
Then go away? Lol. Nobody asked you to. yawn you're boring me dude. Seriously. For someone who doesn't care, how'd you put it. "you just can't leave it alone...." lol

Lol, you're the one coming at me.

You're grasping at straws. lol you call me from a callblocker ad; terrifingly disguise your voice LOL and start making up shit about you having my dick pics being sent to children? That's far out.. Wow you are literally butthurt. Must've killed you to have to "power down" looks like I won! :) best part is I didn't even need to do anything. You just made yourself look like a dumbass. People are smarter than you give them credit for. Again. Idiot.

actually feel great :) spa weekend. thanksgiving with family & wifey & all. you know. a life. come back for my 15 minutes a day to check on what's going on and see you leering around the corner in true matty fashion to flag & remove a post that has absolutely nothing to do with you that many people actually would've enjoyed to read? Yet you have the audacity to call me "toxic to the community" & go do whatever you want to do i don't care i don't follow you or harrass you cause i have more than enough on my plate.

I'm a meth addict now? Lol. you're stupid kid. grow some balls and show some class you're a parasitic leach. Goodbye. your 15 mins are up

You make my case for me & it makes no difference if you delete them later cause at the end of the day your account is gone. You're powering down because as I said this is siege; and like Troy I may not have "won" (you act like I give a shit lol) but i've worn you down to the extent that you've had to cower behind dozens of new proxys & re-define your entire racketeering/extortion strategy. I'm loving every minute of this bro. Cause while you do this I broker; post TA, host webinars & get paid for my opinion. You get paid for stealing my opinion. That's the difference between me and you...all that matters to me is that I continue to support steemit and sooner or later the devs/mods wil have no choice but to either fix it so that people like you stop fucking it up or just let it wither away and die while FB expands their conglomerate to blockchain.

I've never felt better dude. When's the last time you left your mums? Steemrep lol. Man i cannot wait for the day that this platform gets updated/patched. Or the day that i actually have free time because last time I did. you were frantically panicking like a girl. $60 is all it took to expose your dumbass to the entire community and force you to power down.

The truth always wins my friend; your little 'fakenews' narrative twisting, ragefitting is not only an amazing source of entertainment (literally steemit is now the place I go to get a laugh) as you hover over my blogs.

Dick pic to kids? WTF LOL. i don't even know where to start...

  1. i dont take dick pics *except one time to my wifey and i regret it to this day but she never shared it. or maybe she during a fight idgaf either way there's no way your dumbass got ahold of it
  2. wtf? dude you need help... seriously. kids? raping women? you see me raising money for victims of sex trafficking and you make jokes like that. grow up kid. seriously... i feel bad for you. :-/

More meth rants. Not reading, only flagging.

On my own blog ? lol. you think i haven't got you pinned. you're too boring/easy. You're powering down, secretely building up your racket on another account. Yawn. so am I to each his own. dumbass.

So painfully stupid it hurts . . .

Man go outside and get a breath of fresh air. It'll do you some good. You're kind of creeping me out. It's cool if you're gay I don't care. lol i'm sure there are plenty men out there that would love someone like you!

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