A Beginning Is Just A Decision To Try Again - Welcome to My Beginning - Hello Steem
Hello Steemit community!
One year ago I found myself staring into my computer, its familiar blue light the sole beacon of comfort shining through the surrounding cavernous darkness of my parents' basement. In front of me my screen was open to a blank page, that empty land of both promise and crippling expectation.
What am I doing here? I thought. No answer was forthcoming; not from my own head, my computer, nor the ghost of some long dead ancestor who may have still been hovering nearby. I was all alone in my not-knowing, but there were some things I was certain of. I certainly knew what I was not doing here - I was not working any longer in the corporate world dealing with banking and finance, I was not living in Tokyo where just being in the city made you feel like you meant something. I was no longer independent, I was no longer financially stable. I was back to where I started.
"Come on, come on," I whisper under my breathe, trying a new tactic of coaxing the creativity out of me. "You can do it, just write something, anything. Get it down on paper and you can always go back and delete it later. Just write for God's sake, any word in the English language will do!"
Now who in their right minds would drop out of a "successful-on-paper-and-on-Instagram" life to willingly choose to adopt the glamorous new title of a bonafide Basement Dwelling Hermit? Someone madly in love with writing, that's who. That's right, I fell for the bad boy Momma always warned against, that one who would turn my life upside down and sideways.
Writing caught my attention while I was working abroad, and teased me with the promise of living a life worth living, one where I followed in my own happiness and stood in my own truth. Well I followed my heart and moved my life back across the world to Canada, only to discover in the dimly lit well of my new working studio that writing's love is just as fickle as my poor over sufferin' mother predicted it to be.
But I am not one to give up on a good thing. Even if this vocation I gave my heart to is as slick as an eel, always leaping from my grasp the moment I begin to think I have gotten a handle on it, I am not giving up. One year ago, I was just dipping my toes in, testing the waters of this new pool of vastness I had never ventured near before. One year later, I am back in front of my computer (I have better lighting now so am less in danger of walking into a stray box or a wall anytime I'm heading back up into the waking world above) and still in love.
This space will be a love letter to writing, but more than to the act itself it will be of a testament to the different moods it takes you through, the ups and downs, the tantrums, and the revelations that we all go through when trying to accomplish anything in order to get. it. done.
I look forward to your comments and feedback, and to go on this journey together with you all.
Thank you, and happy reading!
Awesome to have you here! We need more serious writers and content providers! Best of luck on your Steemit journey!
If your dream is to write and you want to get paid doing it you are in the right place.
Upvoted and re-steemed! Glad to have you on board!
welcome, nice photo :)
Thank you! Happy to be here :)