Part 2 of 3 - Stephan Unrau - Information Scientist - Expert Systems Analyst - TI


When CPS last called me I was super excited thinking they finally maybe caught somebody had evidence and would need my help. It was a call to determine my location for a warrant and all they cared about was my location, well I was in Saskatchewan at the time and realized what it was about. I wrote a letter once I got out of Alberta and was feeling way better, the drugs I was taking there caused severe depression for months and it was impossible to write or do anything but sleep. This was also to the joy of my stalkers who are always mad if I speak to anybody or write a letter, the fact the drug made me catatonic was joyful for them and would torment me much happier than I ever heard them, my depression was worsened even though it was prescribed for depression, in my case it was not effective but had taken it voluntarily as the doctor insisted I could stop easily. It took a long time and I eventually moved out of the province to visit family for Christmas. Within three weeks I realized how bad the medication I put up with for month after month was. I figured I should write police and doctors and in anger threatened to shoot up the hospital with an AK-47 if any ever put me through that hell and then some again, several months of forced medication of an experimental drug given to almost everybody was not something I would tolerate a second time. Having tried it, I can see what is desirable in the way it works, if I were a mentally ill person. If one gets excited it seems to put you to sleep, strange but it really knocks the wind out of you if it starts acting, and I wake up without drugs sleepy, and I can fall asleep any time of day or night within minutes I'm gone. I really am depressed, made worse by targeting, I was not depressed in the years leading to the targeting. This drug had a serious effect of causing my depression to go from mild to the most serious, that level of depression I never had before, and only thing mission was suicidal thoughts, although a few times I woke with night terrors, screaming on top of your lungs and sprouting straight out of bed, slowly getting quieter as I realized what I was doing, only had a nightmare, the silence deafening and peeping out a sorry before lying down and being taunted before I fell back asleep by the insane rapists giddy at my misfortune. Truly anything I enjoy even for a minute becomes their enemy. The lady from authorities said it was jealousy but I never figured out what she meant, I assume it's the girl coming to see me, it's related to Stephanie's Niece. On a side note, the drug I was forced to take has a different method of action which I would consider useful if it did anything to a non-psychotic person, but it does nothing and obviously 0% effective against the traumas I experience daily. Only by sleeping all day is it useful to reduce the abuse. Faced with such a dramatic improvement in my head, my sudden ability to write again, desire to get back to work, totally determined to fight these fuckers until I die, laughing at them as I fall to the ground, surely the doctors and police would understand, the former why they should never do that (it is experimental for f sakes and they still don't even realize my blood-brain barrier has a very high chance of being the main cause of death or illness, I'm very angry and this to a doctor should make sense, but they don't care to them that's crazy, to my good doctor I could have stopped whenever I wanted, it was a mistake) and to the latter, the police should get this email and realize why I stopped writing them about all the problems, hoping one day they would solve it, instead I was sleeping for month after month, why do anything else, really it's amazing I wake up and hop to it now, but I do. I'm not forced medication that makes me more depressed and currently I'm not depressed enough for medication. So I never returned to Calgary but I might after all whats a bit of jail for a few threats, my offensive letter may be submitted with only the pieces read out that are the crime, my intention was innocent, I had no intention of shooting anybody, not unless I caught these people and the police still refused to act within the implicit contract we have all with society at birth. I'd kill these bastards, often I say if I only had a google map and some dots, and a license to kill, I'd try even though an untrained self professed computer nerd really has no chance here against psychopaths with advanced technology always promising me they'd kill me and have already shot at least one other if not everybody they claim to have killed. This task I would still attempt even though it seems impossible, it's necessary plus obligated under my religion which only allows killing in the event you are saving another life. All Christians should understand that and makes it clear dogmatic one sided approaches not consistent with this might be missing the point of truth and non violence altogether. This is true of almost all religions, few would promote standing by while innocent people were killed. In any case at least going to court over this apparent threat would force telling the reasons why, included at the bottom as an afterthought, a long list of crimes ignored by police and commit against me, two dozen, thousands of infractions in the case of harassment. Telling another judge and a bunch of police and prosecutor the truth that one day they will know this was all true and that day will come if I die trying to get something done or not.

Not all TI's go through what I'm going through. In fact I can't see any others, other than dead former TI's that have anything like this going on. It's sometimes close and many cases are rape victims but what is happening here, not even close from what I can tell. Even though all of this continued to weigh heavily on me, in Moose Jaw, I actually gave Jessica a chance hoping against all hope. Jessica was cut off frequently and probably without me realizing it several times since I am used to it, assuming it's enough proof to not get hopeful, I barely cared it's just this same lie. I was severely poisoned three times, each time paused and then by what I can determine, injected and quickly experienced symptoms from a pain in my private region, a uselessness of my sex organ for 2 weeks, dizziness, nausea, confusion, slowness and this increased with the injections, the final one was extremely serious and assumed I was really going to die, I put my head down and waited, praying. This last injection of what the stalkers claim is "chemical castration" and that I was long ago sterilized. All of the v2k pretends I'm the rapist psychopath that is "stupid" or "doesn't realize how long the mind reading has been happening" or "doesn't know about mind reading" or "doesn't he realize how long we've been following him" or that my abuse is due to the "rapes", sick. Perhaps this is what happened to the original lady from authorities, there was what appeared to be a murder right beside the men's washroom at the Bay in Calgary, maybe it was not the Starbucks, maybe she was believing me to be at the Bay that day and it's very common spot where I would stop. The lady from authorities would be looking out my eyes for I guess half the day and if she believed I would be there, on her way, she'd stop looking out my eyes. Even though when I am at that mall the psychopaths cut off the mind reading since it angers the rapist and the truth would be known while I'm there, somehow the lady from authorities figured it out, possibly whenever I'm in certain spots the transcript is always cut and maybe since they cut away she assumed it's only the one spot. It's a long shot, but I found it strange the women's bathroom beside the men's is now a male bathroom as well, even weirder that and women's are on a separate floor. I asked the security there and they said to go away, I thought it was strange and tried again with a sales person, insufficient answers are usually lies or stupidity, honestly it's pretty much every time I ask anybody anything so I didn't think it was weird, more so since becoming a TI, but not strange in itself.

