Introducing Myself: Nurse Practitioner/ Whistleblower/ Public Speaker/ Functional Medicine/ Not Western Medicine

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

               I am a nurse practitioner who is completely DONE with the way western medicine and Big Pharma have ruined the health of this country.  I believe and have proven time and again the body’s ability to heal itself, and I will not stand for people to be pilled and creamed to death any longer.   I am blunt, the answers that I give are not easy, and I have a titanium steel rod for a spine.  I am a public speaker, a confirmed whistleblower, an educator, and I am not scared of retaliation.   

I was a very sick child.  I caught every cold, flu, stomach bug, strep, virus, bacterial infection that ever circulated. I had chronic ear infections and was easily given over 100 rounds of antibiotics in my childhood not to mention pain relievers, fever reduces, anti- inflammatories, steroids,  allergy medications, inhalers, you name it.  Anything they could give my body to tell it to SHUT UP, they did.  When I was 16 I was sick for 2 weeks following the flu shot and then proceeded to miss so many days of school that my pediatrician had to write a letter to the school board verifying that I was indeed that sick and deserved credit for the year.  When I was 17 I was given the hepatitis B vaccine series to prepare for nursing school in college.  My reactions to the first two shots were so bad, they decided to have my twin brother drive me for the third. I was out before we left the parking lot of the office, and didn’t really resurface for about 2 days.  I really declined after that time. Fast forward to Junior year in college and I had a bout of vomiting and diarrhea until I passed out that landed me in the emergency room.  For over a year I vomited, had chronic diarrhea, lost down to 112 pounds on my 5’10 frame, hadn’t felt a hunger pain in almost that long, would look down in class to see hair, eyelashes, and eyebrow hairs all over my shirt and lap.  Nine doctors, many procedures,  misdiagnoses, and a slew of very unhelpful and toxic medications later, I landed in the office of an Internal Medicine Doctor gone alternative.  After an hour and a half of intense and detailed intake, he gently walked me around a disease cycle that had been spinning my entire life, only to have that final “trigger” throw me under the bus.  I essentially had autoimmune disease, fulminant yeast overgrowth in my entire body that could even be visualized in my esophagus, and Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purapura.  It wasn’t until years later I discovered I had celiac disease.    

Although I did some work around age 20 and 21 to get myself into a more manageable state of health, I still had a long way to go.  During that time I graduated from Nursing school, became a neonatal transport nurse, transporting sick and premature infants in helicopters, airplanes, and ambulances, I became a champion in patient safety for a very large hospital system in the Dallas/ Ft. Worth Area, became an educator, central line expert, charge nurse, and eventually went back to nurse practitioner school.  During graduate school, it really hit me how absolutely lacking education is in this country for healthcare providers.  I graduated with a 4.0 and went to work as a provider in multiple Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) in the area, as well as went to work on healing myself with any information I could get my hands on and with alternative providers who thought outside of the box.  While the large units provided 24 hours of work to be completed, the smaller units provided hours and hours of downtime.  It was during that time that I spent well over 800 hours of my time studying functional medicine including blood, hair, stool, saliva, and urine analysis,  methylation pathway defects, nutrition and nutrigenomics, homeopathy, detoxification, applied kinesiology and many other alternative modalities.  Since that time I easily have over 1500 hours of education in those areas as well as over 1800 hours of personal time reading research on vaccines.  Since that time I have written and run a functional medicine program for a large and successful program in the area for adults before jumping back in to pediatrics with intense drive and passion to see that children have better health in their childhoods than I did.  Following some serious harassment for my public interviews, I was systematically relieved from my privileges to see patients in the NICU.  

What I’m up to now:  I’ve had a large following on Facebook on my personal page for quite some time now.  I have daily friend requests from people I don’t know that read about me, hear me speak in public, or catch one of my radio interviews. I receive 10 to 25 messages a day with questions, requests for topics to be covered, or just to tell me that they love to stop by my page on a regular basis from all over the world.  I’ve had a website called that has been hacked on numerous occasions before I can get anything substantial going.    

Examples of subject matter I cover on my posts include developmental delay, autism, sensory processing disorder, asthma, eczema, adhd, autoimmune disease, chronic disease,  cholesterol, nutrition, leaky gut and gut healing, hashimotos, parkinsons/ MS/ Alzheimers, pointed details on raising children from conception until the age of 2, reflux/ heartburn, cold and flu prevention and natural treatment, ear infections, etc.  The list is vast. I’ve treated patients from the moment of birth to the age of 89.    

