INTRODUCTION TO @STEEMIT,the hottest spot ever!
my name is Aniedi joseph Edem,am from Akwaibom and a citizen of a couselling psychologist in the making,studying guidance and counselling in university of uyo,uyo,Nigeria
i joke on stage,shows and events just for fun and to make a living then survive as a student,playing on the mic is wonderful! wow check out the feeling;
Am a very out going type of guy,that means i love parties and events,i enjoy talking infront of the crowd because it makes me feel good and incharge..
check out this one;cracking jokes @an event last chrismas
I came across the steemit community through a close friend of mine @joshuaattat ,he
made me understand the importance of the steemit community and steemit network as a way of building self sufficiency for both the old and young.
For me! am just a simple young man, open to ideas,opinions and opportunities, a rationalist with never give up as his belief..
before i joined steemit it was as if i was in the dark but right now my eyes have seen the light "i can" because i now believe am good to go any time ,i have the oppurtunity to make new friends and meet new business partners plus those who see as mentors any time any day..
The steemit idea came to me when through @joshuaattat when i never expected it,he went ahead to introduce me to other sharks like @vwovwe @tobiken @samstickkz @annieben @greenrun @gbenga from the western part of the country,@ejema @elizabethscarlet @datibomchic @surppasinggoogle @tojukaka @spirit @infovore.. @joshuaattat also made me know the good works @stach is doing in the uyo steemit community, awwwnnn its so hausome,what a hub!
@the champion beweries event;
@a wedding reception;![IMG_1981.JPG]
Welcome to this steemit family ! i hope you enjoy here and You will love it. @arvindkumar Follow Upvote Resteem
ok thanks fresh,oya lemme pray for you MAY YOUR GIRL FRIEND BE REAL AND NOT FAKE like this one:,
@mckraizydon @egema @anieben @sistem @tobiken
Welcome to steemit deary.
Welcome to steemit @mckraizydon. Glad to have you. Follow me if you may, I'll follow back ☺ Look forward to seeing your posts
Welcome to the Big Steemit World