A note, v2k is always meaning any of the unwanted communication as one cannot know what specific technology is used. The rapist is mocking here but when dealing with non-words, those not in dictionaries, one only can consider it's common use and the number of people using it. By far, v2k comes from only Targeted Individuals, meaning the use of it by the group of us, the meaning is any of the technologies since it's impossible for a victim to know for sure sound laser or otherwise, how would you know if it was one word, how could you tell, even mouth to ear can be difficult to differentiate, not impossible depending on what is spoken, how many words, how audible, if it moves around or not, what voice is used, context and many other factors can make you sure in a specific situation, but v2k is used all the time meaning that one or other. To me it's always the psychopath rapists, never is it authorities who assured me in Vancouver they'd always speak to me in person if they were investigating, never do they use v2k or "speak from a distance". I also deny the synthesized voices which are always obviously not who they are pretending to be. Their anger that I don't believe it enforces this obvious truth.

Only occasionally v2k speaks any words that are truthful, mostly it appears to be an accident, like guessing the future or trying to lie and accidentally saying something that comes true later. If somebody gets through to me, they are cut off as soon as one of the criminals notice. Sometimes the psychopaths appear to be explaining my behavior to somebody and then they are unable to talk to me, sometimes it seems like an innocent person and I tell them to call 911 call police run away screaming, get away from those people and so many many times it's "he's lying he's a psychopath". Other times I'll start in with something that appears to bother the stalkers "we all live in a yellow submarine", boy that brought tears to my eyes a few times laughing so hard as the other victim or innocent bystander, often with the psychopath, chimed in with the refrain, too bad I only know that one line. That one girl that started it was so funny to me, I didn't know back then her life could be in danger, now I am aware of this and the voice of the innocent girl has changed and never comes back. The rapist also freaks out if I tell her something he cannot quell with "hes a psychopath he always says that" often fading away after this. I've honestly heard this woman get worried as he starts with her excited once a girl yelled pick me pick me over and over which ended up a sound laser through a window in the house, another woman was exasperated as the younger one was so insistent. I recognized the older one and even though this was all so strange, I "picked" one, but she eventually was gone too.

There is another common form of abuse from this "evil entourage" as I called them back when I was more hopeful of my salvation and sure of their eventual capture. I complain since my mind reader has the words flipped around even if they do hear me, I have to spell it out, or use sign language, or write on paper, because long ago they stopped entrusting simply cutting the mind reading. My entire mind reading transcript is best to be forged, easy to do, after all anybody could continue to look out my eyes and type in the transcript, although if I type or hand write or speak into a mirror or make hand motions obvious to me and if you had a mind reader you could know easily what my hand motions describe - a person looking out my eyes not reading my mind would have a tough time not sounding stupid. He couldn't look out my eyes and also use his eyes to read my mind reader. Another person could however read my mind and signal him when they need him to behave differently and finally I got almost all of it. He was using thought to text to listen with a synthesized voice. For a long time, this was also not possible since he listened to my thoughts he could add his thoughts but mostly impossible since the original group would also then notice because they can hear out my ears too - how then is this happening easily. I am getting close to explaining it without a braille mind reader that a middle man could use while looking out my eyes and hearing out my ears, or with two middle men, one simply on my mind reader by reading it, the other the one attached to my eyes and ears, while all the rest read his mind, deny my claims that I never heard them, deny my claims that I never had that thought, and deny me when I tell them that a word is switched around. Spelling things out, speaking aloud, and typing things are all bad to the psychopaths, the moment I discovered each of those and started doing it, all hell broke loose. They would try to first, abuse me and scare me, eventually the technique to get around it would start happening and I wonder one day they will not need to switch something or I will miss the trick. Lately the best they have is when I'm sleeping, or if I'm silent and can't even hear them, it's obvious they are not here or talking to me at all and then suddenly they are here loud and clear and appear they've been talking to "me" a while and it's clear that I was "so truthful with them finally" after a long period of silence.

