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RE: EduBlock: Empowering Students to develop Blockchain Solutions

Intelectual capital is the supreme resource in the Information Age

What Edublock is doing in Puerto Rico is an act of patriotism fueled by a desire to channel the immigration wave of online entrepreneurs towards their island’s well-being. This could only be done by educating the youth about the massive business potential that torrents towards Puerto Rico.

The crypto movement in Puerto Rico is only possible to thrive if it has a solid entrepreneurial basis composed of the intellectual and financial capitals (both local and foreign). Unfortunately, due to the Act 936 & Jone’s Act, the economy of Puerto Rico was not able to grow a strong “private sector”. This lead to the constant leak of the local talent to New York, Boston, Washington DC, and Silicon Valley.

Innitiatives ran by Edublock, Piloto 151, Parallel 18 and Colmena66 help build a bridge towards the Future Economy of Puerto Rico. Hopefully, their efforts will be able to turn the island into a Carribean Silicon Valley and motivate the Puerto Rican talent to come back home, a paradise island of Puerto Rico.

-Kirill with Kich Media.

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