll be pending with that
Bienvenido a la comunidad Nestor, que la pases muy bien y puedas tener éxito
Thank you very much for everything, just like you friend and we can not help
Hola @nestorluis, espero que compartas y disfrutes mucho en esta comunidad. Sugerencia: debes tener mucho cuidado con la ortografía y la redacción, pues aquí se toma muy en en cuenta, al momento de votar por un post. Bienvenido, éxitos y saludos
Hola @juanchez muchas gracias tendré muchos cuidados con la publicaciones sobre el texto y redacción gracias por su ayuda que la pases bien
Goodlock in steemit.com