So I have been close to fixing this but by being vigilant I should find a way to figure this out. For sure a third party is there to monitor the first from speaking directly to me without the ability to turn it down, halfway through a sentence or to switch it off completely so I only hear half the sentence and a way to turn off my response so they can no longer hear me at all and replace it with someone who pretends it's me. How is that occurring while all insist the mind reader is not messed up, they claim they checked, it's impossible to screw up the mind reading. I know this to be false and the abusive psychopaths claim I said one thing when I said another. The cult screams if i so much as whisper when I talk to them, it took months to get me to stop talking aloud to them, I don't care if I look insane, not a problem, I'm very good at what i do for a living and I'm passionate about it, I don't need to look any particular way except to get a job. I know people that talk aloud constantly, some are very bright, people avoid them at worst case. If strangers are ignoring or avoiding me, it's not bad for an introvert and I have enough people in my fucking head let alone add any more. Especially if I want to make relationships, friend or otherwise, it's not possible until the targeting is over. Anybody especially anybody who even goes so far as to become helpful will be attacked and they won't even realize it, it's not easy for me to tell somebody the truth, or prepare them for what will happen to them if they stick by me. Hiding the targeting from them is difficult and if I do, they are easily turned against me without ever speaking to me, whatever it is requires I prepare anybody I want to interact with in the future, it's safer to stay a stranger, another symptom of illness and as an introvert social interaction must be taken like a medicine, social isolation as wonderful as it is, can cause problems so I'm not super happy about this either but it's one of a hundred more serious problems. Furthermore, simply speaking aloud, mentally ill or excessive intelligence both rarely get any bystanders to comment or call police, both frequent with my situation which I know is odd as I've seen the situation and nobody cares not even a bit, busy lives, barely care when there is a serious problem and always a cautious or wise person will avoid someone talking to themselves, myself I've crossed the street to simply avoid the person.

Once a manager of a Starbucks said after so many hours of strange customers flooding the store said "Stephan please just go, I can't take any more people, I'm really sorry." I had prepared her for what would happen that day and I was very used to it, it's been years remember. It was a madhouse, it looked behind the counter like Denny's after the packed morning rush, so I thanked her, she was the best reaction I ever saw even if I prepare someone, rarely do they stick up for me, always they become a problem and usually I stay away since I don't trust people that don't speak to me about their abusive actions or why they think the insane things they say about me, always they lie and if they're doing that they won't listen anymore and I have to guess about what to say anyways. I will never forget how she said once even "Look, you can come buy your coffee, but if you're going to slander anybody get the hell out" something I wished would one day happen and probably I did tell her that and she as a normal unaffected stranger would think is a great way to stop what I prepared her for and she now no doubt incredulous witnessed. It was clearly the only acceptable answer for any establishment when strangers were committing a crime against others in their store. It wasn't the first time a Starbucks barista was a witness. Most of the witnesses I confirmed the harassment with happened to be barista's as it was a place to continue my business or at least try to attend the mounting list of tasks for more and more angry customers was coffee shops or restaurants with free internet. Once a barista in Calgary near 14th if I remember the location freaked out because I ran into him walking to the store and had explained what was happening. I told him, especially if police come stand in line, that he would hear them say some slander, but that I have too heard these things coming from police while they were near me, it's almost every time I see a police car or if the police are near me at all. A voice comes from them and I checked as I was sure it was the technology since it's completely illogical and paranoid in the extreme to think the police would be repeating the rapist harassment, and every single time the police answered as you would expect, no they never said that, and were casual, the same way you would expect anybody would answer if they were asked "did you say..." totally normal, not the slightest bit of apprehension or threat of hospital - as time grew, I gained more confidence that it is so clearly safe to ask such a question I did it over and over until this technique is totally useless but he still tries. It's angering to them and still they try even though I barely waste my time asking anymore, I nkow for a fact it's never police, certain they'll be confused and a greater waste in time, even as the psychopaths still pretend they believe it was the police, a few times I grimaced at the psycho gas lighting argument and even hesitated on occasion thinking I'll go back and prove it. I have added to my emails to authorities, can you simply respond to deny these allegations of my stalkers, when I read the response they'll shut the f up like a sock in the mouth this will do them in, please for the sake of their stupidity and my ears just confirm this is not true since it's obvious especially when the statement is often "such and such police are saying" some ridiculous thing about me. I don't even worry it's true it's just that the statement being ridiculous does not prevent them from speaking it and insisting it as if they were children, it's not enough to explain why it's impossible due to being illogical, no only getting it from the police will bek enough and at that sometimes the stalkers insist the police are lying. In any case, this day I warned the barista who was new to me and the store was hot, frequently I would leave there within 30 minutes, it was bad one but the closest place and this fight has been slowly eating away all my time and destroying my business, I needed to eat every day and find a new bed and breakfast for the night, I could not choose another place with less problems for a slight improvement in the time I could work before having to find a new venue and spend even more money on something to allow me to work. Near the end of my stay there, it happened that two police came in for coffee, while in line I heard nothing. After they left the barista yelled out it's true, you're right, totally shocked it's true I asked them they never said what it sounded like. The reason they don't realize what is happening is that any device, a cheap directional sound, they come in all sizes and vary in quality and distance, some go up to 3 KM, handheld ones are easier to move around but have fantastic quality once a guy across the street had one I could clearly see was causing his voice to move from one end of the Starbucks windows and glide across back and forth with arm. In that case, the barista actually pointed him out as she opened the store, she screamed excited and happy for some hopefully not sick reason "look it's the fake rapist" and pointed him out before he started with his voice skittering across the windows for a very long time since it's rare I seen the devices let alone in such a situation. Starbucks had a thing about this "fake rapist" and it appears to be a bigger problem for me around certain stores. One Starbucks even had a "fake rape" and told all the customers, every one to "ignore the fake rape its just fake don't call police" it was very weird. That day a lady jumped up and screamed it's a rape that's a rape and I left with her believing she would as she said "call the police" so I waited but nobody came. I never called, they did maybe 50 or more "fake rapes" these were various different things,anything you could define as a "fake rape" an oxymoron and not possible by definition, the psychopath has an issue with this, it will be obvious when he is caught why he wants as many things that could be referred to by this impossible statement. Maybe he was called delusional for believing in a lie he told a psychiatrist. So that something so insane happened at a Starbucks to me is pretty minor, it is all too frequent at that store, oddly enough different stores act as if they are different personalities even if it's a different location, again a mystery to me one of many still unsolved. The first barista who I spoke to and told me she was a witness to it said she would speak to police if I called them was a long time ago. I went to use the phone and waited over an hour in Vancouver in 2014 who told me criminal harassment was not something they investigated until the stalker did something else, with only that and not behaving strange, they suggested I go to a hospital, and asked several times if I was on medication or what kind of medication or drugs I was taking.