I feel an intense need to get as much information out to the public as possible.  This is quickly becoming challenging in the new world order of censorship.  After much research and thought as well as guidance from a very forward thinking IT person who believes in my message, I’ve decided to use SteemIt as my main platform.  I very much believe that Block Chain Technology is where we all need to start focusing our energies so that we can have all information available and be able to have intelligent, open discussions on topics that are quickly becoming polarized and politicized.    I have started the process of creating professional facebook and twitter pages in order to move all of my followers out of my personal arena to keep the messages pure.  I have started a youtube channel to track my interviews as well as create more videos to disseminate information.  My website will only be a landing page at this point to direct people to SteemIt.  I am very driven to take my followers with me to Steemit so that we can continue to function uninhibited for the betterment of ourselves, our families, and our friends.  

Please see the following links in order to vet that I am who I really say I am as well as introduce yourself so that I can begin to follow those in the same arena on the same mission.  (Remember that my professional pages are new, and therefore I am still garnering attention to move people over from my personal space!)   

Personal Facebook Page:

Professional Facebook Page:

Twitter Page:

Youtube Channel:

The paternalistic medicine model has started a decent into a slow fiery death, let’s make it happen even faster.    

"The era of paternalistic medicine is over. No longer will parents and patients just accept with blind faith everything said by their doctor (nor should they). If mutual cooperation to optimize a patient's health isn't embraced, I truly feel like the doctor is failing. We as a medical profession need to suck it up, swallow our egos, and start striving to learn more, regardless of the source of information." Dr. Ghaheri



Welcome to Steemit! Sorry to hear about all the illnesses, and am glad it turned out ok. Hopefully Steemit can get your message across, good luck!

Thank you. I fully realize if I hadn't been through what I have, I would know ALLLLL the things that I do today!! I try to be positive about it!

Science is killing us for profit.

A cured patient is a lost customer.

Welcome onboard, dear nurse. I love nurses and I'm happy to have you here.

Welcom to Steemit!
We are excited to read what you have to share!

Thank you! I'm really trying to get the message out there and believe Block Chain Technology is where we all need to continue to have access to all the information without censorship and be able to have open conversations!

Patients seem nowadays to be at times more expert than the supposed professionals in the "industry."

I always say- there is nothing like a mama with a bone up in the middle of the night! Providers have to stay on their toes and be open to what patients find- especially parents! They will go weeks without sleep to become an expert on something. I personally love that about parents!

love it! I've been taking Juice Plus. If you haven't heard of it, it's 30 fruits/veggies in a daily supplement. plants are our medicine, not big pharma. <3

My father in law was taking Juice Plus back when the Vineyard was in production. My husband talked them into letting him have them early. He took 5 doses a day of the "red green and purple" as I call them and lived years longer than expected. We really believe that is a big reason why. I had a lot of improvement on them but had to come off because of the added folic acid as I figured out I have MTHFR and couldn't process it. I've been round and round with the biomed guy and Mitra Ray to get it out of there! They need to get with it! That being said I do have a lot of patients on it!

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true words. I am following you for more great stories.

Welcome to Steemit! This was a really nice post. Nicely done.Thanks for sharing :) Keep on Steeming.If you have any doubts, you can always join and ask for #help.

Welcome Michelle! We are birds of a feather as you can see from my introduction post.

I too have had enough! I let my licenses lapse because I do not want to be associated with a profession that is about doing more harm than good as you can see here. My personal health is now a battle because of a mandatory flu shot and the vaccine injury I now live with.

I utilize therapies I learned as a Holistic Nurse Practitioner and Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture and I
am a strong supporter of cannabis and I find is repulsive that the government holds it hostage while taking the steps to further control the use of a God given plant that heals so much.

As a result of my health issues I do not post as often as I would like, but it is what it is. In addition to the dangers of vaccines I speak out about the health hazards of Fluoride and other things. I can only hope that I will wake others up to the atrocities being put on society.

I want to extend a big thank you to @canadian-coconut for introducing me to you. She is one with a big heart and a strong desire to share the truth.

I am SO happy to "meet" you. I am always looking for like minded professionals. I really look forward to following your page and pray for recovery for you. As you saw from my introduction that it was a long road for me and will continue to be something in the forefront of my life from now on in an attempt to stay well. I am headed over to read your story now!

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