RE: Introducing Myself-Alexa Nova
I love that: "Jesus loves pornstars." There's actually a lot to be said on that topic: I've done a bit of research on the matter and concluded that the bible not only never condemns sex outside of marriage, it actually assumes it's going on, wouldn't dream of condemning it, and even celebrates it. Now, everyone who's been told by a church what the bible says is going to scream that I'm a heretic, but I challenge them to find me one single passage that says it is wrong to have sex with someone you're not married to. Even the draconian old-testament law was careful not to ban this in its regulations on sex. Some might cite 1 Corinthians 7, where Paul says "Each man should have his wife and each woman her husband" and yes, this is a clear recommendation of monogamy, but it's just that: a recommendation to particular a particular people, place, and time (one that makes a lot of sense, when you factor in the context of Corinth at that time!). Also, even modern research is clear: the optimal environment for raising kids is stable monogamy, so it makes sense to recommend it for specific things.
Many scholars argue that Song of Solomon, a book in the bible which reads like a playboy article if you understand the idioms of the day, is about sex between a non-married couple.
So yes, going off of the bible, Jesus does love pornstars, and may not even have condemned their content.
Personally, I'd love to see material on Steem which reminds us that porn actors are people too, and gives them a venue to share some of their lives outside of getting reamed on camera. :) I am grossly dissatisfied with most porn I find simply because it's unnatural, unemotive fucking for the sake of fucking. There's no romance in it, there's no love in it, there's no emotion at all in it; and divorcing sex from these things leaves it empty and disgusting to me. It's like eating an ice cream cone without the ice cream. And personally, I think most men are wired that way, but many of them have just gotten used to eating dry ice cream cones because that's all that's available, and for some, all they've ever known.
There's also some seriously dark occult stuff going on in porn, where the stated goal is to divorce sex from the emotions that make it beautiful (you think the psychopaths implicated in pizzagate aren't involved in adult porn too? Think again; it's a religion to them, and they want to spread it), and I hope places like Steem become reliable sources for a better kind of porn than that filth.
Welcome to the blockchain, @alexanova, and I hope you share what's alive in you with us along with what's sexy about you. :)
Wow, that was a very well written, really awesome comment! Thank you!! I feel you 100%