I get physical stalking most days everywhere and sometimes it's really heavy, I don't believe it's real people harassing me and actually need to see them speak to me directly and watch their lips move or do something making it more than potentially technology or I deny it's real people. The psychopaths yell out "did you hear that" or "Stephan listen to them, they know" gasing at their own bullshit. I only need to leave the hell that is my home now to see real people doing it, sometimes I wonder if they wait all day or how they get mobilized so fast. Sometimes I can wake up and bolt out at an odd time and if they were not there talking to my sleeping head, claiming I responded to their questions honestly, ya right as if I did speak to them while I slept, what asses. You only need to speak into an ear while it's sleeping and you're inducing a dream, the results coming from a sleeping dreaming persons muttering can only be interpreted as hilarity and never would you think it's true especially if they told you it was a dream afterward. Logic does not phase these assholes, if anything they'll stop trying to feed you this crap only to try another day. That is insane but they don't care anything ridiculous that causes the question "who would do that" or my favorite "it's been so long how could or why would anybody do anything all day every day with this number of people to YOU" multiple things that are done but I too am flabbergast when I think of the extent, add that to advanced technology and experiencing it for real it's a trip. I have possessed some videos and recordings that I tried to get to authorities and on the way would be robbed or would be unable to upload it or store it permanently. I had a few ones that I sent to McDonald's corporate that got immediate calls to the store and got me kicked out by pissed off evil manager in one case and others that got me profuse apologies by the customer service such as Starbucks corporate. Mentioning gang-stalking always makes police roll their eyes since it's not called gang-stalking, it's called organized stalking and they check a list I'm not on it. Don't even ask what doctors do, it's really a serious issue and no doubt the increasing public shootings are all TI's who tried and failed to get the government to act, one the parliament hill shooter was medicated for previously diagnosed condition was insisting the voices were different than the ones that don't speak with medication - it is so very obvious to us it's not mental illness not right away but after time, it so obvious you want to break any head that suggests maybe you're lost it after you express this rather obvious thing to anybody that experiences this. Children too often come by the group and are trying to figure out who the man is molesting them when they're naked, the lack of understanding by police and doctors has them convinced it's the authorities, and being bright they too know both doctors and police are acting funny, with tears I insisted she one day would have both them and her parents apologizing, i told her it was ignorance and not done on purpose, she was convinced even her doctor was in on it as she was not ill but they would bring her to the hospital if she complained about the man. No doubt you could not gang-stalk her, she's a child,people would wonder why they are paid to yell out ape at a child, or the insane slander, it's a bit much to believe that girl is a serial killer, clearly if they were wrong they'd get in trouble and how would police need their help on a darknet chat room to terrorize a terrorist child, confirmed no gang stalker just the man with a Russian accent in this case, bothering her. Synthesized voices are not very complicated and now are natural sounding as well a fake accent is too easy to do, so I wouldn't make much until that perpetrator is caught. I'd like to go to her and encourage her to be strong and wait as a lot of time is passing, especially for a kid who does not understand that a free country like ours means she is not a military experiment, that duplessis orphans were compensated and we're appalled, outside of other countries, this does not happen here ever.

Each time I move cities, the RCMP detachment changes, in Canada this is important, our situation is different than probably most countries. It goes back to the formation of the RCMP. In Canada, force is only legal when used used by RCMP. In fact, if anybody else other than the RCMP demands you do something or threatens with force, they have to get the RCMP to act and cannot do it themselves. This is weighed against the force used in situations of emergency such as bouncer at a nightclub who may have assaulted you or a security guard that detains you, you have a legal complaint of injury or even the minutes you were held on your way to work if it caused you any financial losses. Always our government does with force against a citizen must either order the police to act as per a judge as one officer once said when I said "you can't bring me to a hospital, I haven't DONE anything" and they responded "I know we have an order from a judge we have to he signed it and everything" that last bit makes me chuckle thinking there are some that don't get signed in time for the arrest or as one VPD officer said when I yelled "you cant arrest me", "we aren't arresting you this is called detaining" so it doesn't need a judges order in the last case, just suspicion of mental illness, really easy to void your rights temporarily and is so unlikely you can get compensation for the damages in that case. One tip for other TI's and to calm any hysteria, to detain you repeatedly without a serious charter of rights (Canadian rights created after the election of our current prime ministers father) the police need to bring you to a new hospital if the last one cleared you but that takes hours and only after all the hospitals say you're sane then in the words of Calgary Police Services "he's already been to them all, what do we do now". I loved how Moose Jaw doctor said "well you can see nothings wrong with him, if you want to bring him anywhere I suppose jail but don't bring him here" it's too bad more hospitals don't behave like they did that time. I have lost a lot and for two years I was angry as I saw the happiest I've ever been in my life, seriously, reduced by destroying what I have been trying to get my whole life, a really successful business that would put me financially where I believe I deserved for my hard work and talent, I was behind in the financial area. I want to have something going before I'm relaxed enough for a family, I feel I'm almost old at almost 40 and even though my family knows it, it's hard for them to realize I have learned and kept close to my heart their teachings. At my career I've worked hard, I'm well paid and valued expert, not an ordinary expert, I'm very good, and always praised at work. My poverty currently is not a result of bad choices or their failing, I was so close to success and I think everybody who has tried to start a successful business and given up trying again knows this feeling. It's probably the feeling everybody gets right before they make it, it's really empowering, I had energy and was happy as I've never had anything like that yet, it seemed to sell on it's own I had 18 months increasing income even had the most revenue the month I was first hospitalized on a day before Halloween or thereabouts in October 2014, for 3 weeks of November I could not work forced to stay to my declining confidence the security cameras would be checked and the police would return to hospital saying wait he's not crazy he's a hero. Had called to report terrorism, I even wondered if it's not terrorism, it's something else, I found out it would be either terrorism or criminal harassment, and I recorded it and also the security cameras showed so many things 100% clear they would eventually check the cameras and know I was not crazy. I had not been delinquent and partied away the years, I was so happy even not bad but slightly worried after the murder, yet I almost stayed at Howard Johnson instead of continuing to get bed and breakfast, I could afford it and would only need to do something extra to make up for the extra coffee and food I'd need for the rest of the day. If I had ever made it as I was about to, my family would have seen and heard from me earlier and more often. The part about witnessing the fake terrorism got the attention of v2k psychopaths so I'm guessing it's important.

Right now writing this I only want to stop the targeting, to have silence, no more abuse, no more lying psychopaths. I will focus from then to get the psychopaths arrested, caught, or dead. I am determined to get financial damages for the insane failure of government to even live up to the basic expectation of any societal contract, physical or otherwise. Even primitive societies fail rarely when it comes to your possessions, and accept those who comply with the rules. I do not believe I will get any money for this but if the truth were known to the courts, that's impossible, as it will be my statements that will survive if I live that long, but if a tenth of the truth were known, 56 months, that is 5 months, it would be in the millions since the government needs to realize this cannot happen in the future, I'm legally entitled to 500,000 due to lost income, ongoing negligence. This is an unreal fantasy, I already expected to die due to the hundreds of death threats, threats of poison, the psychopaths insistence and obvious hatred of me, the constant lies, the fialure repeated by police, doctors, family and friends. Simply to survive and live to the end alone is as unlikely to me as God and his angels presenting themselves to us all, total fantasy. Maybe there is happiness in the future, I mused on this once as I heard people laughing and drinking. I thought wow this is what it must feel like to be in a hospital dying before one's time without a full life, hearing people walk by with children laughing or carrying on without a care in the world. I certainly feel like it's before my time and nobody cares about us, we're going to die and nobody cares, they go on happy with a normal life and if I stop them and say hey this is no time for laughter and explain they too will not believe it and carry on. For almost 5 years I am told hundreds of times and even now someone saying "YA RIGHT" into my window, I know it's closed, I know that is the psychopath rape cult, it's always abusive psychopaths, if not it's cut off.

The only other way to use force in Canada must come all the way from the top, the minister of public safety, currently Mr Ralph Goodale, a liberal minister who once worked beside Justin Trudeau's father, the well respected Pierre Trudeau who believed in a "just society" which can only happen by participation of "just Canadians". Ralph Goodale as the minister is kept apprised of classified security briefings from our intelligence services including anything released to Canada from the "five eyes" which includes what I previously thought as a powerful and all knowing security that I no longer think is even close to the scary truth. I wish they were because then I'd be happy still, it took 2 years to destroy my business and I was so close, and two more years for me to be in this state, totally given up on winning, living, or any idea of compensation, but I have to try since if the authorities never learn the truth and most TI's believe it's the authorities, then it won't just be the end of my life, but every Canadian will suffer, and at a minimum the American hegemony will be over, unlike most of us, I used to be a pretty big fan of Canada and still hope the Americans figure this out before it's too late, if they have, then Canada is still in the dark ages. I try to get the ministers attention and pray they are all just unaware about the truth and not ignoring the serious situation. I pray they are not themselves wrapped up in the blackmail or the conspiracy, I pray the gateway through which my emails must get through is not corrupted. I even went to Regina town hall and was so close to asking a question, even if I sat in the first section I would have got it for sure, some guy asked about CSIS removing microphone surveillance from TV's (not a bad idea now that I see the worlds real problems seriously) which got chuckles and clapping while I got excited since that guy must hear my question directly to the prime minister I even saw Mr Goodale sitting to the side. For sure the mockery that guy got would be well overshadowed by the uproar of my question and the crazy guy maybe would figure out that it's not the TV after all, maybe he wasn't crazy, maybe he did scientific method and knows it has to be the TV since he's unaware about technology and how common advanced technology is used by government and criminals. I even tweeted trump, it's not illegal phone taps, it's mind reading, much easier and if he thinks a phone has anything to do with surveillance maybe he is clueless too. My question to Trudeau, and the majority party, which is the only party privy to top secret classified briefings is the only party with knowledge of such things, I have known since the first party the conservatives was there when this started and I prayed the change would fix the problem, nothing.

In additions to police and elected experienced government officials being unable to do anything. I hoped that doctors could and often tell them way more than anybody else, I know from talking to TI's they all get stuck on something, I believe most are getting tricked and they all claim the authorities are intentionally abusing and killing people. The doctors on my side are thankfully very smart and psychiatrists have to agree or somebody is incompetent or needs additional training, they consider it similar to what scientists do with science, it's provable and if you disagree after it's explained again, something may be wrong with you. Psychiatrists have to have unanimous agreement, but often they do not read my stack of medical history which I volunteer since I think it alone shows a very serious problem. Especially since nothing in the enormous Lord of the Rings medical history that starts in October 2014 is off or "oh I remember that oops" everything is I know what this looks like but it's true, I was not drunk or stoned, it's really exactly as I described back then. With mentally ill people, it's always obvious they "were off back then" or "oops that was actually my bad". I never wake up and go oh shit I was messed up how stupid or silly I was, it's more like I wake up and doubt my memory and look for it until it happens again this time acting more cautiously than the last so at least I'm certain I'm not crazy, it took years to one day scream out "I'm not crazy" and be sure of it beyond any doubt, it's been many many days of more and more ridiculous behavior which as a tip, their behavior can be made worse, louder, provoking "he never heard us what the hell" or "is he recordings" by pretending you never saw it, pretending you don't know what it means, or that it's a coincidence, it's another "Stephan" or denying their lie, it's paid - explain it to the psychopaths simply by telling them it's anonymous ops, those police aren't crazy they are confused, one my favorites "hear that psychopath that was meant for you, they're waiting for you to show up come on now", you lied to them with anonymous complaints, obviously another gang-stalker produced by anonymous ops. Hmmm Must be a bunch of rapists etc. I know they thought they were working for the authorities, once a couple left since I told them it's not the authorities it's a bunch of rapists, and they were gone, "lets go honey it wasn't the authorities".

A doctor can't tell anybody jack about a TI, it's a stupid and extremely risky idea to think they can tell you a TI is ill or sane, they cannot, only a few actually can and when they know I'm not ill they explained it to me and beyond that there is nothing for them do to force the police to act, somehow police think if I'm sane the doctors will figure it out what to do next. All this doctors explained to me as I had lots of time to ask nurses mostly but doctors would confirm anything they could not answer. I also had my diagnosis of depression explained by a very good doctor who I believe even handled some abusive doctors attempts to change her diagnosis, I know everything a competent doctor fully informed of my situation would say to prove I'm not ill, if any of those conditions changed, i would be the first person to get help, I'm so well aware of the procedure which mandates all psychiatrists be in agreement before completing a diagnosis, it's like science it's true or false, not something we agree to disagree on, it's proven or unproven one is a diagnosis (proven) and comes with a completion involving telling the patient and more to that for serious cases, the other is a prognosis a reasonable believe it will occur in the future based on current observations. The doctors say the police only brought you AFTER investigating and clearly nothing is there to investigate, if there were, they would not bring you to a hospital. I know there is a problem here. There is no psychic crystal ball in a hospital and police seem to think there is. If a TI tells a doctor the truth which I do in vain and overly confident always thinking the best hopeful they can help, the doctor is trying to figure out WHAT illness caused this to occur, and not if you have an illness or not. Only once when i went in voluntarily for depression and the ministry of social services appeared to be criminal harassment by treating me different and denying normal application based on made up criteria and gas-lighting me when I knew it to be a lie, even confirming it with other welfare recipients, and final confirmation came after the social worker in the hospital approved my move form which was an exact copy of a previous one denied, I had four denied at this point and had all my computers stolen so many times, had a hard time panhandling, insane abuse from the psychopaths, woke up hungry and tired and had enough, I pretended to go the hospital for them to get excited as a way of fighting back and so I pretended again and this time went in. Thankfully good doctors know that symptoms don't make the illness, I've explained to the psychopaths why that won't work, honestly a few times they said "Stephan why don't you have the illness, explain that again" It's hard for me to not explain something it's part of my nature, indeed if I'm doing some social activity, I feel almost empty if I'm not productive and explaining anything I know, that's knowledge not information, especially with anything computer, this good deed at the least makes me feel good and that the social event is not a total waste of time at least I shared some knowledge. Funny to me is that I know often after trying that maybe it's not appreciated at least I'm happy. I know the symptoms are not symptoms of illness but of targeting and can explain how each is artificially created, this does not help incredulous psychiatrists who if they were as thorough and knowledgeable and kind as the best of them would have to wonder, if I'm not ill, am I making it up. Other than that, (psycho said yes you are making it up right now ha ha whatever they know their statement is false, more gas-lighting) other than that, the doctor that competently gets this far and it's obvious I'm not a psychopath since if I were I wouldn't be in this situation, totally fucking screwed, socially manipulative psychopaths find it easy to control the police and others, I am not having success in the realm of social manipulaton, something normal fun and exciting to psychopaths who are control freaks, particularly the kind of serial rapist psychopaths called narcissists, totaly bend over the idea they are not worshipped or treated any different than otjhers. I even know the technology and can explain it as I'm not only a TI, I'm an expert systems analyst, this title coming from over 10 years experience (I'd have 16 with no targeting) and my job titles and functioning allows me to call myself an Information Scientist, obviously not enough of us working for government officials entrusted with public safety, at least none of any decent ability. Only after this experience would I know that between a doctor, an information scientist, and a police officer, few questions outside of each of their direct domain would I entrust to any but the scientist. I only say that because it seems very strange that I'm ignored and I know the first definition I found was silly. I think most people any profession other than computer science, even many with the same profession would arrive first at the wrong definition. I know, I found the book to be suspicious when I realized it was from two Nigerians talking about computers and when I read it over briefly it was obviously a sham and seemed to beg for money for more computers in Nigerian schools. The definition is accurate and came from a prestigious university website, my profession being one that requires logical thinking and problem solving skills, both of which I enjoy.

The list of organized stalking targets is checked once per RCMP detachment, after that the v2k hell changes into another gear, creating one more page in what I call the choose your own adventure story or game theory matrix that needs to happen before the page changes, in each detachment it resets to the beginning due to i'm guessing lack of information sharing and the psychopath must restart his whole story from beginning. I can choose to never tell police about the abuse of gang-stalking. Sometimes in some of the "books" (new city or return to old one) we get stuck on one issue, once it was I believed "FRIPT" was not a word, all I do is say "I don't believe in frip" and they all scream angrily eventually and it can go on for months since that's all I need to do to stop the progression of their murder plot and they might as well all go home until the next day, sometimes but rarely after giving it a good go, they ignore my fix for their bullshit and go on to the next phase pretending I never said it. I'd wait a bit and again when I realized their "story" was onto something new, I'd repeat "not fake not real" to more ire and complaints, eventually reverting, after months sometimes resetting to a whole new gig, for example here in a new city it's often confusion if I say "not fake not real". This one was a fix because the fake rapist was started one day when I overheard the stalkers showing someone a picture with flies on it or something, it was obviously sexual abuse and really gross from what I would often hear, so to these people I would say it's fake, not real, they photo shopped it etc. After that they'd grumble in public to me directly so you're not a real rapist. Still harassment, it's clear reminding a victim about the rape, but then you'd seem to agree, at least it's better than being called a rapist. At this they'd be very angry and threaten me sometimes, turns out a fake rapist is worse than a real rapist so you've got 2 choices you must say yes or no then the question is loaded. They used to get so mad if I realized what was happening and yelled not fake not real, it doesn't mean yes or no and didn't even include the word rapist so they were pissed off I could yell it anywhere without scaring anybody. Once it was "i dont' believe you're the fake CIA" and the amount of anger from the psychopath builds over time on this one, one day becoming very anger and threatening that if I didn't believe he was the fake CIA, then he'd kill me, he was the authorities I had to believe him or I'd die and didn't let up for days and days with this rage. It annoys them when I move cities, even if I leave and come back months later, I heard Gary yell into the phone "why does it have to restart from beginning, can't we just start where we left off" very angry and frustrated. He also said "why does Scott have to do that, go to Calgary" and "what's a fake rapist" as well as "isol works with Jim" and "he believes in mind reading isn't that enough to you know". After I post this online permanently then the stalkers will jump on it as evidence of why the gang-stalking or the calls to police exist, the stalkers use my public posts to claim their harassment even that recorded in the past is a reaction to this post made way after the fact, totally illogical but I know it's true even though mostly it's a threat to prevent me from speaking something, strange they are mentioning now the thing that got the special psychiatrist to run out of the room cancelling my "physical test", why should any word they say cancel that, especially when I have no idea who that girl is, crazy psychopaths. It's illogical like everything else they say, but it will make sense if you imagine I will die, and never get a chance to point out the truth. Usually why they do something becomes clear after the result often a disaster, making it obvious they are not hallucinations not like that is necessary or even valuable anymore, I am a scientist proud of what I know to be true and know the difference from the information I believe to be true. The stalkers believe they have the truth and can prove it as long as nobody ever speaks to me directly, direct means face to face. Since I've described several techniques I found confusing at first but after this long, I understand why they are doing these things repeatedly. Since the transcript is flawed for sure, I must not be alive when it is finally presented, an excuse to ignore my murder. These statements will become the reason for their abuses, the psychopaths believe will be enough for whoever they will present the out of context mind reading statements to. The illogical time sequence may be missing or forged, the dubious lack of context, all my emails, every doctors report, all the police notes in three provinces ten cities, my constant note taking, my cloud storage, my other backups, all of this will somehow be missed or forged and edited. Even with all my passwords I think that sounds like an unlikely event even after they kill me, I really pray someone understands how serious this is and so much information is missing here that would help not only myself and my family but all the other TI's in the same boat, many are already dead, and after I die, my stalkers promise to go onto others, sometimes talking about who next, they suggest the daughter of Debbie in Penticton, her daughter in Vancouver who told me on the phone before the murder "no... it's creepy, I can't explain it, don't you feel it, something is wrong" but I believed she was experiencing stigma related to her mother falling ill in the years I had been away, it can be hard to see someone you love who is changed by mental illness, I asked her to come promising her mother was still inside there even though she was off, she still will feel you and even if she isn't acting the same, she is still jin there and needs her love and would appreciate it.

Even if this were all true and that mind reading and v2k are not devices you can purchase on just any dark net site. Or even say that no dark net site can be found with these devices that can be purchased to torment victims, no doubt if there was one, knowledge would get out there eventually, even in smaller circles. Then how did I get to be targeted, say by authorities due to being a witness they will protect with the targeting at least until this rapist who was targeted before the murder is behind bars. How then did I suddenly disappear off the radar so many times? Why is it that I am still here being mind read and lied to constantly and also ignored when I complain, how the f am I eating unlimited peanut butter and sandwiches again and grumbling about the massive incompetence of our most trusted profession next to actual judges, is it really that bad of a situation. Or how did the original rapist target disappear, is he maybe dead, and I was put in his place? I wondered these things a lot and since there is a 3rd party who monitors my communications and acts to subvert the truth. Another clue is it appears some of my imaginary words like if I said bazinglezazzle in my head they get "undefined" or if I say zoop zoop zoop zoop for my four digit bank PIN they get "bank machine" I can say it anywhere they say bank machine no matter what, sometimes I hear them force it out, so it seems like the zoop is corrected but am unsure since they always lie. When I do not speak aloud they will suddenly jump on me for explaining Pythagoras theorem and say "see thatch why you're the gay crackhead rapist" and I'm straight and obviously not the crackhead rapist so there is unlikely any suggestion here of either, especially not explaining simple mathmatics I somehow got into my internal dialogue, oh the tribulations of always having someone listening and needing to constantly bulldoze away their messages even totally boring them or repeating myself over and over are both desirable, I swear I put them to sleep before and enjoyed the night in silence, once even pretending to sleep with breathing got them to set something up and leave for the night which I stayed up enjoying silence until someone returned. Many more examples of why I came to the level of certainty I'm at now. It's hard to jump from the beginning to the end, and for certainty you need to have really experienced or even imagine how certain one would be after living 1500 days of this slowly changing hell which is always the stalkers preventing me from speaking truth. Logical fallacy, beliefs based on a common failure in logic, acceptability, relevance and sufficiency seem to be their playbook, thankful for that one, since even explaining the logical failure in the statement may not stop them from repeating it over and over until they say "wait what the hell, why is it again that this is not logical" at the least it brings a smile to my face when they give up like that but their abuse being illogical is not painful or a worry outside of the repetition of the mindlessness of bullshit making me crave my normal life, full of productivity where I learn or in the worst case taught something to somebody or tried. One could never rely on a miscommunication device for truth, obviously if the victim is not there, then it's not proof of anything, this system is somehow subverting truth but how, I expect those that designed it are too certain of it, but there has to be a way it is happening.

After the lady from authorities was murdered, the group no longer said i was the witness. They would instead claim something so wrong, it should make anybody ever involved in these serious crimes commit against somebody close to them very angry. The first excuse was I killed or raped or both my friend Stephanie's Niece. Instead of the witness they were targeting for my protection or as one of many other suspects, suddenly I was the rapist they were tailing all along. This was I think back in 2015 and the stalkers claimed the identity of Stephanie's Niece was that of my ex girlfriend, I wrote "love" and her name on a questionnaire my business partner filled out while I was in Japan in October 2014. I also told them my greatest fear on this questionnaire, indispensable condiment on hot dogs, favorite 3 things to do, and a few other silly question that my business partner promised would get us on a tv show for good exposure. The stalkers used the first two women on the questionnaire in a series of abusive days with each phase of this harassment lasting several days and focusing on the first name of the first two of the girls. The final day was when they introduced a girl with a name I've forgotten since the fact it was a name I didn't recognize while anticipating their charade to be the girl I wrote "love" by, even knowing it was all bullshit, i was sore and angry that it had some other name, worse a name I didn't even recognize outside of a character on TV, indeed I couldn't name or picture the face of any woman by this name and the first three last names were a cartoon character, an actress on a popular sitcom, and the daughter of a famous rock star, several times again the psychopaths believe that they can scare me from mentioning what this name is and they never gave me a last name. It's odd, this name came about near the third year when all my harassment stopped one day and replaced with heavy repetition of five words all of which are meaningless to me, but they turned them into abuse simply by repetition and then making up something for each of teh words eventually pissing me off but only because mentioning those words without meaning now has context and now is clearly abuse they made up, I suspected at the time to switch me and another TI, but still unsure of what the five words mean and the name, I have confirmed it with several police that they are meaningless to them as they are to myself.

I have to wrap this up as I've already had an assault, had to kick out some homeless freeloaders living in the spare room drinking McDonalds and well fed while I don't need additional security risk even if they are homeless especially when I'm starving broke as a joke and have no home to go get food at, that sounded fishy since homeless means homeless and if they're not paying a dime then what the hell is going on. Go panhandle like I need to do after this letter. Also I had a serious threat yelled in the wagging door after they slammed it and left.

The v2k said something undecipherable but it's the 3rd of the 5 words created in Calgary out of the blue and then turned into harassment over the next few years of totally insane abuse and repetition. I was a few words into the next paragraph before my brain deciphered it based on a few phenoms and syllables, the stalkers jump on that and claim my guess was accurate insisting I lie about not hearing them because I happened to predict what they said based on their miscommunication device which certainly is not used intending me to hear them correctly and I could repeat the truth over and over they deny it, but one thing they can misconstrue,


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